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were to get off server files?


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And from PostPacific:




Mirror 1 = http://killer.digitalnerds.net/PPL2C_v1.0.rar


Mirror 2 = http://server02.ignisonline.com/PPL2C_v1.0.rar


Mirror 3 = http://www.vinazone.biz/PPL2C_v1.0.rar


Mirror 4 = http://www.la2vinazone.com/PPL2C_v1.0.rar


Mirror 5 = http://www.la2vinazone1.com/PPL2C_v1.0.rar




Password for the file is: www.postpacific.com_L2Community_v1.0




Say a big thanks to all contributors and developers of postpacific. Plz visit http://www.postpacific.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2485 for more info.




http://forum.ragezone.com/l2-file-releases/downloads-links-section-tools-scripts-clients-more-69878.html (c1-c2-c3)




http://www.biggaybuttsex.org/l2/ProjectC2-Beta3-Final.rar (c2)

  • 0

Guide to Install it. Thanks to people over at ragezone.




Part 1: http://phpfi.com/93688 [Editing config files]


Part 2: http://phpfi.com/93689 [setting up Sql Databases]


Part 3: http://phpfi.com/93691 [Running the server]


Part 4: http://phpfi.com/93692 [Asp Registration]


[File: http://s10.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=07Y86MGV3WIX72I6ADHI5A8NYH ]


Part 5: http://phpfi.com/93693


[File: http://s10.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0VSEQST8T2A103VLSNEJVE4OOJ ]


Part 6/7: http://phpfi.com/93694


[File: http://s10.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3RTQB3E5FVUQA3HJMHPPF7GOZ6 ]




Hope that helps.

  • 0
real virus or not? i dont realy risk it disabling norton for that






edit: i don't know about that patch.dll that you said.i just extracted the rar file and...the rest is on the image




code of patch.exe used to inject the dll, is posted in post pacific:








you can see if it's a virus or not...




;Static DLL Injection for MASM by Aphex



;This uses code by Yodah and Freddy K

;What this does: It forces a PE to load a DLL everytime it is ran by

;patching the actual file. No other loaders or memory injectors are needed.

;How it does this: It opens the PE file, adds a section to the end of the file,

;alters the entry point to execute this section first. Then the new code loads

;a dll and jumps back to the original entry point where it runs as normal. ;)

;NOTE: you must add this linker option "/SECTION:.text,RWX"

;ml.exe /coff patch.asm /link /SECTION:.text,RWX /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /OPT:NOREF


.model flat, stdcall

option casemap:none

include \masm32\include\windows.inc

include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc

include \masm32\include\user32.inc

includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib


 OrgEsp dword 0

 OrgEbp dword 0

 SaveEip dword 0



;-------> Path to EXE to be patched with DLL <-------

szTarget byte 'L2Server.exe', 0


dwFile dword ?

dwSize dword ?

dwBytes dword ?

dwImage dword ?

dwBuffer dword ?

dwHeader dword ?

dwLength dword ?

dwSections dword ?


errmsg   db   'failed to open l2server.exe',0

sucmsg   db   'patching l2server.exe succeeded',0

titlemsg db   'beepbeepboop',0



jmp PatchEnd


jmp SkipData

szName byte '.PATCH', 2 dup (0)

szLoadLibrary byte 'LoadLibraryA', 0

;-------> Path to DLL to be patched into EXE <-------

szDll byte 'patch.dll', 0


_LoadLibrary dword 0

dwKernelBase dword 0

dwEntryPoint dword 0

_DllOff dword 0


assume fs:NOTHING


call Root


pop ebp

sub ebp, offset Root

push dword ptr [esp + 20h]

call Base

or eax, eax

jz Return

mov [ebp + dwKernelBase], eax

lea eax, [ebp + offset szLoadLibrary]

push eax

push [ebp + dwKernelBase]

call Address

or eax, eax

jz Return

mov [ebp + _LoadLibrary], eax

lea eax, [ebp + offset szDll]

push eax

call [ebp + _LoadLibrary]

mov [ebp + offset _DllOff], eax


mov eax, [ebp + dwEntryPoint]

mov [esp + 1ch], eax


jmp eax


mov edi, [esp + 4]

lea eax, [ebp + offset SehHandler]

push eax

push dword ptr fs:[0]

lea eax, [ebp + offset SEH]

assume eax:ptr SEH_STRUCT

mov [eax].OrgEsp, esp

mov [eax].OrgEbp, ebp

lea ebx, [ebp + offset Continue]

mov [eax].SaveEip, ebx

mov fs:[0], esp

assume eax:NOTHING

and edi, 0FFFF0000h

.while TRUE

 .if word ptr [edi] == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE

   mov esi, edi

   add esi, [esi + 03Ch]

