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Report D0zer


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We had a deal,i give him pack+source+geodata and he give me the money. After he gave me he disputed the money cause of errors,as i pointed him i wasn't giving support,when he find out that he was so retarded that couldn't install the files he go to Flash to ask help o.O he is just a kid. Even his "Dev" told me that he is a shitty kid.

but he is rager
[2:32:04 μμ] Marwan: i made him bunch of codes
[2:32:09 μμ] Marwan: made him 2 events
[2:32:12 μμ] Marwan: 1 for 10euros
[2:32:13 μμ] Marwan: and other for 5
[2:32:19 μμ] Marwan: the 5 one didn't work
[2:32:27 μμ] Marwan: had someporblems and he siad i will dispute alll payments
[2:32:32 μμ] Marwan: even the 10 euros one that works
[2:33:01 μμ] Marwan: so if the pack have 1  problem
[2:33:05 μμ] Marwan: he will dispute and cry


How idiot he can be.


[2:46:59 μμ] Marwan: when
[2:47:02 μμ] Marwan: you sell him something
[2:47:06 μμ] Marwan: if it cost 10 euos
[2:47:07 μμ] Marwan: tell him
[2:47:09 μμ] Marwan: 70
[2:47:11 μμ] Marwan: 80
[2:47:25 μμ] Marwan: i did him a small code that costs 5 euro or less
[2:47:30 μμ] Marwan: and i got from him 20 euros


Hallo Χρήστος Βαγενάς, ich möchte Sie als Kontakt aufnehmen. D0zer
[1:22:54 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Ο χρήστης Χρήστος Βαγενάς μοιράστηκε στοιχεία επικοινωνίας με τον χρήστη D0zer.
[1:23:03 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Hello
[1:23:13 μμ] D0zer: hi
[1:23:25 μμ] D0zer: sec im 2min back tell me ur pack or link
[1:23:32 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Okay.
[1:25:04 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Well,first of all. I want to explain you that im not supporting on the pack. 
I give pack with source and a high quality geodata,i don't have any knowledge on Hi5,the pack im selling you,i got it from a trade.( i gave some Interlude staff)
Im just clearing so we avoid,flamming's etc. As i saw in Flash topic.
[1:27:04 μμ] D0zer: men this about flash is a big story
[1:27:16 μμ] D0zer: icewave sell me flash server pack
[1:27:27 μμ] D0zer: he take source
[1:27:31 μμ] D0zer: and dont give me this
[1:27:42 μμ] D0zer: im 100% trusted
[1:27:47 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: I have Flash pack+source :P
[1:28:01 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Why you want another pack? Flash it's the best atm
[1:28:12 μμ] D0zer: i know but is tomuch buy again
[1:28:25 μμ] D0zer: i pay allready 150 on icewave
[1:28:37 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Why you don't buy just source?
[1:28:57 μμ] D0zer: from where?=
[1:29:07 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Flash doesn't sell it to you?
[1:29:20 μμ] D0zer: i give icewave 150 euro for buy and install me flash server pack
[1:29:21 μμ] D0zer: ^^
[1:29:27 μμ] D0zer: and he buy it and take for self
[1:29:31 μμ] D0zer: :-((
[1:29:35 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Lol :P
[1:29:35 μμ] D0zer: thats why i flam
[1:29:50 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Well,you shouldn't blame Flash for this,you should report icewave
[1:30:04 μμ] D0zer: yea i allready tell sorry
[1:30:09 μμ] D0zer: i know i do wrong
[1:30:11 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Okay anyway
[1:30:13 μμ] D0zer: about flash
[1:30:23 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: So if you want.
[1:30:31 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: I can sell you flash source.
[1:30:34 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: But i can't help you with it.
[1:30:43 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: i have zero knowledge on High Five.
[1:30:57 μμ] D0zer: but is 100% for this pack?
[1:31:37 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: http://prntscr.com/148jz0
[1:31:40 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: I have compiled
[1:31:41 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: And source.
[1:32:19 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: I can sell you the source for 50euro. And if you want. With 25 more euro i can sell you this website too [url=http://www.l2oriel.com]www.l2oriel.com[/url] the first price was 50. But if you take them all together i give it 75 for you Source+ website :)
[1:32:41 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: You can see the files,via teamviewer ofcourse if you want.
[1:34:10 μμ] D0zer: all for 75?
[1:34:18 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Yes.
[1:34:20 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Source and website.
[1:34:29 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Website have: Code,Webhost,Domain,PSD File.
[1:34:34 μμ] D0zer: server pack + source?
[1:34:43 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Well,you said you have the pack
[1:34:46 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Aren't you?
[1:34:52 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: But i can give you w/e
[1:35:01 μμ] D0zer: i think mine pack is old one with no updates
[1:35:06 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Oh,okay.
[1:35:15 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: But im telling it from now,i can't help you with it.
[1:35:26 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Also as gift. i will give you
[1:35:35 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: http://l2geo.org/products/geodata_high_five_l2j
[1:35:35 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: This
[1:37:21 μμ] D0zer: u will give me pack free ?
[1:37:26 μμ] D0zer: or what u mean
[1:37:34 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Im telling you
[1:37:50 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: If you buy from me,Pack+Source+Website for 75euro.
[1:37:53 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: I will give you this for free. http://l2geo.org/products/geodata_high_five_l2j
[1:39:30 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: What do you think,it's a good deal?
[1:39:41 μμ] D0zer: is good deal
[1:39:46 μμ] D0zer: but i dont need website
[1:39:47 μμ] D0zer: look
[1:39:54 μμ] D0zer: lineage2paradise.com
[1:40:04 μμ] D0zer: [url=http://www.lineage2paradise.com]www.lineage2paradise.com[/url]
[1:40:08 μμ] D0zer: [url=http://www.l2hell.net]www.l2hell.net[/url]
[1:40:12 μμ] D0zer: this is all mine^^
[1:40:41 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Oh L2 paradise
[1:40:42 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: is cool site
[1:41:05 μμ] D0zer: for here i will use this pack
[1:41:25 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: This pack is amazing dude, It's the best pack,i asked many guys
[1:41:27 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Before i get it
[1:41:48 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Well,then pack+source+geodata for 60. What do you think ?:D
[1:42:21 μμ] D0zer: sec
[1:43:03 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Also,im selling cheap DDos Protection,webhost,domains. Materials for Interlude,Gracia Final,Freya,High Five servers :P
[1:43:32 μμ] D0zer: men i dont know this all 100%
[1:43:35 μμ] D0zer: thats the problem
[1:43:40 μμ] D0zer: sure is good deal
[1:44:34 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: What do you mean? i don't understand you.
[1:44:38 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: [1:43 μμ] D0zer: 

