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high five [L2J]L2Aurora


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It was in regards to the "normal L2" argument by SweetyDancer.

Maybe i played l2 when you was baby,but this is not the point,the point is nobody class is overpower like ALL OTHER SERVERS and yeah i like long pvp becouse THE BEST PLAYER WIN.I dont want to tell more things bcouse i know you will find other SHITS to say.And what the d**k men if you want fast pvp go play l2mafia.If you dont want long pvp go make your sandwich and yor tea and dont spamm here.And about normal L2,your own generation destroy it.

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Maybe i played l2 when you was baby,but this is not the point,the point is nobody class is overpower like ALL OTHER SERVERS and yeah i like long pvp becouse THE BEST PLAYER WIN  :you serious?: .I dont want to tell more things  What more? :LOL: bcouse i know you will find other SHITS to say.And what the d**k men if you want fast pvp go play l2mafia.If you dont want long pvp go make your sandwich and yor tea and dont spamm here.And about normal L2,your own generation destroy it.



You keep coming back with some vague, abstract idea; I'm not forcing myself to disagree with you - you simply sound like a lunatic and it's hard to be convinced when someone says "It is balanced because I think so; that's my opinion, the end, stop talk".


You talk about flames and spam, you say you don't want to tell more things, duh, there AREN'T more things you can say - the only thing you came up with in the last 2 pages was that slow PvP = skill = balance. I will find other "sh1ts" to say because there is so many reasons why you are wrong. I wasn't a baby when you played L2, moron.


You have no coherent explanation - your only merit towards fast PvP being unbalanced is OVERPOWERED class; captain obvious much? Every system is prone to an overpowered class! Yours is no safer from it. It's for that fact that it is SLOW PvP that you probably won't notice it and keep bragging about it being balanced, because it is so random.


You then say that NO CLASS is OVERPOWERD - HOW the fuq does that relate to Slow PvP being good? If no class is overpowered like in every other server then you wouldn't need to cling to the idea that slow = good.


- I don't see how my generation destroyed L2. I'm not korean NCsoft dev. I am an aerospace engineer though - probably why I have so much to say without trolling you like a kiddo. L2private servers are dead because no dev is given the opportunity to make CRITICAL ASSESSMENT, since people like you spout ideas from gut feeling. Reality doesn't last long on a single feeling or idea.


P.S. You don't see my server because I don't have Midnex making it for me, when I just open datapack and change some skills.

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ok stop write so many things,i can do it too.but is Midnex's topic not yours or mine,if you want write some things you can send me PM to say me your opinion.cya.

It is there for others to see and make judgement based evidence proposed.

That's the point of public discussions...

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sandpants (epic name) you're making the server more and more popular :P

I'm not trying to make it less popular.

I'm not flaming. I have high regards towards Midnex and his work.


I'm trying to provide insight on the delicate compromise between choosing to damage or choosing to use a particular utility skill in PvP. It's THIS particular judgement which defines a good, skilled player. If you choose to cast a talisman UD mid-fight you have to be sure you don't get spiked down during the cast, because even if you don't die, you end up with a small portion of your HP, and UD will only delay the inevitable. If you see a powerful attack coming and cast UD just in time to mitigate it and then follow up with a counter attack even if it cancels your barrier - THAT is tricky to do.


But when you get low damage like what you can see in the vid - you don't care. You just cast skills as they are up. It's like 2 trains fighting. No matter what they do, they only go where the rails go.

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Well i was a bit busy in real life, bus still working on it currently rewriting oly, florek as always testing classes and remaking kamaels...

You should make PvP have a influence in the Olympiad somehow. That would be very unique and cool!
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    • This is my first and last topic created on a Lineage Forum, because if there's one thing that causes headaches for a lot of people, it's the critical error, that's why I decided to share it...   I'm creating a server again and before starting configurations I started collecting dozens of customs, without realizing my system folder had 950MB of files, so I started to enter the game, every 1 to 2 hours my client was reaching the maximum limit of virtual memory of the game due to the absurd amount of customs inside the system folder, reaching the maximum limit of 2047MB virtual ram, automatically we get critical, regardless of the error that appears on your screen, "THE WORDS ARE IRRELEVANT, unless it is a critical error before the ram memory limit reaches its limit", if you are seeing "2047 MB", it means that the game's virtual memory has reached its limit, and this memory is not configurable due to the game being created on 32-bit architecture, so I significantly reduced the amount of customs within the system from 950MB to 625MB, so my client started to reach the maximum memory limit every 10 to 12h, a huge progress, but my goal was at least 24h before reaching the virtual memory limit (playing frantically), so I reduced the system's custom files from 625MB to 267MB, the result was a first virtual memory limit critical error appearing after 41h.   My client is H5, the only types of customs I added to the game were focused only on equipment, one of the main causes were these skins and cloaks, they consume a huge amount of MB's within the "system", the problem is not adding customs to the client, the problem is adapting a custom and adding it inside the system folder, the system folder was not created with the intention of storing a huge amount of files.   Adding customs to the system folder means significantly reducing the time your client can remain open before reaching the virtual ram limit and make no mistake, there are hundreds of different critical errors with a small summary of the cause of the error, but if the critical table shows 2047MB of RAM, the problem is only 1. Example: I can see 3, 5, 9 critical error with different messages, but if this table is showing 2047MB ram, the reason was the virtual memory limit, an important detail is that this 2047MB ram is not a "fixed message or information from your computer", this 2047MB only appear when the cause is the virtual ram limit, it means that when you get a critical error with random numbers of ram memory appearing, such as 358MB ram, 715MB ram, it means that the cause of this error has no connection with ram virtual memory.
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