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GEODATA Monsters stuck on trees check photo




HEllo there


Monsters can stuck on trees or walls if a players hit it and run there my ram was fine


i dotn know why , one guy say me what beucase i spawn custom monsters there that happend i dotn know

check this photo


one other guy say me wht is from Geoengine... i dotn know guys i try to fix this shit ver 10 days

i test many different geodata and i have same problem...




Thor have stuck monster on tree...

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You mean if monster dont move and is under attack over 7sec teleport to same spot just 100 radius away?


can this coded it? becuase i i ahve test 238942389492386436894839 geodata + pathnodes i try to fix my geodata but nothing..



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i get one idea , do u remmeber Porta on cruma 1st? ( bnb memmories xD )


that mobs have 1 skill teleport AV teleport as i remmber its summon of target can code work like that?


if monster dont move 5-6 sec summon target player ..

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