<<< men i dont know this all 100%
[1:44:57 μμ] D0zer: u have server pack 100% updatet ?
[1:45:02 μμ] D0zer: with source right
[1:45:04 μμ] D0zer: ?
[1:45:04 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Yes
[1:45:36 μμ] D0zer: u know how u install this pack?
[1:45:45 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: No,im not. :/
[1:47:13 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: I only,develop at Interlude,i wanted to open a High Five server. But never had time to learn how :P
[1:47:54 μμ] D0zer: telefon
[1:47:57 μμ] D0zer: mom
[1:48:36 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: I don't understand you dude :P
[1:51:29 μμ] D0zer: i tell im atm phone
[1:51:31 μμ] D0zer: ^^
[1:52:36 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Oh,okay :P
[1:55:24 μμ] D0zer: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;u=149488
[1:55:27 μμ] D0zer: noway men
[1:56:24 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: What was you linking me? I did my post. Be more specific lol.
[1:56:36 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: What you show me on my profile?
[1:56:47 μμ] D0zer: Ο χρήστης D0zer μοιράστηκε στοιχεία επικοινωνίας με τον χρήστη Χρήστος Βαγενάς.
[1:56:53 μμ] D0zer: men
[1:56:58 μμ] D0zer: i will buy ur pack
[1:57:04 μμ] D0zer: if i can see ur pack
[1:57:09 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Yes,ofcourse.
[1:57:11 μμ] D0zer: i will see
[1:57:12 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: But first of all.
[1:57:16 μμ] D0zer: this pack with source
[1:57:19 μμ] D0zer: and i will buy
[1:57:21 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Okay but
[1:57:25 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: why did you delete me from skype?
[1:57:31 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: What did you show me? o.O
[1:57:36 μμ] D0zer: any one tell me u scammer
[1:57:48 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Well,look.
[1:58:07 μμ] D0zer: lets download ur pack on my machine
[1:58:11 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=251635.0
[1:58:15 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: This is my real profile.
[1:58:21 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: And it's banned for scamming.
[1:58:39 μμ] D0zer: my dev will install
[1:58:45 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Well. i can only show you the files.
[1:58:50 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: From my computer
[1:59:02 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: And if you like them you can buy them and get them on your machine.
[1:59:32 μμ] *** Ο χρήστης D0zer δημιούργησε μια ομαδική συζήτηση με τον χρήστη Marwan.
Εμφάνιση ομαδικής συζήτησης ***
[2:20:08 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: I told you :P
[2:43:56 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: 
[2:44:05 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς:
[2:44:16 μμ] D0zer: give in other
[3:52:09 μμ] D0zer: this poack is wrong
[4:42:19 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: The pack is wrong?
[4:42:20 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: No it isn't.
[4:42:28 μμ] D0zer: dude
[4:42:32 μμ] D0zer: is
[4:42:39 μμ] D0zer: full fails errors
[4:42:49 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Rly?
[4:42:51 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: i don't think so..


