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hellbound [L2RT HIGH FIVE] L2 EternalFight x15 - Fresh start in the end of May!

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Autoto glouk glouk to kanei na mi pw pia paixtara!!filakia

'Ενας ακόμη απελπισμένος player των Hopeless είσαι.

Loco/Glukomounos ή κανένας άλλος στόκος.

Haters gonna hate as my friend says. Smouts  :happyforever:


'Ενας ακόμη απελπισμένος player των Hopeless είσαι.

Loco/Gluko-beep-os ή κανένας άλλος στόκος.

Haters gonna hate as my friend says. Smouts  :happyforever:

O gamias ti manas sou eimai kotopoulo!



Will u fix the exp? In the previous server was bugged. I wasn't x12, it was x5

we had some issues with vitality and blessing of vitality on wfr, we fixed.


how many people do you expect at the grand opening?


none can be sure about the number that a server could have ,  but i can easily asure everyone that a pretty good community number  on live to be expected -  (no fake online) and much more during the next days since we have advertises starting from 22 of the month on hopzone


let see if this time u will "fix" ur old problems . corruption / op donations / lag and others . gl with that but i dont think the 100 time it will be different .


let see if this time u will "fix" ur old problems . corruption / op donations / lag and others . gl with that but i dont think the 100 time it will be different .


to Quad I rly doubt that this is same like l2eoa.


All what need  this server good protection and ppl. I will give a try since there is no other servers at this moment  like this one .


let see if this time u will "fix" ur old problems . corruption / op donations / lag and others . gl with that but i dont think the 100 time it will be different .


quad i had contacted you personally if you remember on majenta moon, and we have talked a bit.If you remember i told you our source had bagdoor since this l2scripts we using is EOA admin partner and they scammed us, how is possible dude to spend so much effort on a server and give out raid jewels on first day? Corruption , ok but you should know thta maybe i am the only one i am not corrupted here. op donations was never part of my servers, but remember op donation mean weapons ++ and armors++ on astaroth max you could donate was +6 vesper after 3 weeks of opening/ as for lag yes lag existed on wfr cause our ddos protection company-the timing killed us since they fixed it after 3 days we had to close our project since all people left.


to Quad I rly doubt that this is same like l2eoa.


All what need  this server good protection and ppl. I will give a try since there is no other servers at this moment  like this one .


I dont played on eoa ever . i know thats mouse piece of trash server and im not mistaking about stalone . if ur not remember astharoth/majeta-moon/wfr thats then is ur problem .


now to stalone



quad i had contacted you personally if you remember on majenta moon, and we have talked a bit.If you remember i told you our source had bagdoor since this l2scripts we using is EOA admin partner and they scammed us, how is possible dude to spend so much effort on a server and give out raid jewels on first day? Corruption , ok but you should know thta maybe i am the only one i am not corrupted here. op donations was never part of my servers, but remember op donation mean weapons ++ and armors++ on astaroth max you could donate was +6 vesper after 3 weeks of opening/ as for lag yes lag existed on wfr cause our ddos protection company-the timing killed us since they fixed it after 3 days we had to close our project since all people left.


on majeta moon even before u said u got backdoored many ppl having aq / baium / weapon +6 foundation with sa on 1st day from donations . i talked with 2 of those people and they confirmed. also after 1 week of astharoth i remember that epic screenshot with +15 vesper caster acumen . thats a fair made weapon after not even 1 week right ? tell that to people who belive ur not corrupted . i know 100% in fact u will do the same like u did before


here is a link with ur weapon +15 . and many others . for those interested in joining i suggest them 1st to read ur previous servers and ur donations .




fake online





And of course personal screen shoots from manjeta-moon . witch i still have cuz i hate you so much . after 24 hours after server started . before 3 days of ur lie backdoor . this screenshots were taken 3 days before .







And read the dialog . 1 more thing u can see are several hours after server was started on manjeta-moon cuz ppl were in craps .last time i posted those screenshots u beg me to take them off . u wispered me in game and asked me to remove screens . u said they will hurt server . thats a joke . u wanted them down so more noobs will donate for ur 2 days server .


Here is ur proof . gl giving people on ur new server epics in 1st day and close it after 1 week max . i think they learned from there mistakes. u just open servers for the 1st donations and then close them  and reopen them with another name . hopefully now u will see that few people will join and stop telling ur sheep friends that ur server is cool when we know its a piece of trash . u cant fool people 100 times and u think it still works again and again .


what files u using now ? phoenix again ? didnt found any info about it


dont tell me ur that stupid to give this shit a try . read ur previous posts if u cant remember .



for mojsezs123: same files as WFR we are using , l2p based .


for quad: well on astaroth we had +15 from a guy that always saying he leave server and he was putting enchants in his weapons and he made +15 what to do to make rates 30% to avoid overenchants? i never gave out items over +6 and items OUT of the donation list, please dont compare me with mouse -  i reopen with my real name to prove my skills and my efforts


PS: no comment for majenta moon screenshots our server sources there was backdoored like hell i dont make discussion for this

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