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[Share] FrozEN weaponS.>>>....

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-Draconic bow




-Arcana Mace



(I tried to fix the white lines but i didnt made it :-/ )


-Saint spear




-Angel slayer


width=640 height=338http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee66/K4rMa2007/3-19.jpg[/img]






If it will ask for a password fill in the blank "www.maxcheaters.com"


Hope you like them :-/



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Man its cool !!! im making server with frost,ice style so its COOL !!!!


btw.how install it? ;/

Well... there not client side file in it...so you have to make them by your self...SQL+XML...and server side...edit the weapongrp...

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i didnt like your faces mods :P,  but i rly like the coulors u choose for this weapons , rly good (u could add something black to the draconic bow, like u did whit the arcana )


the arcana is bad ass



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Good work, I like them, but could be done with some changes.


How about adding more ice to it ? Ice-picks i.e


A matching armor would also be perfect. with a wind/ice like floating around it.

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