Chat with him and his paid dev.


[1:59:37 μμ] D0zer: marwan
[1:59:40 μμ] D0zer: u here
[1:59:59 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: ^_^
[2:00:12 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Just tell me when you're ready.
[2:00:15 μμ] D0zer: he is my dev
[2:00:22 μμ] Marwan: Hi
[2:00:28 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: 386 377 955
[2:00:30 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: 9943
[2:00:32 μμ] D0zer: marwan this ppl will show us this pack
[2:00:36 μμ] Marwan: sec
[2:00:38 μμ] D0zer: lets lok
[2:00:39 μμ] Marwan: im in other tv
[2:00:41 μμ] Marwan: just secs
[2:00:43 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Okay,cool.
[2:00:57 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Marwan is very skilled. Nice to have him on your dev tema D0zer.
[2:00:59 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: team*
[2:01:46 μμ] D0zer: where is
[2:01:55 μμ] D0zer: where is the pack
[2:01:58 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Who is connected
[2:02:00 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: to my computer?
[2:02:05 μμ] Marwan: how you know iam skilled ?
[2:02:11 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: I know a lot of things :)
[2:02:15 μμ] Marwan: ok good
[2:02:18 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Anyway,who is connected to my computer?
[2:02:22 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Marwan are you?
[2:02:26 μμ] D0zer: im on ur tv
[2:02:27 μμ] D0zer: yes
[2:02:30 μμ] D0zer: show the pack
[2:02:35 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: use your mouse
[2:02:36 μμ] Marwan: no
[2:02:38 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: and open w/e you want.
[2:02:42 μμ] Marwan: sec and connect
[2:02:45 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: k
[2:02:49 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: 386 377 955
[2:02:50 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: 9943
[2:04:23 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: I opened compiled and source.
[2:04:27 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: You can see them if you want.
[2:04:49 μμ] D0zer: where is pack?
[2:04:58 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: You don't see it? :P
[2:05:06 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: lOl
[2:05:32 μμ] D0zer: i see how much mb?
[2:05:37 μμ] D0zer: is the pack
[2:05:43 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: It's mutch.
[2:05:48 μμ] D0zer: need see
[2:05:49 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: But it's zipped in 7z
[2:05:51 μμ] D0zer: so i know
[2:06:01 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Pack is
[2:06:06 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: 176.166.619 bytes
[2:06:14 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Source is 409.594.183 bytes
[2:06:39 μμ] D0zer: marwan
[2:06:43 μμ] D0zer: u see?
[2:08:35 μμ] Marwan: ??
[2:08:38 μμ] Marwan: iam not on tv now
[2:08:40 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: So will you see it or play in my computer? -.-'
[2:08:47 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Marwan,will you connect?
[2:08:50 μμ] Marwan: ok sec
[2:09:00 μμ] D0zer: i want he see it
[2:09:06 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Cool,then connect.
[2:09:09 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: 386 377 955
[2:09:10 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: 9943
[2:09:18 μμ] D0zer: greec
[2:09:19 μμ] D0zer: ^^
[2:09:26 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: ?
[2:09:43 μμ] D0zer: i say u from greek
[2:09:51 μμ] D0zer: marwan connect
[2:09:52 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Im from greece and germany :P
[2:09:53 μμ] D0zer: and show men
[2:10:03 μμ] D0zer: germany?
[2:10:05 μμ] D0zer: u speak
[2:10:14 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: I speak a little bit. My grandmother is from Essen.
[2:10:27 μμ] D0zer: ela
[2:10:32 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Ficke dich :D
[2:10:35 μμ] D0zer: haha
[2:10:40 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: (heart)
[2:11:56 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: So,will you not connect?
[2:12:06 μμ] D0zer: i dont know what he doing ^^
