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Meanwhille, you work(obviously for more money)

you are higher educated

better programmer

and more succesful in life(funny how i bring such a thing in a discussion in such a forum)

I do have a job. I am a pharmacist.

Obviously, I am highly educated.

I am a way better programmer.

I am married with a child. I believe that's the ultimate success in real life.

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I do have a job. I am a pharmacist.

Obviously, I am highly educated.

I am a way better programmer.

I am married with a child. I believe that's the ultimate success in real life.

and i work at google
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I do have a job. I am a pharmacist.

Obviously, I am highly educated.

I am a way better programmer.

I am married with a child. I believe that's the ultimate success in real life.


pharmacist = you stand behind a desk and give people things that others tell you to give them.

Just because you went to a different kind of university that doesnt mean you are better than anyone else. :D

put up or shut up rule goes for you too.

Yet you spend most of your time on mxc acting like a 6th grader, nice job your child will be proud of you :D

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