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Jungling is what it is called when you go in the forest between the lanes and level up/gain gold by killing the camps. The advantage of jungling is that it allows two solo lanes so that there are two higher leveled people on your team, and if you are efficient enough, you can also be higher leveled than the dual lane.


These are the different aspects of a jungler

Speed: How fast he can kill the creep camps and the entire jungle.

Survivability: Is he able to sustain a high a-beep-t of health during the process? Or he is very susceptible to counter jungling?

Sustainability: If he can sustain the jungling without going back to base every time because of different factors.

Ganking: The ability to gank a lane.

Invasion: The ability to counter-jungle.

Path/Item builds: How versatile the champion is with the path (where does he start jungling) and items (if he can itemize accordingly to the enemy team).

Ganking is one of the most important aspect of jungling. It dictates the pace of laning and inputs pressure into overextended enemies. Some champions can perform ganks at the early levels (2 onwards), others gets more successful with at higher levels.


The next important skill to perform is Counter-jungle, not all the junglers can do well in this aspect (that's why some junglers perform best in speed, in jungle control, some others in sustainability, ganking or anti counter-jungler) but it's very important. Usually requires a ward / an ally with clairvoyance, and the ability to predict the enemy jungler taking into account speed/versatility. It is not required to actually kill the enemy jungler, but deny him a couple of minions or even steal the major buffs (red and blue).


Take into account that you can be Counter-jungled if you are caught, seen by a ward or by clairvoyance! Try to be decisive with your ganks and deadly when striking the opponent.


Tip :Smite

Smite is a mandatory Summoner Spell if you plan on Jungling. It does massive damage to all non-champion enemies, and has a fast cooldown. Helps with your speed and counter jungling as well.


Tip:Attention: Runes!

Jungling requires early game assistance. The only way to get this is with Runes. Do not try jungling without them, as it is almost impossible to keep the pace without failing. Try to save Influence Points (IP) if you are very interested in jungling, as you will need it for runes.



Recommended Runes


mjbalk.jpg Greater Mark of Alacrity (+1.7% attack speed)

kf45km.jpg Greater Mark of Desolation (+1.66 armor penetration)

jqn6t5.jpgGreater Seal of Resilience (+1.41 armor)

2mg16wx.jpgGreater Seal of Evasion (+0.75% dodge)

33pda2c.jpg Greater Glyph of Shielding (+0.15 magic resist per level (+2.7 at champion level 18))

2i111g5.jpgGreater Glyph of Warding ( +1.49 magic resist)

2jg13y8.jpgGreater Quintessence of Desolation (+3.33 armor penetration)

9ihkci.jpgGreater Quintessence of Fortitude (+26 health)







These are the champions that have the easiest time in the Jungle and can perform the necessary tasks. Click on the portraits for more information!

Warwick - Bruiser

Shaco - Assassin

Nunu - Tank/Mage/Support

Nocturne - Assassin/Bruiser

Udyr - Bruiser

Trundle - Bruiser

Olaf - Bruiser

Amumu - Tank

Cho Gath - Tank

Lee Sin - Bruiser




Warwick                                                                    14v63d5.jpg






Best jungling aspect: Sustainability / Survivability



Due to Warwick's inherent lifesteal and abilities, he can regain health almost all the time, making him very sustained throughout the process. Skill like Hungering Strike, which heals Warwick for 100% of damage done by the ability and Hunters Call, boosts his attack speed by 50/55/60/65/70% for ten seconds.





Shaco                                                    2iikcnt.jpg




Best jungling aspect: Ganking / Invasion



Shaco is able to Jungle with his Jack in the Box ability, which puts down a stealthed Jack in the Box. When it is triggered it fears all nearby enemies and shoots at them for a time or until destroyed. Unlike most people who venture into the Jungle early, Shaco wants to grab the Lizard Elder if he wants to get an early gank and first blood. It requires atleast 4 Jack in the Boxes to take out the Lizard Elder. His ganking is devastating with a stealth jump, and can be one of the most deadly ones if well executed.





Nunu                                                    ljqdg.jpg






Best jungling aspect: Invasion / Speed / Sustainability / Ganking



Nunu's ability to Jungle early is dependent on his Consume ability, which deals heavy damage to minions and heals him. He also has Blood Boil, which increases his attack and movement speeds. He has great control of the jungle, both the enemy side and his side. Using Consume + Smite combo, he can deny the enemy from important buffs (combined also with wards), speed up his own jungle, great Dragon and Baron control plus a slow which is devastating when ganking (in addition to the slow from the Lizard buff).





Udyr                                                          254wu2e.jpg





est jungling aspect: Versatility / Speed



His Turtle stance gives him a shield and life steal, which is essential for Jungling. At level two his ability to Jungle improves dramatically, because he has 2 stances to switch between to activate his passive ability, which gives him more attack speed. His versatility concerning builds and skills can help him deal unexpected situations or adapt to his team, either tanky, or more DPS oriented. He ganks using Bear form to stun enemies while increasing movement speed.