[2:12:11 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: :P
[2:12:17 μμ] Marwan: give me tv
[2:12:18 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Marwan,dude stop watching child porn.
[2:12:21 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: And login for a second!
[2:12:25 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: 386 377 955
[2:12:27 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: 9943
[2:12:31 μμ] Marwan: pornhub.com
[2:12:32 μμ] Marwan: is da best
[2:12:40 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Mofos.com (heart)
[2:13:38 μμ] Marwan: ok ?
[2:13:46 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: You will tell me.
[2:13:54 μμ] Marwan: tell
[2:13:55 μμ] Marwan: u
[2:13:55 μμ] Marwan: what
[2:14:01 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Idk,ask D0zer
[2:14:06 μμ] Marwan: LOL
[2:14:09 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: :P
[2:14:12 μμ] Marwan: you
[2:14:12 μμ] Marwan: want
[2:14:15 μμ] Marwan: to install the sever ?
[2:14:26 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: No,im selling this pack to D0zer.
[2:14:37 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: And he told me,ok w8 to show it to my dev.
[2:14:58 μμ] Marwan: u
[2:14:59 μμ] Marwan: have
[2:15:00 μμ] Marwan: eclipse ?
[2:15:11 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: yes
[2:17:18 μμ] Marwan: phoenix huh
[2:17:19 μμ] Marwan: ?
[2:17:26 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: ?
[2:17:31 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: phoenix ?
[2:17:32 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: efent
[2:17:33 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: engine ?
[2:17:37 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: It's High Five dude
[2:17:42 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: It's L2JAvengers pack.
[2:17:46 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: i Don't know what does it have :P
[2:18:14 μμ] Marwan: fking fast pc
[2:18:21 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: hahahaha
[2:18:24 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Cost 2,000 fucking dollars :P
[2:18:30 μμ] Marwan: nice
[2:19:07 μμ] D0zer: marwan
[2:19:16 μμ] D0zer: look if he have all files what we need
[2:19:52 μμ] Marwan: is ok
[2:19:56 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: :)
[2:19:57 μμ] Marwan: buy it
[2:20:05 μμ] Marwan: how much ?
[2:20:19 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: 60 including akumu high five geodata.
[2:20:33 μμ] D0zer: 50 euro and deal dude^^
[2:20:43 μμ] D0zer: so i log machine and upload it
[2:20:56 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: You make strong deals... But you spend 150 for shits. Im asking you 60 for quality files :D
[2:21:19 μμ] D0zer: 50 bro i losoe much money
[2:21:24 μμ] D0zer: for all shit ^^
[2:21:28 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: 50 without geodata.
[2:21:39 μμ] D0zer: wtf
[2:21:52 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: ohhh,okay
[2:21:52 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: :P
[2:21:56 μμ] D0zer: :))
[2:22:06 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: You pay in paypal righ
[2:22:06 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: t?
[2:22:16 μμ] D0zer: yes
[2:22:45 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: okay first of all,when you send me the money. I want to be on teamviewer,to see what you pick  in sending option.
[2:22:59 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: After you pay me,you will have your links. My paypal e-mail is l2dreamlessnetwork@hotmail.com
[2:23:26 μμ] D0zer: lol?
[2:23:29 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: ?
[2:23:31 μμ] D0zer: i will send u money
[2:23:38 μμ] D0zer: and u will see on ur paypal ur money
[2:23:42 μμ] D0zer: thats all
[2:23:46 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Well,yes
[2:23:49 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: But it's have 2 options
[2:23:54 μμ] D0zer: i dont show my paypal any one
[2:23:57 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: What are you sending money for?
I'm paying for goods or servicesI'm sending money to family or friends
Please enter amount to see the fees.
