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Setekh (Just my opinion)


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Easy for you to say. How about doing smth useful for the category first?


You are a Coding moderator, what's your contribution exactly except from some locks that you propably do? Isn't it your job to keep sections like that active?


Come on Setekh, you might be a good developer,  but you have NOTHING more to offer at this forum. Neither your friend Interpid. Give a chance to people that really deserve this potition, and stop being ignorant. You become again a moderator while you have to share something for years just because of your name and you brought your friends, too.


If I were you honestly, I would quit, to give a change to people that really care about this forum. Same goes to Interpid. The person who may deserve to be a coder is Trance, even tho he become a coder because you asked for. Not because he earned it.


I really hate opening this topic, but well we are on a forum, we are here to tell our opinions.

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Sorry had to unlock this, you know that we have requested the coding section to be deleted and to put us back into l2jdev position right? Or you know that i spend most of my day when i get home from work to code 2 different open source packs for mxc right? Ohh sry you dont know. And thats the thing you dont know anything yet you and your little buddy xdem complain about everything.


You know i always kind of hated the kids like you guys because the soul reason we ended up where we are is because we earned it. Not too many people remember but i was 1 of those people who got promoted by the community not by maxtor or other staffer because i earned it till to this date i have 1 of the most l2j related shares out of everyone so if you tell me i earned nothing than i tell you go ahead and surpass us. Do more stuff, make guides and than you'll be in the same position as us because you earn it. But so far i have more shares than you have posts so next time if you complain take a deep look into the mirror first.

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