Trundle                                                    34dpvfm.jpg






Best jungling aspect: Survivability / Invasion / Anti-invasion



Trundle is one of the best Jungling champions in the game. With an inherent passive healing ability (Decompose) which heals Trundle whenever an enemy unit dies nearby and a spammable enhanced autoattack (Rapid bite), his speed and survivability is outstanding. Also, as he has a self buff and a Pillar who blocks terran and slows, he's also a great for counter-jungling and ganking, deadly wihtin the tiny passages of the jungle.







Nocturne                                                        x25lw0.jpg







Best jungling aspect: Ganking / Speed / Versatility



Nocturne is one of the best gankers in the game. At level 6, his ultimate is a very long range jump-dash which blocks the enemy vision of the map plus, combined with his Fear and self shield (acts like a banshee's veil) there is almost no way to escape if you have overextended from a Nocturne's gank. During the frst levels of the jungle he's vulnerable to counter jungling but can overcome his squishiness with the Shield and Duskbringer ability to gain movement speed and run away.






Olaf                                                      108bqtg.jpg








Best jungling aspect: Speed / Sustainability



The fastest jungler, Olaf the Berserker. Using his Undertow ability and Lifesteal, he shreds minions in no time, plus his passive makes him gain attackspeed for every percentage of health missing. A great feat for a jungler. Ganks are somewhat dependant on how well you can aim his throw axe (Undertow) ability into the enemy, but once close, he is really deadly bursting with a true damage nuke (Reckless Swing).





Amumu                                              1fx0cl.jpg










Best jungling aspect: Speed



Amumu is one of the few tanks who can jungle fast and steady (paired with Cho gath). His passive (Cursed touch) which lowers the magic resistance of nearby enemies, combined with Despair and Tantrum for maximum effectiveness. He is somewhat vulnerable to counter jungling, and his ganks are dependant on how you can aim the skillshot (Bandage toss), but once level 6, there is no escaping from his Ultimate (Curse of the Sad Mummy) which is an AoE snare.









There are a lot of heroes which can jungle, like Master Yi, Xin Zhao, Lee Sin, Irelia, Rammus, Shen, Malphite, Tryndamere, Maokai, Cho Gath, but they require a coordinated team and specific rune setup to maximize their jungle capacity. It is recommended to acquire jungling experience with the above and then dive into the other champions.









The Creeps








Neutral and Buff Creeps that spawn in the jungle are much different than the minions that you can find in a lane. Some provide powerful buffs that can drastically improve your chances of winning while others can kill you if you try to take them on to early. Knowing which creep does what is invaluable when jungling:









The weakest creeps in the Jungle, they come in groups of three, with a pair of Wolves and a Giant Wolf. The Wolves dont give that much experience compared to other creeps and are randomly spawned in the above areas. If they don't spawn there two Golems will be there instead. The Wolves give 16 gold and 50 experience, and the Giant Wolf gives 25 gold and 90 experience.







The Golems are the next weakest creeps, they come in pairs and both have the same health and damage. The Golems give more experience than the wolves, and are consequently harder to kill. They spawn in the same areas as the wolves do, so sometimes they will be in that area, and sometimes wolves will be there. Each Golem gives 30 gold and 140 experience.







The Ancient Golem


The Ancient Golem is one of the strongest creeps in the Jungle, the Ancient Golem itself has high health and damage, and also has two Young Lizards with it. The Ancient Golem is hard to take out without a full runeset and masteries (and even more without help), so be careful unless you are summoner level 28-30. The Young Lizards give you 10 gold and 30 experience. The Ancient Golem gives you 60 gold, 220 experience, and a special buff that decreases cooldowns and increases mana regeneration.









The Wraiths have weaker health and damage than the Golems, but there are also four of them, three Lesser Wraiths and a Wraith, and the Wraith has a passive lifesteal. The Wraiths are a little more challenging to kill than either the Golems or Wolves, so they give more experience then the other two. The Lesser Wraiths give 12 gold and 20 experience, and the Wraith gives 35 gold and 120 experience.





The Lizard Elder


The Lizard Elder is also one of the stronger creeps, The Lizard Elder has high damage and health, and its attack does damage over time. The Lizard Elder is slightly easier to kill than the Ancient Golem, so make sure you have leveled a time or two before you try to take it out. The Young Lizards give you 10 gold and 30 experience. The Lizard Elder gives 60 gold, 220 experience, and a special buff that slows enemies on attack and makes your attacks deal extra damage over time. The Lizard Elder is great for anyone who is ganking because of the slowing attack you get.





The Dragon



The Dragon is the second hardest creep to kill in the game, but also has one of the best rewards. You can't kill the dragon by yourself until at least level 10, level 6 if you have someone else there. The Dragon spawns in one location on the map near the river, with no other creeps with it. The Dragon gives the killer 25 gold and everyone one on the team 190 gold and 215 to the killer (190 + 25). Controlling the Dragon can win games because of the global gold is equivalent to approximately 7-8 creep kills (for each one of your team) or 2 enemy champion kills; you should be trying to kill it as early as possible and as often as possible. Make sure you don't neglect a lane thats dying in order to kill it though.