[2:24:10 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Pick I'm sending money to family
[2:24:24 μμ] D0zer: for cant take back?
[2:24:26 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Yes.
[2:24:29 μμ] D0zer: haha
[2:24:33 μμ] D0zer: wtf
[2:24:39 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Well,i want to protect myself :)
[2:24:50 μμ] D0zer: and where is my protect?
[2:24:57 μμ] D0zer: if u dont give me files
[2:25:07 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: I have no reason,not to give you the files dude :D
[2:25:16 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: I have them 2 months in my had disk
[2:25:17 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: No use of them
[2:25:29 μμ] D0zer: and i dont have a reason why i sold get back if all ok on deal
[2:25:36 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: K.w/e
[2:25:58 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: My paypal e-mail is. l2dreamlessnetwork@Hotmail.com
[2:26:09 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: i want 50 clear. Including fees :P
[2:26:40 μμ] D0zer: dont understand what u mean
[2:26:55 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: When you send,it takes some fees.
[2:27:07 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: I want 50.00 clear.
[2:27:11 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Not 47,59
[2:27:14 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: or something like that.
[2:27:23 μμ] Marwan: send
[2:27:30 μμ] Marwan: him 53
[2:27:39 μμ] D0zer: marwan
[2:27:46 μμ] D0zer: what u think
[2:27:49 μμ] D0zer: tell me fast
[2:28:27 μμ] D0zer: u have 2moth this files on ur pc?
[2:28:46 μμ] D0zer: this is old server pack with out updates
[2:28:50 μμ] D0zer: ?
[2:28:52 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Nop.
[2:29:02 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: i got the updates last month.
[2:29:29 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: And i will contact the guy who gave me them,to get the new updates,soon.
[2:29:37 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: So i will send you them too,when i have them :)
[2:29:40 μμ] Marwan: you just said
[2:29:46 μμ] Marwan: you have it in your hard disk
[2:29:47 μμ] Marwan: 2months
[2:29:55 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Yes,i don't remember exactly.
[2:29:57 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Wait to see.
[2:30:18 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: 2/3/2013
[2:30:24 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Source date.
[2:30:42 μμ] Marwan: 3 months
[2:30:50 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: We have 10/5/2013
[2:30:52 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: o.O
[2:30:57 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: 1month and 20+ days
[2:31:11 μμ] D0zer: `i have 1 option to buy this pack
[2:31:17 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Tell me.
[2:31:18 μμ] D0zer: nothing other way
[2:31:21 μμ] D0zer: sorry
[2:31:49 μμ] D0zer: if u up this on my machine marwan istall and tell me is realy pack i will give u 60 euro
[2:31:56 μμ] D0zer: but i dont buy if i cant see this
[2:32:08 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Well,im afraid i can't do that.
[2:32:18 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: I showed you the files,Marwan agreed they're good.
[2:32:41 μμ] D0zer: he dont agree he need install for see source
[2:32:50 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: He installed it,in my eclipse.
[2:32:54 μμ] D0zer: he cant see on zip whata all works or is bullshit
[2:32:54 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: And saw source too.
[2:33:03 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: He installed the source on eclipse dude. oO
[2:33:24 μμ] D0zer: u can join my machine
[2:33:31 μμ] D0zer: and u can delete all i dont care
[2:33:38 μμ] D0zer: i pay for all what i buy
[2:33:50 μμ] D0zer: and u know marwan
[2:34:07 μμ] D0zer: he is trust guy he will check after i send ur money all option what u want
[2:34:27 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Well i know everyone,but this is not my problem,im giving you a pack that worths 200euro,and a geodata that worths 170 euro.
[2:34:32 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: For just 50euro.
