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[Share]De-Level-Manager (+Level Choice)

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  • 5 months later...

I adopted it for latest L2J BETA 6253 and 9998 but when i use it nothing happens, i dont even get console errors.

package custom.DeLevelManager;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.cache.HtmCache;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.skills.L2Skill;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.Quest;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExBrExtraUserInfo;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.UserInfo;

 * @author `Heroin
 * Made For Maxcheaters.com
public class DeLevelManager extends Quest
	private static final int npcid = 36650; // npc id
	private static final int MinLevel = 10; // Minimum Level, (e.g if you set 10, players wont be able to be level 9).
	private static final int ItemConsumeId = 57; // Item Consume id
	private int levels ; // Item Consume id
	private static final int ItemConsumeNumEveryLevel = 100; // Item ItemConsumeNumEveryLevel
	private static String htm = "data/scripts/custom/DeLevelManager/1.htm"; //html location
	private static String ItemName = ItemTable.getInstance().createDummyItem(ItemConsumeId).getItemName();
	public DeLevelManager(int questId, String name, String descr)
		super(questId, name, descr);
	public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player)
		if (event.startsWith("dlvl"))
			Dlvl(event, npc, player, event);

		return "";
	private void Dlvl(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player, String command)
			String val = command.substring(5);
			int pointer = Integer.parseInt(val);
			int k = player.getLevel();
			levels = k - pointer;
			if (player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(ItemConsumeId) == null)
				player.sendMessage("You don't have enough items!");
			if (val == null)
				player.sendMessage("Something went wrong!");
			if (pointer < 10)
				player.sendMessage("Incorrect Level Number!");
			if (pointer < MinLevel)
				player.sendMessage("Incorrect Level Number!");
			if (player.getLevel() <= pointer)
				player.sendMessage("Your level is already lower.");
			if (player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(ItemConsumeId).getCount() < ItemConsumeNumEveryLevel*levels)
				player.sendMessage("You don't have enough items!");
			if (player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(ItemConsumeId).getCount() >= ItemConsumeNumEveryLevel)
				k = player.getLevel();
				final byte lvl = Byte.parseByte(pointer + "");	
				player.sendMessage("Congratulations! You are now "+pointer+" level.");
				for(L2Skill sk : player.getAllSkills())
				player.sendPacket(new UserInfo(player));
				player.sendPacket(new ExBrExtraUserInfo(player));
				player.giveAvailableSkills(true, true);
				levels = k - pointer;
				player.destroyItemByItemId("DlvlManager", ItemConsumeId, ItemConsumeNumEveryLevel*levels, player, true);
		catch (Exception e)
			player.sendMessage("Something went wrong try again.");
	public String onFirstTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player)
		final int npcId = npc.getId();
		if (player.getQuestState(getName()) == null)
		if (npcId == npcid)
			String html = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(player.getHtmlPrefix(), htm);
			html = html.replaceAll("%player%", player.getName());
			html = html.replaceAll("%itemname%", ItemName);
			html = html.replaceAll("%price%", ""+ItemConsumeNumEveryLevel+"");
			NpcHtmlMessage npcHtml = new NpcHtmlMessage(0);
		return "";
	public static void main(final String[] args)
		new DeLevelManager(-1, DeLevelManager.class.getSimpleName(), "custom");
		System.out.println("De Level Manager by `Heroin has been loaded successfully!");
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am trying to use this NPC on aCis. Modified a little the imports, changed some lines, also the NPC html view, it loads without problem, but after I spawn it and I try to talk, I get the message shown as servernews :). Can anybody give me a clue on how to make it work ?

Thank you in advance !

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Hi there for one more time, i made this npc today because i can see there are lots of npc like this but there is not any like this i made today. It is just an NPC where player can choose what level would like to be. Price is being regulated automatically like that: Number_of_levels_decreased * Configurable_price.


E.g: Player is 85 level, he chooses to be 70. His payment would be 15(levels) * code_price.


Preview (HTM Dialog):




How to install:


1. Create a new java file on data/scripts/custom/DeLevelManager/DeLevelManager.java


Paste this code:

package custom.DeLevelManager;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.cache.HtmCache;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Skill;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.Quest;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExBrExtraUserInfo;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.UserInfo;

 * @author `Heroin
 * Made For Maxcheaters.com
public class DeLevelManager extends Quest
	private static final int npcid = 36650; // npc id
	private static final int MinLevel = 10; // Minimum Level, (e.g if you set 10, players wont be able to be level 9).
	private static final int ItemConsumeId = 57; // Item Consume id
	private int levels ; // Item Consume id
	private static final int ItemConsumeNumEveryLevel = 100; // Item ItemConsumeNumEveryLevel
	private static String htm = "data/scripts/custom/DeLevelManager/1.htm"; //html location
	private static String ItemName = ItemTable.getInstance().createDummyItem(ItemConsumeId).getItemName();
	public DeLevelManager(int questId, String name, String descr)
		super(questId, name, descr);
	public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player)
		if (event.startsWith("dlvl"))
			Dlvl(event, npc, player, event);