   .if dword ptr [esi] == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE





 sub edi, 010000h

 .if edi < 070000000h

   mov edi, 0BFF70000h




xchg eax, edi

pop dword ptr fs:[0]

add esp, 4

ret 4


lea eax, [ebp + offset SehHandler]

push eax

push dword ptr fs:[0]

lea eax, [ebp + offset SEH]

assume eax:ptr SEH_STRUCT

mov [eax].OrgEsp, esp

mov [eax].OrgEbp, ebp

lea ebx, [ebp + offset Continue]

mov [eax].SaveEip, ebx

mov fs:[0], esp

assume eax:NOTHING

mov esi, [esp + 0ch]

.if word ptr [esi] != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE

 jmp Halt


add esi, [esi + 03Ch]

.if dword ptr [esi] != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE

 jmp Halt


mov edi, [esp + 10h]

mov ecx, 150

xor al, al

repnz scasb

mov ecx, edi

sub ecx, [esp + 10h]

mov edx, [esi + 078h]

add edx, [esp + 0ch]


mov ebx, [edx].AddressOfNames

add ebx, [esp + 0ch]

xor eax, eax


 mov edi, [ebx]

 add edi, [esp + 0ch]

 mov esi, [esp + 10h]

 push ecx

 repz cmpsb

 .if zero?

   add esp, 4



 pop ecx

 add ebx, 4

 inc eax

.until eax == [edx].NumberOfNames

.if eax == [edx].NumberOfNames

 jmp Halt


mov esi, [edx].AddressOfNameOrdinals

add esi, [esp + 0ch]

push edx

mov ebx, 2

xor edx, edx

mul ebx

pop edx

add eax, esi

xor ecx, ecx

mov word ptr cx, [eax]

mov edi, [edx].AddressOfFunctions

xor edx, edx

mov ebx, 4

mov eax, ecx

mul ebx

add eax, [esp + 0ch]

add eax, edi

mov eax, [eax]

add eax, [esp + 0ch]

jmp Exit

assume edx:nothing


xor eax, eax


pop dword ptr fs:[0]

add esp, 4

ret 8

SehHandler proc c pExcept:dword, pFrame:dword, pContext:dword, pDispatch:dword

mov eax, pContext

assume eax:ptr CONTEXT

push SEH.SaveEip

pop [eax].regEip

push SEH.OrgEsp

pop [eax].regEsp

push SEH.OrgEbp

pop [eax].regEbp

mov eax, ExceptionContinueExecution


SehHandler endp


mov eax, offset PatchEnd

sub eax, offset PatchBegin

mov dwLength, eax

invoke CreateFile, offset szTarget, GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0


 invoke MessageBox, NULL,addr errmsg,addr titlemsg,MB_OK

 invoke ExitProcess, 0


mov dwFile, eax

invoke GetFileSize, dwFile, 0

mov dwSize, eax

add eax, 2000h

invoke GlobalAlloc, GMEM_FIXED or GMEM_ZEROINIT, eax

mov dwBuffer, eax

invoke ReadFile, dwFile, dwBuffer, dwSize, offset dwBytes, 0

mov esi, dwBuffer

add esi, 03ch

mov eax, dword ptr [esi]

mov dwHeader, eax

sub eax, 03ch

add esi, eax

assume esi:ptr IMAGE_NT_HEADERS

mov ax, [esi].FileHeader.NumberOfSections

mov dwSections, eax

inc [esi].FileHeader.NumberOfSections

mov eax, [esi].OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint

add eax, [esi].OptionalHeader.ImageBase

mov dwEntryPoint, eax

mov eax, [esi].OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage

mov dwImage, eax

add [esi].OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, 1000h

mov [esi].OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint, eax

assume esi:NOTHING

mov esi, dwBuffer

add esi, dwHeader

add esi, 0f8h


mov eax, 0E0000060h

mov [esi].Characteristics, eax

mov eax, 28h

mov ecx, dwSections

imul ecx

add esi, eax

mov eax, dword ptr [szName]

mov dword ptr [esi].Name1, eax

mov eax, dword ptr[szName+4]

mov dword ptr [esi].Name1+4, eax

mov eax, 1000h

mov [esi].Misc.VirtualSize, eax

mov eax, dwImage

mov [esi].VirtualAddress, eax

mov eax, dwLength

mov [esi].SizeOfRawData, eax

mov eax, dwSize

mov [esi].PointerToRawData, eax

mov eax, 0E0000020h

mov [esi].Characteristics, eax

assume esi:NOTHING

mov edi, dwBuffer

add edi, dwSize

lea eax, PatchBegin

xchg esi, eax

mov ecx, dwLength

rep movsb

invoke SetFilePointer, dwFile, 0, 0, FILE_BEGIN

mov eax, dwSize

add eax, dwLength

invoke  WriteFile, dwFile, dwBuffer, eax, offset dwBytes, 0

invoke CloseHandle, dwFile

invoke GlobalFree, dwBuffer

invoke MessageBox, NULL,addr sucmsg,addr titlemsg,MB_OK

invoke ExitProcess, 0

end EntryPoint

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    • Keep reselling what I publish here for free!!! 🙂 GG  
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