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[Report]Moderator with wrong actions @ maxcheaters... (deleted post)

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Greeting from GloryFights, we decide to make preview for our server to call our players in forum and let them suggest what they wanna see in-game when we open, seems like becouse the other one Freya server

(wich i see is supported by Gaming Moderator) our preview was deleted, please let me note that it had few replies by MxC members,i want Global Moderator to check if its possible Moderator logs and tell me who and why deleted my post (preview).


I will not re-make topic... in case someone is wondering why there are no existing topic...

Also, i don't wanna note names you can check yourself...


Thanks in advance, GloryFights.


(i was just about to put this vid to my topic)

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since its deleted,it doesn't follow the section's rules.


simple as that.


Wich exacly rule it doesn't follow?

The Rules

In this section you can post your server preview and give feedback about it b4 it goes live


* if you see some one posting a preview on pvt server section or in lineage general pm it to a global/l2 mod or post it in report section (threads that need to be moved)


* thread title must have a prefix & server name >> the rest goes inside the thread (rates, etc)

* Flames are NOT allowed (Check the Rules )

* If your thread get flamed, just report the flamers to a moderator


Excuse me but i'm not making for first time post here, i know rules and i can say i follow them, if you doesn't have anything else to say i'm waiting Global Moderator.

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this is his topic http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=273110.0  and was on Preview section with right tags etc.

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this is his topic http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=273110.0  and was on Preview section with right tags etc.


Thank you (you had reply too in my post). *

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Thank you (you had reply too in my post). *



mby they junked it cuz of this:



We will hold project closed, we have some problems with hosting company we will keep informed people who visit our forum!

If anyone want more information contact with us by mail: L2GloryFights@gmail.com''



but still i dont get the reason, pitbull's server was on preview section for months with bumps everyday

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mby they junked it cuz of this:



We will hold project closed, we have some problems with hosting company we will keep informed people who visit our forum!

If anyone want more information contact with us by mail: L2GloryFights@gmail.com''



but still i dont get the reason, pitbull's server was on preview section for months with bumps everyday


Beta server doesn't mean closed server... also while its in preview section it may stay hold (not online) as much as it want...

Lets note that its not junked its deleted... doesn't exist anymore...

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Beta server doesn't mean closed server... also while its in preview section it may stay hold (not online) as much as it want...

Lets note that its not junked its deleted... doesn't exist anymore...


is junked Here

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is junked Here

The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.

I can't even see it anyway waiting reason.

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only VIP/Legendary/staffers can get access there


Anyway lets don't offtopic, i wanna know reason of Junking my post and the good part of "Junk" is that if Mod/Staff can view my topic they can see its correct and w/o any mistake or out of rules.

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since its deleted,it doesn't follow the section's rules.


simple as that.

Your rules are not the same as forum rules?


Let the guy with his post alone, he've done everything right tags etc.



Plus i want 1 day sticky becouse of this.

Its not right to remove my post since its correct and follow all existing rules in forum.

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Well we as sectional moderators we don't have privileges yo see in the logs the junked topics.I will pm the thread to a global to take care of it.


As I see though in the junkyard your topic has no platform tags.Maybe it is junk by a mod for that reason.Dunno.

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