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Hello i sell this account cuz i stop play league of legends and i start Lineage "pride" so i WTT / WTS.. I accept paysafecard " Psc" only I go First to Trusted memebers ONLY


East/Nordic !


Account information :

Skins 15 :

Akali stinger

Cassiopeia Mythic

Shyvana Darkflame

Fizz atlantean

Ahri Foxfire

Pantheon full metal

Pantheon Glaive

Graves hired gun

Kassadin Harbinger

Ezreal Pulsefire

Rammus Full Metal

Renekton Bloodfury

Shen Warlord

Veigar white mage

Kennen Arctic ops

Champions all Owned

Rune pages : 6

Ranked Elo :Bronze V


*Or i Trade this account for items in pride

Acount Have Registeration email ++ Ill show you the account via Teamviewer for Proofs


Hello i sell this account cuz i stop play league of legends and i start Lineage "pride" so i WTT / WTS.. I accept paysafecard " Psc" only I go First to Trusted memebers ONLY


Account information :

Skins 15 :

Akali stinger

Cassiopeia Mythic

Shyvana Darkflame

Fizz atlantean

Ahri Foxfire

Pantheon full metal

Pantheon Glaive

Graves hired gun

Kassadin Harbinger

Ezreal Pulsefire

Rammus Full Metal

Renekton Bloodfury

Shen Warlord

Veigar white mage

Kennen Arctic ops

Champions all Owned

Rune pages : 6

Ranked Elo :Bronze V


*Or i Trade this account for items in pride

Acount Have Registeration email ++ Ill show you the account via Teamviewer for Proofs


5 Euro Paysafe max.No one will take this account,just keep it.


Hm Why i think is very good account .. Cause the ranked is so low the price?


YES .....if someone want play ranked games.....must play  3 days without sleep to go it in normal elo.  this elo is the worst i ever see WTFFFF


If you think your account can be called out as EPIC you must be kidding us.

Look , cuz my account have silver V isnt Epic ? If wont it stop spam my topic , ill waiting for buyer ! what is ur problem ?

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