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Server is ONLINE


Over 550 players are online and some still have issues due IP resolving.


Few ways to cheat the problem.



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After like 6 hours of working with our ddos protection comapny we have managed to stop the DDoS attacks and tuneup the protection to not effect normal players.


It was incredibly long and hard day for all of us, hope you still belive in us.


Server will continue working coz we will not give up.


Premium account promotion will be extended with another 24hours.

Lucky Hour event will be started twice a day for 1 hour.

- Exp/SP rate will be doubled.

- Drop rate will be doubled.

- Adena rate will be doubled.

- New Clans recive clan level 5


And many other happy events to forget the bad days.



Now i need some sleep, have fun.



isaiahbone or you dont have idea what actuality happened or you just like to troll around.

i would not spend any more words to explain myself to you. just will report you for adv.


Bladeof i have explained that jake became GM by mistake for like 4 minutes.

He was banned coz iwas extreemly busy to handle with him.

I will unban his acc after remove items from his inventar.

Atleast he was not stupid to give items.

I cannot say the same for you after posting bulshits.


paty atleast we try with something unique, not as the other servers "buy pack start server OH LAL WE ARE #1"



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ppl running with billions of adena from the achievements exploits, so hell no :))))) dont understand these noobs :D


You such troll..


There is no player yet with billion adena.


All achievement adena will be cleaned on next rr, and after check yestarday most adena was like 400kk



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You such troll..


There is no player yet with billion adena.


All achievement adena will be cleaned on next rr, and after check yestarday most adena was like 400kk




nice answer from gm, well u stupid kid, guess what? i had over 1.3kkk adena in my inventory and shared with all my friends. now u gtfo with ur stupid shit server

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You such troll..


There is no player yet with billion adena.


All achievement adena will be cleaned on next rr, and after check yestarday most adena was like 400kk




Idk who and why deleted my post, but stop lying for ppl. http://postimg.org/image/nd4kosjkp/full/ this screen made ~1h after start and i know more ppl which had 1kkk+ and you didn't wipe anything, so everyone kept their adena, so ye, its balanced when some ppl in server start with billions and full items and others got nothing. Also 30 days premium accounts for all who had accs before first wipe and who was not able to connect got nothing, seems ok. And your server is full of custom shits like achievements and 9999 buff slots, it's same like some 9999x br server, there is no point to play in server like that.

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