Baron Nashor



The Baron is the hardest creep on the map and very few champions can solo him. Do not try to solo him, only attempt to take him out at higher levels with your team helping. The Baron spawns 15 minutes into the game, though you are not likely to be strong enough to take him at that time. The Baron spawns at one location of the map and his creep sign is red. The Baron gives the killer 25 gold, the team 300 gold, the team 900 experence, and a global buff that raises all offensive capabilities. The rewards are high for killing the Baron, though so are the risks, if you are killed by him the other team will know and will come and try to kill you and steal the Baron for the buff. The Baron is great for helping you break through staunch defenses lategame.




Tips:Respawn times!


It is important to know when are they going to appear again, so that either we can Counter jungle or go back to base and beging again.

Baron Nashor is 7 minutes

The Dragon respawn is 6 minutes

Golem and Lizard buffs respawn in 5 minutes

Small camps (Wolfs, Mini golems) in 1:40 minutes



Tips:Creep armor values


Take into account that you can begin a game with 12 armor penetration (using runes/masteries), rendering the creeps armor to zero or almost zero (Wraiths, Dragon and Large golem/lizard have more than 12).

Giant Wraith: 35 armor. Lesser Wraits: 30 armor.

Large golem/lizard: 24 armor

Dragon: 21 armor

Small golems: 12 armor

Giant Wolf: 9 armor. Mini wolves: 6 armor.

Young lizards (Golem camp/Lizard camp): 8 armor



Obligations of the Jungler



There are several rules and obligations you have while Jungling, they are as follows.

Help the solo lanes - Always take over a lane for one of the solo lanes if they ask, this will help you get some solo experience and will allow your ally to go back for health, mana, and items without having to worry about the enemies pushing the lane hard.

Do not over extend yourself - At lower levels some of the creeps, like the Ancient Golem, can kill you, if you die then you put yourself at a steep disadvantage for the rest of the game.

Respond to gank requests - If an ally asks you to gank a lane, set yourself to jump out and initiate or let one of the people in the lane do it. Even if you fail the gank, you have taken pressure off that lane for a time which helps your allies in that lane. Sometimes an ally will ask for a gank when it is a bad idea and will likely get one or both of you killed, if someone asks for a gank like this tell them why it won't work.

Keep an eye on where enemies are - since you do not have to worry as much about being ganked, keep an eye on enemy movements and tell people if an enemy isn't where he is supposed to be. This could prevent potential ganks on your allies and keeps the enemy ganker from getting more gold and experience.

Do not stay in the Jungle too long





outdated a lot i d say.


basic junglers missing from the list.

)Shyvana,Rammus,Jarvan,Skarner,Jax,GangPlank(if counter picked top) etc)

i dont mention FotM like Panth,Hecarim,Alistar etc etc

-also the wolves-wraiths timer is less than 1.40min.

-Also i ll disagree with the Runes.some champions need movement speed quints

-Dodge Runes ceased to exist months ago. almost 6 months...

-depending of my team(if im blue or purple) and depending my champion i setup my gangs. example if i play shyvana/tryndamere/leesin i start from red and instantly gang top for FB.

-try to gang lanes that are threats or overextended.example if enemy top outfarms yours try to gang him and let top farm(babysit) or gang bot in order to let your ad carry farm better.


PS:all champions can jungle.and i mean it.i jungled mordekaiser when i was 5lvl summoner in this acc with tier1 runes.when i hit 6in game lvl ulti and E - Q insta death.you just need to be familiar with jungle role.


outdated a lot i d say.


basic junglers missing from the list.

)Shyvana,Rammus,Jarvan,Skarner,Jax,GangPlank(if counter picked top) etc)

i dont mention FotM like Panth,Hecarim,Alistar etc etc

-also the wolves-wraiths timer is less than 1.40min.

-Also i ll disagree with the Runes.some champions need movement speed quints

-Dodge Runes ceased to exist months ago. almost 6 months...

-depending of my team(if im blue or purple) and depending my champion i setup my gangs. example if i play shyvana/tryndamere/leesin i start from red and instantly gang top for FB.

-try to gang lanes that are threats or overextended.example if enemy top outfarms yours try to gang him and let top farm(babysit) or gang bot in order to let your ad carry farm better.


PS:all champions can jungle.and i mean it.i jungled mordekaiser when i was 5lvl summoner in this acc with tier1 runes.when i hit 6in game lvl ulti and E - Q insta death.you just need to be familiar with jungle role.


Panth/Hecarim jungle fotm? lol no.


Current fotm junglers are Alistar and Nauti. (Solo q.)


I think that this champions is so easy to jungle with them ......so i post him i some player can't jungle with GangPlang or Scarmer ........so i post it because i believe they can jungle with this champions ...

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