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Instances for Interlude.

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trusted and skilled guy ;)


Thanks mate.


It can be adapted from l2j latest, but well whatever..


As i said in my previous replies, this system is similar to the existing one, as i don't really know how the existing one works. This one is really simple, you can add a whole event inside an instance using nothing but 3-4 lines of code (create the instance, add each player that registers inside it). You don't need xmls or i don't know what for this.


Also addapting might be complex, since the geoengine has changed since Interlude sources and as i have seen the system uses geoengine too.


But whatever, it can be addapted if you have the basic knowledge on how to do that.

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Actualy acis is using the same geoengine as l2j latest. As i told you, it's about 10 min job to do it..


And why the heck you need geoengine and new Instance() object to make instances on Interlude ?

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