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My Lolking guide on Lux


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@Jaharakal I approve.


@OT As an Annie fan (was maining her for like 3 months), what you're saying is just bullshit.


"Your spells have more range than her spells,which means you can harass her freely.If you see that her stun is up and she is playing aggressive it means that her jungler is around.Play passive till level 6,if she doesn't rush Mr or Health she is an easy target."



Really? You obviously haven't played with a decent Annie player.

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ur a big garbage


80 / 105 / 130 / 155 / 180 and hits 2x times so about 360 shield for u,ur jungler and ur bot enough to dive enemy bot and double kill, but speaking with pure garbages like u is no sense u cant understand, ur in the phase where damage > survivability (400 elo) so I won't continue this, gl


You only max Shield if you are laning against a strong poke champ where you need survivability. Q on level 1 without cdr items/runes has 14 Sec , so gl laning with 14 sec on your only skill that helps you to avoid ganks or engages from your lane opponent.  Anyway once a retard always a retard , pointless to talk with albanians ;/

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Every time I play against Lux, I pick MS runes(and boots 1st item sometimes) and a champion with targeted spells like Vladimir. All I do is wait for her to miss a spell (99 % of the time) and then just run to her with my op ms and simply CLICK my undodgeable spell on her and ctrl+4

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Vladimir is not a good option for mid. If some mid laner who knows how to play is against him, he will bully the shit out of him early stage of the game (because his Q has like 10 seconds reuse or so) and at mid/late game he'll be kinda useless.

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Vladimir is not a good option for mid. If some mid laner who knows how to play is against him, he will bully the shit out of him early stage of the game (because his Q has like 10 seconds reuse or so) and at mid/late game he'll be kinda useless.


Vladimir was an example. I only use him mid when I am against Nidalee or Lux.

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Katarina is the best option against Lux imo but generally it's exactly what fortuna said,against lux pick ms quints,maybe some ms from ur masteries(not the last utility point,the first three) all she can do is try to predict your movement,then again,you have to be stupid not to dodge her Q.

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Really? You obviously haven't played with a decent Annie player.

Well i didn't have the chance to play with a decent annie,noone who's around my league plays annie.This is what i got from the three times i went up against her when i was silver 2 and 1.


didn't intent to double post,sorry.

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