[2:34:59 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: I show the files to your "dev" he installed it in eclipse,checked w/e he wanted to check. And left my teamviewer,and told you. "Buy it" .
[2:35:18 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: So as i respect you,i want some respect too.
[2:35:23 μμ] D0zer: ok
[2:35:25 μμ] D0zer: dude
[2:35:31 μμ] D0zer: how u will send me files
[2:35:51 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: In links.
[2:36:01 μμ] Marwan: you will
[2:36:04 μμ] Marwan: give us source ?
[2:36:09 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Yes,everything.
[2:37:55 μμ] D0zer: ok dude i will trust u and i will buy ok
[2:37:57 μμ] D0zer: wait
[2:38:03 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Cool,then.
[2:38:44 μμ] D0zer: upload all
[2:38:51 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Already uploaded..
[2:39:00 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: I just wait your confirmation that you send me the money to send you the links :D
[2:39:16 μμ] D0zer: ok wait marwan  clear my machine
[2:39:19 μμ] D0zer: after i will
[2:39:41 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: From where do you get machine?
[2:39:53 μμ] Marwan: 24 gb  ram
[2:39:57 μμ] Marwan: downlaod spd 15 mb/s
[2:40:03 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: 15? :P
[2:40:07 μμ] Marwan: yep
[2:40:15 μμ] Marwan: youtube video 1080 hd load in 2 seconds
[2:40:26 μμ] Marwan: and my internet is 100 kb/s :(
[2:40:28 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Oh,oh oh.
[2:40:31 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Now i understand!
[2:40:32 μμ] D0zer: i have best host server 2x
[2:40:36 μμ] D0zer: i have 2 machine
[2:40:37 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: You are his developer
[2:40:48 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Because he let you watching child porn in 1080hd?
[2:41:26 μμ] D0zer: marwan we can start?
[2:41:43 μμ] D0zer: i send him money and u download from machine
[2:41:46 μμ] D0zer: all files
[2:41:52 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Are you in a rush D0zer? :D
[2:42:09 μμ] Marwan: ok
[2:42:11 μμ] Marwan: done
[2:42:15 μμ] D0zer: ok sec
[2:42:22 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: l2dreamlessnetwork@hotmail.com
[2:42:25 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Pp e-mail.
[2:42:51 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: http://prntscr.com/148r16
[2:42:54 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: My current money :P
[2:43:27 μμ] D0zer: ok 53 euro
[2:43:30 μμ] D0zer: done
[2:43:35 μμ] D0zer: check and give link
[2:44:00 μμ] D0zer: i go smoke fast
[2:44:12 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: i send them
[2:44:13 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: to you
[2:44:23 μμ] D0zer: send here
[2:44:25 μμ | Αφαίρεση του χρήστη 5:25:23 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Αυτό το μήνυμα αφαιρέθηκε.
[2:44:30 μμ | Αφαίρεση του χρήστη 5:25:19 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Αυτό το μήνυμα αφαιρέθηκε.
[2:45:14 μμ | Αφαίρεση του χρήστη 5:24:29 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Αυτό το μήνυμα αφαιρέθηκε.
[2:45:47 μμ | Αφαίρεση του χρήστη 5:24:23 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Αυτό το μήνυμα αφαιρέθηκε.
[2:45:51 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: gimme me a feedback (nerd)
[2:46:40 μμ] D0zer: wait
[2:46:42 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: D0zer if you need gracia final pack. Im selling this full of custom,beautiful pack . http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=227050.msg1998287#msg1998287
[2:49:15 μμ] D0zer: this 3 files?
[2:49:31 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: Yes. Source,pack,geodata
[2:49:46 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: What other do you want?
[2:50:03 μμ] D0zer: where is server pack
[2:50:04 μμ] D0zer: lol
[2:50:24 μμ] Marwan: look
[2:50:25 μμ] Marwan: d0zer
[2:50:28 μμ] Marwan: look at machiene
[2:50:36 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: The first is source
[2:50:38 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: second link is server pack
[2:50:42 μμ] Χρήστος Βαγενάς: third is geodata


