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[Share][TRICK]Bigger casting speed.. [L2J]+[L2OFF] INTERLUDE.


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cause it keeps it from getting fixed sooner.. and dont spam

its a fun trick to use tho if u know how to do it ^^


/offtopic This Trick WON'T ever be fixed. Just by looking replies I can know what it is. So imo, delete some posts, cause OP hide it.


/ontopic If somebody didn't used this, well....they are just stupid XD  And ofc will work in ALL servers.


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thx i really didn't knew that. It is kinda strange because they are curses and should'nt boost anything, actually they should decrease something. Maybe it is a bug with the fact that only until level 4. What i want to ask is, how do you get the curse? One level after another or it is random (you get lvl 4 or 6 or etc.)?

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thx i really didn't knew that. It is kinda strange because they are curses and should'nt boost anything, actually they should decrease something. Maybe it is a bug with the fact that only until level 4. What i want to ask is, how do you get the curse? One level after another or it is random (you get lvl 4 or 6 or etc.)?


one level after another.

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Ok here i am to explain to all the maxcheaters members how to have bigger casting speed. Im sure many of you know that , but im sure that not ALL of you did. Im not sure if its exploit or a trick mods will decide and move it.


Ok Lets explain how we do it.


1.Go To hot springs

2.There is mobs that look like spiders.

3.Attack them and run to a safer place and start healing yourself so you wont die...

4.After a certain period of time the mobs will give you a curse called "Curse of Malaria" .. this curse have some things that you should know...

a)It increase casting speed and decrease mp consumation BUT it effects you only till 4 lvl

b)If the skill reaches 4 lvl you will get + c.speed but if it goes 5 6 7 .. up to 9 it will lower your c speed and it will work like a real curse.

5.If you manage to get malaria 4 you will just have too check your c.speed.


Usefull information for the exploit/trick...:

-The time of the curse equals the time of the buff time in your server

-It works on alll full L2OFF servers but not on all L2J's...




If you're archer you can get another bonus... BECAUSE:

-The mobs not only give a skill that enchance your c.speed they also give a skill that BOOST your accuracy [Curse Of Cholera] and its useful for archers.


NOTE: Just wait until you get the malaria/cholera 4 lvl... cuz if you get highter you will loose c.speed or accuracy



P.S : From Bulgaria with love


[Test Results]:Tested on L2OFF interlude works perfectly.

for archers. if u get accuracy it also decrease evasion not only give smth... decrease evasion and increase accuracy.

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