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Thread dur hur  

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  1. 1. Thread dur hur

    • Fast Paced
    • Slow Paced
    • Lol Retail full buffed.
    • I prefer my own idea of balance (Server only blunt+fatalstrike)

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Curiosity abound.


Fast paced - Loads of damage from all classes. Stuff dies in a couple of hits, anywhere between 10 to 2 or even 1 hits. Healers heal for about as much as average damage. One slight mistake and healer fails.


Slow paced - 300 damage mages. So many buffs that it takes minutes to kill stuff. Tanks are invincible. All healers live till mana ends. Everything else heals half of the damage through CP pots. PvP is won by random luck and debuffs. Heals are enough to mitigate damage from 5 DDs.


Retail fully buffed - I dunno, typical 24/12 buffslots? Most buffs in NPC buffer except a few? Tanks deal 4k dmg. Daggers stab for 800. Mix between the first 2. Basically physical skills suck. All magical attacks suck. The retardation of this depends how high max enchant is. +16 -> infinity = terrible. Anything less than +16 - slightly less terrible. Normal physical attacks hit 3-4 times harder than TSS.




^ Broad average balance and PvP combat throughout current servers.


Which do you prefer? Other options in your post please.


all of them sucks. Fast coz ppl get angry when they die too often and need to teleport to same location again and again. Slow sucks coz minutes of clicking buttons on same guy gets boring(and if he have got bishop u think, its better run than spend couple of minutes to kill that guy). Retail fully buffed sucks coz its not balanced, if tanks would be tanks, daggers would be daggers and and they all would deal damage as they should, it would be cool.


Fast sucks in 1v1 or general small scale.


But in organized party vs party it's a lot better IMO.


And the whole teleport thing should be ignored. Best to find ways around that than compromise balance.


Fast sucks in 1v1 or general small scale.


But in organized party vs party it's a lot better IMO.


And the whole teleport thing should be ignored. Best to find ways around that than compromise balance.

if u would like to make fast pvp, u would still have to spend on it a lot of time coz if everybody will kill on 2 hits, range units like mages and archers would be a lot better than others. Also u would have to balance everything to make about same damage, debuffs would be useless, most of the skills would be useless on such server :)


Not 2 hits. Rare occasions like dagger crit stabs with CC or titans on frenzy.


I was thinking more like 4-5 hits if all crits on about 10k HP. So 8-10 hits with no crits. On average 20% magical attacks and about 25% physical skills are crits. So... 7-9?


Debuffs may not be worth the time but they would still change the tide in a prolonged fight.


mass debuffs would be worth time for sure or debuffs that have very high land rate, usefull effect and quick cast duration :)


mass debuffs would be worth time for sure or debuffs that have very high land rate, usefull effect and quick cast duration :)

It's arguable and it's a whole new perspective.


The difference between 5 and 7 hits could be substantial considering that targets move, skills can fail, you get CCed, etc.

A fight can be dynamic and usually is. But it matters less the more mistakes are forgiven. That's why slow PvP is not really... exciting. You just mash buttons to ensure highest DPS on a target. Not really smart.


So debuffs would still matter.


well, i was thinking about making pvp more exciting some months ago. I think more u have to do in pvp = more exciting it is, u are offering fast targeting and killing, its good idea but there are also a lot more possibilities ^^


Whatever it happends lineage 2 will never be balanced. Always some classes will be more powered than others

Perfect balance would be, if all classes would have same stats and skill but that wouldnt be fun, some classes need to be better vs others and weaker vs the rest.


that's right.

Take the example tank archer

or Trickster/Doombringer vs Mage.


Anyway, nowadays some players cannot understand somethings and start the non-stoppin QQ


Balance within obvious limits.


If people cry that they cannot win tanks when playing an archer or dagger, that's pretty much /ignore material right there.


But when a tank face rolls everyone using a blunt and hitting for 4k dmg and having movable UDs when a dwarf deals 300 (sure dwarves, but blunts as well) and glads TSS crit for 1.6k - there is something wrong.


100 % retail-like on EVERYTHING is the best option. When I say 100 % retail-like I mean no mana pots and no modified buff duration.


Fast/Slow-paced would be annoying. Fast-paced means that ranged heroes will have a huge advantage over melees, while slow-paced favors castle defenders and discourages continuous pvp at boss camps.









I know that a retail-like high rate server is rather uncommon, but DEX has tried it in the past with Fury x5000 and worked pretty fine.


Well, I don't like the servers with 99% modded skills called as "balanced"... it just destroys the gameplay... I would prefer to keep skills as original and fix skill bugs, add missing skills or correct their stats if wrong.

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