		return "";
	private void Dlvl(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player, String command)
			String val = command.substring(5);
			int pointer = Integer.parseInt(val);
			int k = player.getLevel();
			levels = k - pointer;
			if (player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(ItemConsumeId) == null)
				player.sendMessage("You don't have enough items!");
			if (val == null)
				player.sendMessage("Something went wrong!");
			if (pointer < 10)
				player.sendMessage("Incorrect Level Number!");
			if (pointer < MinLevel)
				player.sendMessage("Incorrect Level Number!");
			if (player.getLevel() <= pointer)
				player.sendMessage("Your level is already lower.");
			if (player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(ItemConsumeId).getCount() < ItemConsumeNumEveryLevel*levels)
				player.sendMessage("You don't have enough items!");
			if (player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(ItemConsumeId).getCount() >= ItemConsumeNumEveryLevel)
				k = player.getLevel();
				final byte lvl = Byte.parseByte(pointer + "");	
				player.sendMessage("Congratulations! You are now "+pointer+" level.");
				for(L2Skill sk : player.getAllSkills())
				player.sendPacket(new UserInfo(player));
				player.sendPacket(new ExBrExtraUserInfo(player));
				player.giveAvailableSkills(true, true);
				levels = k - pointer;
				player.destroyItemByItemId("DlvlManager", ItemConsumeId, ItemConsumeNumEveryLevel*levels, player, true);
		catch (Exception e)
			player.sendMessage("Something went wrong try again.");
	public String onFirstTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player)
		final int npcId = npc.getNpcId();
		if (player.getQuestState(getName()) == null)
		if (npcId == npcid)
			String html = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(player.getHtmlPrefix(), htm);
			html = html.replaceAll("%player%", player.getName());
			html = html.replaceAll("%itemname%", ItemName);
			html = html.replaceAll("%price%", ""+ItemConsumeNumEveryLevel+"");
			NpcHtmlMessage npcHtml = new NpcHtmlMessage(0);
		return "";
	public static void main(final String[] args)
		new DeLevelManager(-1, DeLevelManager.class.getSimpleName(), "custom");
		System.out.println("De Level Manager by `Heroin has been loaded successfully!");
2.Create a new htm file on data/scripts/custom/HeroManager/1.htm

Paste this code on it.


<img src="L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco" width=256 height=32></center><br>
Hello there, if you want to low your current level, you came to right place!<br>
You have just to choose the <font color=FF0000>number</font> of level you would like to be.<br>
In exchange, i am going to take you <font color=LEVEL>%price% %itemname%</font> for <font color=LEVEL>each level
</font> you decrease.<br>
Remember: You can't choose a number higher than your current level.<br>

<table width=270><tr>
<td><button value="Change my level to: " action="bypass -h Quest DeLevelManager dlvl $lv" width=180 height=21 back="L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Down" fore="L2UI_CT1.Button_DF"></td>
<td><edit var="lv" width=50></td>

<img src="L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco" width=256 height=32></center>
3. Add script on scripts.cfg file:

4. Run this query on your database or install the NPC by yourself.

INSERT INTO `custom_npc` VALUES ('36650', '13173', 'DeLevelManager', '1', 'MaxCheaters.com', '1', 'LineageNPC.clear_npc', '8.00', '19.00', '85', 'male', 'L2Npc', null, null, null, null, null, '40', '43', '30', '21', '20', '20', '0', '0', null, null, null, null, '230', '1', '0', '333', '0', '0', '0', '60.00000', '120.00000', '1', '1', '0', '0');
How to Modify:


Check Variables on code:

private static final int npcid = 36650; // npc id
private static final int MinLevel = 10; // Minimum Level, (e.g if you set 10, players wont be able to be level 9).
private static final int ItemConsumeId = 57; // Item Consume id
private int levels ; // Item Consume id
private static final int ItemConsumeNumEveryLevel = 100; // Item ItemConsumeNumEveryLevel
private static String htm = "data/scripts/custom/DeLevelManager/1.htm"; //html location
Credits & Idea: `Heroin


Hello everybody i need help. i don´t understand why you create a new folder that called Olympiamanager . We have tried it but it doesn´t work we have an npc with a quest but the html dialog doesn´t work . Can anybody explain? Sry i mean Heromanager, thanks for help

Edited by rockabill
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  • 6 months later...

Hello cheaters. I tried to adapt it for latest aCis, but my skills are really poor and I stucked. I fixed the imports and 80% of the errors are gone, but there are 4 more, I cannot fix. Here they are:

				player.sendPacket(new ExBrExtraUserInfo(player));
				player.giveAvailableSkills(true, true);
String html = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(player.getHtmlPrefix(), htm);
Edited by raF
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  • 11 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I tested and it works but it have a few problems. It does decrease your level but it does not decrease your EXP/SP.  So after you decrease level you won't be able to level up again because you can't gain no more EXP/SP.

Also the path for the 1.htm  is right on the java file but you tell us to add at another folder, it should be at the same folder as the java file.


I was able to fix the EXP/SP problem but if someone add this to a live server it will bug the characters.

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  • 2 years later...

Can someone help me to adjust this DeLevel NPC to the Latest Release of L2jserver???
At this moment i have tried all i can think off, and cant get rid of these 4 errors...
As far as i have been trying to fix it, comparing it to other files like this one, i think my problem is in these lines...

    private static String ItemName = ItemTable.getInstance().getItemByItemId(ItemConsumeId).getItemName();



            for(SkillData sk : player.getAllSkills())






    if (npcId = npcid)



If someone could help me would be awesome...
Thanks in advance =9




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18 minutes ago, unfor6iven said:

Can someone help me to adjust this DeLevel NPC to the Latest Release of L2jserver???
At this moment i have tried all i can think off, and cant get rid of these 4 errors...
As far as i have been trying to fix it, comparing it to other files like this one, i think my problem is in these lines...

    private static String ItemName = ItemTable.getInstance().getItemByItemId(ItemConsumeId).getItemName();



            for(SkillData sk : player.getAllSkills())






    if (npcId = npcid)



If someone could help me would be awesome...
Thanks in advance =9





I fixed the errors you are facing. Check main post, at the bottom :)

P.S: I did not test it but the chance of having errors is low.

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