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During the Open Beta Olympiad games will run for 23 hours everyday.

Also a BETA SHOP was added so you wont have to farm.


Server opened: 1st of April 2013.

New Open Beta started: 22nd of April 2013.




Website: http://www.l2dale.com


Quick Description (Bartz):

* High Rate High Five PvP Server

* Xp/sp: X1000

* Adena: X1000

* Max Enchant: +18

* Safe Enchant: +6

* Enchant Rate: 70%

* 24+4 Buff Slots

* 12 Dance/song Slots

* 2 Hours Buff Duration

* Noblesse on Login

* Premium H5P5 Geodata

* Unique Concept

* Skill Enchant without Book

* Interlude/Hellbdound like Gameplay

* Blessed Scrolls Of Escape Disabled During Pvp

* Quick Healing Potions Disabled During Pvp

* Weekly Olympiad

* Weekly Sieges

* Easy Leveling

* Minimum Farming

* Auto Tvt Event every Hour

* All Grand Bosses Lv 80

* Universal GK System

* Full GM Shop

* Scheme Buffer Npc

* Pk Killer Npc

* Top 100 Pvp-Pk Npc

* Adena Based Economy

* Vote Reward Engine

* Custom Playgrounds

* International Community

* 99% Uptime

* Stable/no Lag

* Dedicated Server

* Experienced Team



Website: http://www.l2dale.com


Not more than 50 for sure.

Ghost towns )

Server is 1 day old and we are not yet approved on hopzone and topzone. That pretty much explaints it.

server look nice, but You need to advertise more. GL ;)


I have made topics in some forums, i will continue once we get approved on hopzone and topzone. You see when the vote reward is enabled farming will be even easier than it is now thus it will be better for the new players.


Quick Tips for people that will join:


If you want to farm even less (not that its hard now) hunt down high level raidbosses, you can check in the server info npc theres a list with wich raids drop items. They have very high drops and will save you time.


If you wish to contact me or a gamemaster, use the petition system. I will not answe to pm's, global chat shouts or party invitations.


prefer playing on low-mid rate..rather than (difficult pvp server)

Can you clarify what do you mean by difficult?


P.S: Forgot i even asked.

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