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Guys , what about a talk for old memories ?

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So i'm totally pissed off on new servers , and new game called "lineage 2" . Personally for me , they are such a fail . The lineage 2 isn't the older one , which was just more than a game , it was a lifestyle , it was something special , very special ! I'm really missing old times, on l2dex when it was C4 and older , i didn't remember much names of the servers , cause i've didn't been that older , so i remember only the best pvp partys , raid boss ones , and much more , i really miss them , now l2 is a crap one ! Some people likes it , i won't argue with them , i just want to remmber to all of you old times , so do you remember l2 extreme or l2 revenge ? Such a wonderful days , i really miss them ! So see this video , let's the memories comes in you guys !  :)


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The game to its core is the same. There are two factors that make Lineage 2 today unbearable.

1st the community is full of wannabes and emo qqers that think they are better developers that the people that run the server they play at.

And 2nd after so many years its only logical to get bored and miss how wonderfull the early years of your l2 life were.

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  • 2 months later...

I never played lower than Gracia chronicles !

The first server i was playing was Gracia part II then final then epiloque then freya and now h5!


Do only I smell a strange (and silly) proudness of that fact from you?



Anything higher than Interlude isn't Lineage for me.

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I never played lower than Gracia chronicles !

The first server i was playing was Gracia part II then final then epiloque then freya and now h5!



then you never actually played l2.you were playing star wars.
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Do only I smell a strange (and silly) proudness of that fact from you?



Anything higher than Interlude isn't Lineage for me.

yes its only you !


proudness of what ? for god sake , this community become worst and worst !

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then you never actually played l2.you were playing star wars.

dot know why every1 says this bullshit ,


maybe you are right , but i had a great time playing on Gracia part II + chronicles !

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dot know why every1 says this bullshit ,


maybe you are right , but i had a great time playing on Gracia part II + chronicles !

I wish you would play c4,c5,c6 so you would understand what real l2 means dude.
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Back in like 2008 or 2009 when i started L2 was so good o__o

I sure do miss the older times when l2j and stuff were less available and only admins with IQ above the negatives owned servers and had a decent player base no matter how bad it was.

L2 was REALLY addicting and i mean REALLY addicting i would play it until like 4 AM everyday on Azure (supreme? closed ._____.). Azure was my first server (c4.5) and was one of the best ones i've ever been on even till today. No server can match or bring back the same feeling I had back then. Seems like it lost its touch and magic. The only ones that kept be playing were Raidfight and L2 Evo.


Look at the ruined community now and look at what l2j and its availability to everyone impacted the l2 private server scene. Look at the mxc private server section deteriorating over time. Back when I joined mxc i could actually find some interesting servers. Well, not anymore if you see all the threads are INTERLUDES with the exact same features and admins whos IQ plummets below the negatives yet having the idea that if they copy a famous server with false info they will be the 'net big thing'. I've sacrificed so much time and other stuff just to l2 too .__.

Seems like the players got worse as well. They prefer "retail" and bland/boring/grey servers. When people try to come up with something new they just don't want change. The chronicles aren't bad either. Just the players are stuck in their fantasy and is lied to and had their impressions ruined just by a few servers. One of the main reasons why i don't wanna continue working with L2 and stuff. The IQ of players originally were around 80, not it dropped to like -10 and it's just sad for me to even try especially when all of they just want stuff for free and rip/steal unable to understand the effort and time put into them. The feel is different too. I no longer have that 'want' to play l2 anymore like i did a few years/months ago and farming is boring/repetitive and so is Pvp. Honestly the new servers/"admins/devs" popping out every day is just disgusting. I'm sure many can agree to that as well.


Sad to see this game laid to rest but I guess it has to end some time or another. you can use a human life as an analogy as you'll age and face the inevitable.


Awh, hope you enjoyed it written on my time while formatting pc (dunno why it died :c) just my thoughts and memories(:

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<People complaining anything beyond interlude is star wars

<Check advert sub forum

<See loads of sh1tty lolterludes with 20 players



It's outdated.

Played from C4. Could not give a fudge about it now.


What people cared for was not the chronicle - the game was popular, it had many players, there was a feeling of persistence. The world was open to everyone and there were no rules. People weren't moaning wh0res who would drop CW for an epic boss. People would fight over a spot in a farm zone. That was the game.


But standards and expectations change. There is no persistence, open world is dead cos PvP servers with their lousy 50 players have Oly porn, raiding boss is 2-3 hours of ALT+shift/windowed mode and stream some online film.


The game has to move forward and servers need to become more modern. There isn't enough arguments to support this claim but there are enough patterns that people choose to ignore - the game is old.


Yes people want stuff for free, with less farm, etc.

Then there are 100 people one these forums who want 1x and month grind. Go to Russian servers and enjoy your no life there.


This game is just like music. We used to listen to rock, trance, techno. Now dubstep. It's flavor. Some like it - others don't.

But the reality is that the majority don't like old l2. The ones that do are suspended in delusional dream.

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  • 2 months later...

then you never actually played l2.you were playing star wars.

So true


edite: if mxc close you will less fail server ( because they will not have all this usefull guides )

without them, QQ

( most will be bored even search on google

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So true


edite: if mxc close you will less fail server ( because they will not have all this usefull guides )

without them, QQ

( most will be bored even search on google


Not really ,there are plenty of all kind of scripts and preconfigured packs and sources and etc in russian forums (even translated in english) ,you just have to search ^^

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