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[Share] First compiled version of L2jHellas

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Hello here is the 4shared link for the first compiled version

http://www.4shared.com/rar/SAtqgDFU/l2hellastest.html? the rar password is :  jbdi28373b2jbd97


Inside you will find  core and datapack also there is a doc that says what the pack contains and what's the future changes that will be made.

if you need any help setting it up or you have any questions/suggestions/ reports either post on this topic nor pm me

Thanks in advance!


More Info:

Client: Interlude

Recommended Use: For a PvP Server


Grandboss rework

Some Skills engine are reworked

Many custom configs (including a basic faction modification)

Away system

Many pvp/pk settings

Banking system




Capture The Flag


Protected server Core

Many Flood Protectors


Many many more....



Note that this features are just a fragment of the features that l2jhellas is offering!


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there are info in the doc folder after you download the pack.


the post was made 3 minutes ago i don't think you were able to test it yet you are just flaming so i am warning you don't post here again!

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Why first we need to download the archive in order to see basic info about project?

Why is it so hard to write here on what chronicle is based or any basic info?

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Why first we need to download the archive in order to see basic info about project?

Why is it so hard to write here on what chronicle is based or any basic info?


First post updated!

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well thanks for share with us. Some of us will get this pack usefull ^^

No problem dude i think it will be awesome for pvp servers since it's more stable than l2jfrozen and has all the custom configs you need...



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spammer, you should  reported.


Good luck dude!!


seriously its a ru pack and just rename and organize jar and configs lol check yourself again ;) its not l2j or l2jfree (as clean based)

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seriously its a ru pack and just rename and organize jar and configs lol check yourself again ;) its not l2j or l2jfree (as clean based)


ru pack? wtf are you talking about? the only thing i wanted to get into the project was some scripts from a ru datapack because they had very good and working quests , the pack is mine , i told you to not post here again if you want to help just find some bugs and report them if you don't take your unstable piece of crap l2jfrozen and create a pvp server...

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ru pack? wtf are you talking about? the only thing i wanted to get into the project was some scripts from a ru datapack because they had very good and working quests , the pack is mine , i told you to not post here again if you want to help just find some bugs and report them if you don't take your unstable piece of crap l2jfrozen and create a pvp server...

seriously want some bugs yeah then ofc lets tell you some


: Heroic berseker must give -8 evasion here its not working

: CoV doesnt restore life when casted as it should do

:Check oly observer and match game , life and buffs sometimes doesnt apperas

:Your scripts are unretail, You got some missing NPC on castles like guards etc on stutgard or wtf the castle called , and rune

thats for now... oh and it loads with so much ram

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