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Lindvior Texture Files


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Hey guys,


recently i tried to open a "new" Lindvior Texture File ... official of course. I used UTX fixer and tried to have a look into it (UTXViewer). And well...there is a problem at this point. when i try rightclick->show texture ... nothing happens. looks like its not "fixed" after all and therefore i cant view the texturefiles.


can someone help me solving this problem? is there a new version of utx fixer out somewhere? i noticed that some files have a problem with the good old l2encdec, too?



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you need to decrypt the file and then use the utpt is not something difficult just use search and u will find anything u need to do this ;)


ye i know but if i do i cant view them with utpt. texture wont show up or ill get a stream read error :(

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So here you go! I cant view this texturefile...and all the other lindvior texturefiles. please have a try:





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