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[FREYA - L2 OFF] L2 Defined THE ONLY L2 OFF FREYA SERVER! Check us out!

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Lineage II Defined: The Return of L2Off


Lineage II Official servers are a dying breed. Players only have memories of legendary L2 Off servers

and even the legendary developers of the past have thrown in the towel. We can't just stand by

and let L2 Off be over-run by the L2 Java community. We present to you the return of L2 Official.






100X Exp 300X Adena


-The Only 100% Functioning L2 Off Freya Server-

Server is in Open Beta Phase.

L2 Defined will be fully opened on Saturday the 11th of August, 2012.

Updater is available and functioning.





Demonic Mage Zelman

-We have made a 3rd demonic weapon; a staff for mages.


-We've custom created grades s86, s88, and s90 for Freya!

Materials World-wide Looting System

-Tired of getting coal, mats, and stems? We've solved that

problem with our 'garbage' system which changes out your

otherwise garbage-drop into a custom material

needed for items in L2 Defined.

Rare Items

-Rare versions of weapons and armors are found only in our custom zones.

Also Masterwork items can be obtained at a % chance when buying

a weapon from Maelor (the high-grade arms dealer.)

1st Ever Custom-Made L2 Off Achievement System

-Ever wanted a reward for earning 5000 PvPs? With our many custom

achievements you can always find something to do.


-s80 Gear Max

Feeding-Prevention System

-Randomized player appearances as well as a few other

factors make olympiad feeding much harder than before.


-Announces when a player has succeeded a high enchant or has killed

a raid boss.

Gear Limitation

-Players won't be able to wear gear that is too powerful for the

custom leveling zone they're in.

(Ex: In Elven Fortress, s84 and higher will be automatically removed.)


-We are constantly expanding L2 Defined bringing out updates for

game extension to keep our players interested and involved. Our development

staff has a combined 15 years of Lineage II private server developing experience.


-Elven Fortress, School of Dark Arts, Abandoned Coal Mines.

-Special Raid Bosses

-Elemental World-wide Materials

-New currencies

-Custom Shops in Aden (Main Town)

-NPC Buffer

-1 Hour NPC Buffs

-2 Hour Player Buffs

Freya Retail

-Besides the things we've modified, the server is 100% Freya Retail.

Other Features

-Perfect Geodata

-Subclass Certification


-Retail Grandboss AI (epic)

-Boosted Low-Level Grandbosses


-Rare & {PvP} Items



-Seven Signs

-Castle Sieges


-Skill Transfer

-New Skill Enchant Interface

-Offline Shops

-Auto-Learn Skills

-Forgotten Spellbooks

-No Lag

-In-Game Donation Shop

-Much More


The Defined Lineage II World awaits you. Come and see what you're missing.





L2emu shows the same x.x it's not a proof...

mb show a screenshot with //who ?


Aww I wouldn't lie to you! This is a project my developers have been working on for a very long time. It's legit and a great, stable server with new concepts and many ways to stay entertained. (And no it's not the L2j of L2 official servers.)



since l2emu exists, it's using l2off emulation and scripts, but I'm not here to argue, just requested a screen, thanks anyway!


Nothing to argue about!

No L2J uses native L2OFF scripts, always converted data into l2j formats(sometimes with loss of certain l2off only variables).


You ask you receive - that's how we'd like to convince our players to join :)

Come try out the only L2 Official Freya server out there. We know you'll enjoy it.



The custom armors/wep make this server a epic fail official server lol




I don't think it's fair to say that just by looking at the gear the admin wears...


All gear and anything we do will be balanced towards NCSoft's original math\algorhythm.

(Including making sure all variables do follow a sane progression percentage from weapon to weapon\skill to skill as NCSoft does).

We're hoping people perhaps want a better base to play a HR on, no crashes, no weird skills bugging out cause some project they used updated an engine - or decided to edit a way to calculate damage and so on.

This is full on 100% functioning l2 official freya with *currently* no custom gears involved in the game.


Come log into the game and see what it's like before pushing us aside - this isn't just another lame server!



Btw: that custom gear set is just a symbol of how non-boring our server's future is. It has no place in the game yet. It's just what I'm wearing. Right now the top gear you can acquire is s86 (Elegia - only custom part is the gear grade). Lineage II is a free-to-play game where ever you can find it. We've provided a game different from retail and better than java. Our custom items do not clutter the server - they expand game play. Before you just make silly assumptions about quality because of one custom gear set, you should stop by and see how cool our in-game systems are and how well the server runs.

Check us out,



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