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[Report] Shadow.


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Hello people,


Shadow is trying to sell a pack which is based on aCis (1st illegal action) and it is l2jclaw which is made by DarthVader and Shadow doesn't have the copyrights in order to sell it (2nd illegal action).








The right config is from aCis (players.properties)

The left config is from "l2jcore" (players.properties)



width=960 height=768http://i.imgur.com/PNss4qJ.png[/img]


The right config is from l2jclaw (factions.properties)

The left config is from "l2jcore" (factions.properties)



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As i saw you change only the name on the configs.


Well, it looks like r285 or even older. About RegenMultiplier, on a base 1 = 100% now.


Anyway, If I could take a look inside, I'll tell you for sure if it's aCis or not.


I have adapt from claw,acis,rusteam


the base is l2j


Are you agree with that? I would like to take a look via TeamViewer. I or Tryskell, it doesn't matter.

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Well, it looks like r285 or even older. About RegenMultiplier, on a base 1 = 100% now.


Anyway, If I could take a look inside, I'll tell you for sure if it's aCis or not.


Are you agree with that? I would like to take a look via TeamViewer. I or Tryskell, it doesn't matter.


Yeah i dont have problem add me here : pilitsakos

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