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What about share your skills in photomanip with us?:p


Hippo-Frog xD :




Sexy tattoo  :-* :


width=320 height=480http://i31.tinypic.com/keufew.jpg[/img]


Alienzzz :


width=640 height=405http://i32.tinypic.com/vzv37m.jpg[/img]


Romanian eye...Special made for Euro 2008 ^^ Gogo guys ^^ :


width=316 height=480http://i28.tinypic.com/5b4cur.jpg[/img]



Update :


New one ^^


Artificial Nature:


width=640 height=426http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs30/f/2008/165/1/f/Living_in_boxes_by_Kyonis.jpg[/img]



They are all made by me so dont flame like "I can find that on google" cause you dont. I can even give you the psd's if you dont trust in me ^^


Probablly you dont know what this topic was about...




Photo manipulation is the application of image editing techniques to photographs in order to create an illusion or deception (in contrast to mere enhancement or correction), through analog or digital means. Its uses, cultural impact, and ethical concerns have made it a subject of interest beyond the technical process and skills involved.


Shortly, Photo manipulation = more pictures gathered together and given special effects to create a totally new and "SF" one...


So stop posting papper-spiders...If you have any photomanip artworks, post them, else dont. Also gotta point that it must be YOURS...and yes the ones I posted are mine, made by me entirely

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