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I had the same problem with ya some time ago.. I had only to repair it through the updater and then everything was fine.

still nothing  :rage:

trying 2 days now


already send.

whats ping is normal? mine up to 180

to play normal in lol need your pind <120ms

the reason of crashing is the big ping try to see your connection or stop watch porn and play together :)


to play normal in lol need your pind <120ms

the reason of crashing is the big ping try to see your connection or stop watch porn and play together :)

how fix my connection? :/

how fix my connection? :/


dunno the first try to restart your router and when you restart it just log in lol and make one custom game to see your ping

when i play my ping is 65-80 connect from gr and my connection is 2mbps

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