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lf an adc that can carry the game coz all the other lanes will be noobs 90% he must know good positioning , good itemization  and etc...i prefer to inv me in game coz i dont cheach here very offten, no polish ppl plz i dont care about your division high or low i will test u to see if u play as i wants u to and as u must to and ofc if our minds work good together i play around 3-4 hours maybe more  skype would be nice language eng/gr bery good at both :p


Summoner name : LiontaS

Server :EUNE

Division;silver 3-4 around them  my goal is to reach gold for now


feel free to friend me in game


lf an adc that can carry the game coz all the other lanes will be noobs 90% he must know good positioning , good itemization  and etc...i prefer to inv me in game coz i dont cheach here very offten, no polish ppl plz i dont care about your division high or low i will test u to see if u play as i wants u to and as u must to and ofc if our minds work good together i play around 3-4 hours maybe more  skype would be nice language eng/gr bery good at both :p


Summoner name : LiontaS

Server :EUNE

Division;silver 3-4 around them  my goal is to reach gold for now


feel free to friend me in game

are you payin? or not? 8)

are you payin? or not? 8)


[gr] απαγορεύεται το elo boost αλλά μην σκαλώνεις, απλά χόρεψε σαν τον phreak [gr]


am just lf a guy thats sick off all the noobs and want play a bit better and have fun maybe :p


last game one guy left coz delivery food come on ranked  now mid top 0-8 both  ineed a guy that will rock bot most of the times coz like i said in the main post the other lanes will lose 90% and i was right


am just lf a guy thats sick off all the noobs and want play a bit better and have fun maybe :p


last game one guy left coz delivery food come on ranked  now mid top 0-8 both  ineed a guy that will rock bot most of the times coz like i said in the main post the other lanes will lose 90% and i was right

just checked your profile .got some questions for you to answer


1)why you build shurelias reverie on all supports?better get solaris or Aegis-Bulwark

2)Why dont you use Gold per 5 runes?

3)what supports do you play except from cancerous and shitty Leona?

4)on your masteries why dont you use the upgrade of greed for the extra starting gold?


am not here  to disguass stratagies of lol but i will replay to u



1)why you build shurelias reverie on all supports?better get solaris or Aegis-Bulwark i biuld shurelias and iron solaris most of times i see what team need more at the time and i biuld it 1st and as of the bulwark usaly i speak with the top/junger if they will make it and personaly i dont like this items but if my team wants me to biuld it even i find it money eater and usslles i will biuld it for them.


2)Why dont you use Gold per 5 runes? i dont need gold/5 runes i grab some early philosopher stone and am ok i usally forsce sight stone and dont need money for wards


3)what supports do you play except from cancerous and shitty Leona?

i play whatever is good for my adc like sona mf combowombo tarick graves or draven or very agressive leaon draven

and i would like to buy a thresh and a lulu


4)on your masteries why dont you use the upgrade of greed for the extra starting gold? i prefer some more tanky masteries  am on 1/14/15 masteries


and as allways if am wrong about something fell free to let me know and inprove me i take all cometns seriously and if u have more exp than me in this game i will test ur opinions thx u


am not here  to disguass stratagies of lol but i will replay to u



1)why you build shurelias reverie on all supports?better get solaris or Aegis-Bulwark i biuld shurelias and iron solaris most of times i see what team need more at the time and i biuld it 1st and as of the bulwark usaly i speak with the top/junger if they will make it and personaly i dont like this items but if my team wants me to biuld it even i find it money eater and usslles i will biuld it for them.


2)Why dont you use Gold per 5 runes? i dont need gold/5 runes i grab some early philosopher stone and am ok i usally forsce sight stone and dont need money for wards


3)what supports do you play except from cancerous and shitty Leona?

i play whatever is good for my adc like sona mf combowombo tarick graves or draven or very agressive leaon draven

and i would like to buy a thresh and a lulu


4)on your masteries why dont you use the upgrade of greed for the extra starting gold? i prefer some more tanky masteries  am on 1/14/15 masteries


and as allways if am wrong about something fell free to let me know and inprove me i take all cometns seriously and if u have more exp than me in this game i will test ur opinions thx u


1)Shurelias gives no real aura to your adc and generally in lane apart from the speed boost.On the other hand,Aegis/Bulawark or even solari let you trade in lane/mid game more efficiently than shurelia ,with the stats they provide.


2) so you re telling me that 15ap improve your gameplay or hurt enemies more? in terms of time you ll get much more gold with GP5 runes. which results in more items and better contribution to your team.


3)nothing to comment


4)i use 0-13-17 or 1-13-16 ... still i got the tankiness i need for my squishy supps and also i got the masteries i mentioned.


many supports go for cds runes instead of gp10  and at this games of silver and early gold an item on the suport will make no diferent at all belive me some coulds may be more usefull and yes i intend to change my runes


many supports go for cds runes instead of gp10  and at this games of silver and early gold an item on the suport will make no diferent at all belive me some coulds may be more usefull and yes i intend to change my runes

whilst supports get CDR items(solari,zekes,or even shurelias,Frozen Heart) i see worthless spending 8k ip in order to get 5%cdr from runes.

an item on the suport will make no diferent at all belive me


lol no. There's a reason why pro teams give early kills to their supports instead of the AD carries.


just checked your profile .got some questions for you to answer


1)why you build shurelias reverie on all supports?better get solaris or Aegis-Bulwark

2)Why dont you use Gold per 5 runes?

3)what supports do you play except from cancerous and shitty Leona?

4)on your masteries why dont you use the upgrade of greed for the extra starting gold?

good supports have movement speed runes and build sightstone

Quote from: alexandrosdkk on Yesterday at 10:31:12 PM

an item on the suport will make no diferent at all belive me


lol no. There's a reason why pro teams give early kills to their supports instead of the AD carries.


no they dont

and i said  that in this division i play when u have a diana with 0-8 and an irelia with 0-8 one item will not help ur team in chalenger one item is very crusal but here no


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