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and i work at google

No, finito you used to be a global in this forum raging to people who had a different opinion that you and abusing your power by banning them. That's the reason you got demoted in the first place.


My dick will still be bigger than yours, either you believe me or not, so for your own good believe it and I may let you enjoy my dick.


MissingNo gtfo please.^_^


Let me check. you are 17 years old. So, I will just let you masturbate at gay or bbw porn to satisfy your imagination where you have sex with your parents or your dog.


pharmacist = you stand behind a desk and give people things that others tell you to give them.

Just because you went to a different kind of university that doesnt mean you are better than anyone else. :D

put up or shut up rule goes for you too.

Yet you spend most of your time on mxc acting like a 6th grader, nice job your child will be proud of you :D


You compare a programming univercity with a pharmacy one? For -beep- sake, you keep showing off your brain damage.


Ask all the greek people of this forum which one needs more effort to enter.


To enter pharmacy you need to write more than 18.5 to all subjects, in order to catch the needed points.


"pharmacist = you stand behind a desk and give people things that others tell you to give them."


You know that I studied physhics, chemistry, biology, botanology and mathematics in order to be here today.


I earn more than 10k a month from each one of my two pharmacies (the own was given to me by my father) and I am able to create and sell whatever code I want via the internet.


Also, my child is proud of me because I am able to offer him a life way better than yours.

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Lmao you are such a bad person. no more <3  for you :P >.<


that makes me sad :D


No, finito you used to be a global in this forum raging to people who had a different opinion that you and abusing your power by banning them. That's the reason you got demoted in the first place.


My dick will still be bigger than yours, either you believe me or not, so for your own good believe it and I may let you enjoy my dick.


Let me check. you are 17 years old. So, I will just let you masturbate at gay or bbw porn to satisfy your imagination where you have sex with your parents or your dog.


You compare a programming univercity with a pharmacy one? For -beep- sake, you keep showing off your brain damage.


Ask all the greek people of this forum which one needs more effort to enter.


To enter pharmacy you need to write more than 18.5 to all subjects, in order to catch the needed points.


"pharmacist = you stand behind a desk and give people things that others tell you to give them."


You know that I studied physhics, chemistry, biology, botanology and mathematics in order to be here today.


I earn more than 10k a month from each one of my two pharmacies (the own was given to me by my father) and I am able to create and sell whatever code I want via the internet.


Also, my child is proud of me because I am able to offer him a life way better than yours.


I dont compare the universitys learn to read i said that the fact that you finished one doesnt make you any better. Yes i went to a different university class so what? You just proove that just because you have a silver spoon in your mouth you think you are better than everyone yet you just talk about it, if you are so good go ahead and do something anything and for once proove it, or just shut the hell up.

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No, finito you used to be a global in this forum raging to people who had a different opinion that you and abusing your power by banning them. That's the reason you got demoted in the first place.


My dick will still be bigger than yours, either you believe me or not, so for your own good believe it and I may let you enjoy my dick.



we are all writing stories on what we would wish we had aren't we?


oh, you actually believe this shit you are writing.



and i don't fuckin care for whatever shit u have to say

the fact that you are writing like a 15 year old says enough for me to not believe a godamn word you are writing

(not only the way you are writing right now, but in general in your time in this forum.)

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My dick will still be bigger than yours, either you believe me or not, so for your own good believe it and I may let you enjoy my dick.



Your wife should be happy?


You act like Pamela Anderson with tom's lee boat :P

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we are all writing stories on what we would wish we had aren't we?


oh, you actually believe this shit you are writing.



and i don't -beep-in care for whatever shit u have to say

the fact that you are writing like a 15 year old says enough for me to not believe a godamn word you are writing

(not only the way you are writing right now, but in general in your time in this forum.)


I am gonna tell you again, be my guest to measure my dicks's length by the end of the day.

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And you expect me to believe that you are an adult and all the shit you said.


If you had really gone to a university and were a grown up, you would be able to justify your arguments and have better comebacks than saying over the internet


'mah dick iz bigger than urz stfu u are wr0ng'

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And you expect me to believe that you are an adult and all the shit you said.


If you had really gone to a university, you would be able to justify your arguments and have better comebacks than saying over the internet


'mah dick iz bigger than urz stfu u are wr0ng'


As far as I know you are 19 years old, do you think I need to prove anything to you? You still dont get it, do you?

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Believe it or not, the only thing that proves who you are over the internet, is the way you write, and the things you have done ON THE INTERNET.


All other shit can be made up and is actually.. pointless


In this case, you are nothing more than an underage kid that has shown nothing so far.

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Believe it or not, the only thing that proves who you are over the internet, is the way you write, and the things you have done ON THE INTERNET.


All other shit can be made up and is actually.. pointless


In this case, you are nothing more than an underage kid that has shown nothing so far.



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Believe it or not, the only thing that proves who you are over the internet, is the way you write, and the things you have done ON THE INTERNET.


All other shit can be made up and is actually.. pointless


In this case, you are nothing more than an underage kid that has shown nothing so far.


You make me repeat my self, feel free to measure my dick by the end of the day.


I see you are not clever enough to understandto even understand the meaning behind that sentence.


Let me give you a hint.


No one cares what you think.



This. If you know what I mean.

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You make me repeat my self, feel free to measure my dick by the end of the day.


I see you are not clever enough to understandto even understand the meaning behind that sentence.


Let me give you a hint.


No one cares what you think.

This. If you know what I mean.


noone cares what you think either so what now?You are a useless member of the community who we use to kill time and laugh at.

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noone cares what you think either so what now?You are a useless member of the community who we use to kill time and laugh at.

Interpid called another member useless.


You are funny.

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You make me repeat my self, feel free to measure my dick by the end of the day.


I see you are not clever enough to understandto even understand the meaning behind that sentence.


Let me give you a hint.


No one cares what you think.

This. If you know what I mean.

Let me get on your level so you can understand


mah dick is 30cm what are u talking about nigga stfu

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