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How To Setup L2Net Ig


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Im getting this error....what can be wrong...the IG bot gets stuck on server select:


22:24:21 :[ERROR: crash: GameReadThread : Index was outside the bounds of the array.

22:24:21 :[Welcome to the game loop

22:24:21 :[client -> bot gameserver : connected

22:24:21 :[valid protocol... forwarding to game server

22:24:21 :[ig - starting bot threads

22:24:21 :[bot -> gameserver : connected

22:24:21 :[bot -> gameserver : opening

22:24:21 :[valid protocol... waiting for game server connection

22:24:21 :[protocol version: 273

22:24:21 :[client -> bot gameserver : connected

22:24:20 :[Desperion: 893/1250

22:24:20 :[loginsend - got the server list; modifying packet and sending to client

22:24:19 :[bot -> loginserver : connected

22:24:19 :[bot -> loginserver : opening

22:24:19 :[client -> bot loginserver : connected

22:23:58 :[client -> bot gameserver : using port 7777

22:23:58 :[client -> bot gameserver : waiting

22:23:58 :[client -> bot loginserver : waiting

22:23:50 :[loaded saved enterworld packet

22:23:50 :[loaded saved blowfish list

22:23:50 :[loaded saved gameserver list

22:23:50 :[loaded saved server list

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Im getting this error....what can be wrong...the IG bot gets stuck on server select:


22:24:21 :[ERROR: crash: GameReadThread : Index was outside the bounds of the array.

22:24:21 :[Welcome to the game loop

22:24:21 :[client -> bot gameserver : connected

22:24:21 :[valid protocol... forwarding to game server

22:24:21 :[ig - starting bot threads

22:24:21 :[bot -> gameserver : connected

22:24:21 :[bot -> gameserver : opening

22:24:21 :[valid protocol... waiting for game server connection

22:24:21 :[protocol version: 273

22:24:21 :[client -> bot gameserver : connected

22:24:20 :[Desperion: 893/1250

22:24:20 :[loginsend - got the server list; modifying packet and sending to client

22:24:19 :[bot -> loginserver : connected

22:24:19 :[bot -> loginserver : opening

22:24:19 :[client -> bot loginserver : connected

22:23:58 :[client -> bot gameserver : using port 7777

22:23:58 :[client -> bot gameserver : waiting

22:23:58 :[client -> bot loginserver : waiting

22:23:50 :[loaded saved enterworld packet

22:23:50 :[loaded saved blowfish list

22:23:50 :[loaded saved gameserver list

22:23:50 :[loaded saved server list


Did you check, if it is happening the same thing on OOG?

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Did you check, if it is happening the same thing on OOG?

OOG log:

21:11:05 :[ERROR: crash: GameReadThread : Index was outside the bounds of the array.

21:11:05 :[Welcome to the game loop

21:11:05 :[bot -> gameserver : connected

21:11:05 :[bot -> gameserver : opening

21:11:04 :[Encoding and sending server select

21:10:57 :[login info - login info sent

21:10:57 :[login info - sending login info

21:10:57 :[login info - blowfish done

21:10:57 :[login info - checksum end

21:10:57 :[login info - gameguard end/checksum start

21:10:57 :[login info - gameguard known query... sending known reply

21:10:57 :[login info - gameguard start

21:10:57 :[login info - rsa end

21:10:57 :[login info - rsa start

21:10:57 :[login info - packing username/pw

21:10:57 :[lol gameguard

21:10:57 :[Got Blowfish key

21:10:57 :[Got RSA key

21:10:57 :[bot -> loginserver : connected

21:10:57 :[bot -> loginserver : opening

21:10:57 :[starting login Process

21:10:31 :[loaded saved enterworld packet

21:10:31 :[loaded saved blowfish list

21:10:31 :[loaded saved gameserver list

21:10:31 :[loaded saved server list

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the only thing u forgot in ur walkthrough is the part to past l2.ini inside system2 folder.

Besides that one of the best guides I've saw around, because of the step by step and the pictures helps a lot. Gratz dude and thks a lot for the help

3rd:We create second system folder and we copy the files from system and we paste them to the system2 plus the l2.ini that you download from my link.
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Y man sorry! I was going to edit it again coz I just saw it! I'm Really sorry!

Well now I have to say it ! Perfect guide :D ajjaja thanks man

Thank you mate.
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hey man,  I'm not able to make it work... Do u think it could be the server has protection against l2net? is l2null server. I know the l2null official server has protection but they opened a beta server and it's not working there either.. If u can try to see if u can manage to make it work I'll appreciate it.


Server name: l2null.com

server ip:

U just have to download the new patch and give it a try..accounts are auto-creatted(coz its a beta)

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hey man,  I'm not able to make it work... Do u think it could be the server has protection against l2net? is l2null server. I know the l2null official server has protection but they opened a beta server and it's not working there either.. If u can try to see if u can manage to make it work I'll appreciate it.


Server name: l2null.com

server ip:

U just have to download the new patch and give it a try..accounts are auto-creatted(coz its a beta)

They have protection.
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Does this works for GoD? Naia Server?


and can it run multi accounts at the same time? :)




Y works for God... though I haven't tried ur server!

And Yes, u can open more than one.

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Does this works for GoD? Naia Server?


and can it run multi accounts at the same time? :)



As i know NCsoft Official servers have protection now.
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