Please ban him. Thank you!

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width=1024 height=289http://s7.directupload.net/images/130510/pwyquq5u.jpg[/img]


[16:04:01] Flash: this guy got my pack from my customer because they trade some files and he sell them to you...

[15:40:56] Flash: this is  scamer  man ..

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How many times I have to say ? I'm not his dev


and about this

but he is rager
[2:32:04 μμ] Marwan: i made him bunch of codes
[2:32:09 μμ] Marwan: made him 2 events
[2:32:12 μμ] Marwan: 1 for 10euros
[2:32:13 μμ] Marwan: and other for 5
[2:32:19 μμ] Marwan: the 5 one didn't work
[2:32:27 μμ] Marwan: had someporblems and he siad i will dispute alll payments
[2:32:32 μμ] Marwan: even the 10 euros one that works
[2:33:01 μμ] Marwan: so if the pack have 1  problem
[2:33:05 μμ] Marwan: he will dispute and cry


Just telling you a tip xD




Also why you are mad now ? Reselling isn't good , huh ?


PS  : I have nothing to do with all this story. It is about you and him.

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+++++++++  im so stupid trust randoms thats all yea and i say again  again sorry flash realy im stupid thats i dont buy from him


but ok today i will buy from him orginla pack all will solve

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+++++++++  im so stupid trust randoms thats all yea and i say again  again sorry flash realy im stupid thats i dont buy from him


but ok today i will buy from him orginla pack all will solve

Well dude, the files are working perfect,anyone can pm me and show them to him. I demand him to get banned,since he stole me! Thanks.

Also i told him im selling FLASh High five pack. So? He wanted a cheap version,i gave him.

ANYONE from Mods can pm me and see the files.

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Well he asked for a working pack. Since he had an error or something you should help him even if you dont offer support. You should check why he got that error.

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Well he asked for a working pack. Since he had an error or something you should help him even if you dont offer support. You should check why he got that error.

The pack is working,if you know how to install it. I don't know,that's why it was sitting on my C:/. Also the deal was to GIVE IT TO HIM not to INSTALL IT FOR HIM. Or am i wrong? Or are the chat logs wrong? He agreed,and after got the pack he disputed the money.
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The pack is working,if you know how to install it. I don't know,that's why it was sitting on my C:/. Also the deal was to GIVE IT TO HIM not to INSTALL IT FOR HIM. Or am i wrong? Or are the chat logs wrong? He agreed,and after got the pack he disputed the money.


Since he install the pack and he got this error something goes wrong. And if he didnt touch anything you're wrong. I can make a deal with you to sold you a clean pack (l2j's one without protections) and then you realise that something goes wrong. You will call me scammer.

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Since he install the pack and he got this error something goes wrong. And if he didnt touch anything you're wrong. I can make a deal with you to sold you a clean pack (l2j's one without protections) and then you realise that something goes wrong. You will call me scammer.


150 euro for pack?

Man for 50 euro ill fix you all errors and make it work perfectly LOL :D


Also, who gave you permissions to sell other people work as yours, i think in this case you sell him your "Support".


@D0zer: pm me with your skype, let me see the "LastHero" Event becouse one of errors is inside.

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no one can tell me any shit about scamm i told u is a old pack or a fail pack copy u told me no is updated version all ok


after u tell me if i want flash can fix the problems with +60 euro wtf u try dude


sell a true pack or leave it no one can tell thats iam not fair i pay for all work and if any try scamm me sure i use via paypal


so u fail what u try


join my machine and see i delete ur fail scammer pack from my machine dont worry

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Since he install the pack and he got this error something goes wrong. And if he didnt touch anything you're wrong. I can make a deal with you to sold you a clean pack (l2j's one without protections) and then you realise that something goes wrong. You will call me scammer.

Well,i don't where the error is coming from,but i had tested those files in online server before i sell them and they were working perfect. I don't know how he installed the files or what he did. I know that he got the pack+source+geodata and i don't have my money.

Oh really? I don't think that you deleted anything,you're just crying

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