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[moded L2J - H5] L2Silver 25x- return of the silverians

Mr Tanka

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sks vre vlk...epeidh esy dn peires ta vesper parts p miraze stous clan leaders shmenei oti prepei na klais sto forum?e?ade gidi...


sorry your country is to poor for me to care to learn your language

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admin of this server its a focking idiot,i hope server close as fast as possible  :-beep- yeah:


This idiot is what seems to happen, or so i guess from redsky's post on forum referring to "his friend" jakk. If he doesnt mean you then sorry :D. But seems like ur a whiny little dip shit attacking a server because the admin refused to give you custom skills? haha, good luck in real life. Fcking moron.


:alone: <-- Jakk

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This idiot is what seems to happen, or so i guess from redsky's post on forum referring to "his friend" jakk. If he doesnt mean you then sorry :D. But seems like ur a whiny little dip shit attacking a server because the admin refused to give you custom skills? haha, good luck in real life. Fcking moron.


:alone: <-- Jakk


hehe actually i just wanted the vote system  :troll: but you rly one of the gm of the server ;) tell him ill -beep- him up somehow with ddos protection or not ;).



P.s i wish redsky happy brithday with his fake wife  :gusta:

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sorry your country is to poor for me to care to learn your language


Btw really sensible saying you don't want to learn my language because my country is poor.Will you attempt to learn Chinese in the future?  ;)




1st march they launch lol


not even gonna bother waiting, im sure a better server will open be4 then

You 're still here?
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It's a good time for some nolifers here to get some sleep, while server is off. Instead of QQing in forums- go for a walk ( outside :O ), get something to eat, and maybe actualy read a book for once or do something usefull.

Don't waste ur chance!!  :y u no?:

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It's a good time for some nolifers here to get some sleep, while server is off. Instead of QQing in forums- go for a walk ( outside :O ), get something to eat, and maybe actualy read a book for once or do something usefull.

Don't waste ur chance!!  :y u no?:


:dat: i have finally chance to meet my girl  :happyforever:

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hehe actually i just wanted the vote system  :troll: but you rly one of the gm of the server ;) tell him ill -beep- him up somehow with ddos protection or not ;).



P.s i wish redsky happy brithday with his fake wife  :gusta:


Sure because I use my brains and see the connection between wat redsky post and what you posted on EoA before, i must be a GM.  :you serious?:


You should maybe think there is players too that are sick of servers being destroyed by pathetic people like you. What is even the purpose of attacking servers? You think it will gain you something?

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Sure because I use my brains and see the connection between wat redsky post and what you posted on EoA before, i must be a GM.  :you serious?:


You should maybe think there is players too that are sick of servers being destroyed by pathetic people like you. What is even the purpose of attacking servers? You think it will gain you something?

dude you rly one of his slave that asslick him 24/7 so he will give you some item ingame :)))



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dude you rly one of his slave that asslick him 24/7 so he will give you some item ingame :)))


Think whatever you want moron. Not everybody is like you that needs to lick or threaten a server to be able to play the game. Others prefer to play the normal way, but i guess you're a 'special kid' with many 'special needs'.

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This shit gets serious.

It does not make any difference for you players, but I have paid some services that i can not use.


I dont ignore the situation, and as the dev checks what went wrong, i have no choice but going to the police to report a cyber crime.


I have called (Telephone: + 31 70 302 5000 if you have any doubts) EUROPOL / EC3 division https://www.europol.europa.eu/ec3 and they advised me to go to the police and give them all information so they can start the investigation.

I have skype logs, login logs (ofc is proxy but proxy dosent mean bullet proof), prints of the MXC topic where he is so proud of his actions, DDoS logs with the infected servers IPs, and any other detail that i can give i will :)


I will do this, and i will take 1 h of my time every day to go again and again there until they will be so tired of me that they will take the needed measures.

Oo ye, i live in Denmark. Is one of the countries in EU where the citizen wrights are reinforced with an iron fist.


Maybe i dont get anything out of it, but maybe I will.


At this point i take it personally.

Ofcourse jakk is not stupid, and he uses proxy and shit. But as a hacker he must know: everything leave tracks.

So ''my dear friend'', you have your tricks, i have mines. But this guys here: https://www.politi.dk/Koebenhavn/da/servicemenu/forside/  will be on my side.

Because i pay part of their wages ;)

And to be sure i get their interest, during the downtime/maintenance i have set a mirror backup of my company's accounting system that is connected to SKAT ( this guys http://www.skat.dk/) on the server machine :)

So technically, now you are attacking a Danish Company with  clean financial records and 11+ years activity.




Dev will inform me when he found the vulnerability and eliminated it, i will inform you as soon as i know anything.

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    • While not very active over the years, I've been around for as long as I could remember, so here are my 2 cents too. On top of what has already been said, I'd like to touch on a few thing that might be improved upon. While it is easy to notice and say "there's lack of engagement" or "community has outgrown the ganre", I've seen numerous forums get forgotten and die while others continue to thrive to this day. From what I've seen, the lack of engagement could be circumvented with a redesign and functionality expansion that would/could/should include: - a built-in chat functionality. - incentives for engagement/interaction, ideas of which I'll list as separate pointers, as not to limit your creativity. - separation of the reputation into reactions and reputation. One to be used to posts, such as up-vote and what not, while the other to be awarded as means of appreciation. - automated ranks with actual benefits/perks, not like the current ones providing nothing. - the ability to hide text for user/group of users, not just premium/no premium. - increased visibility of the HOT topics and the RECENTLY ACTIVE threads/posts. Can be also expanded to most liked posts, etc. ps.: I'll update my post when I have some free time on my hands.  
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