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hellbound [Hellbound l2emu] L2X-Treme


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Heard abou this opening yesterday. It seems that have most of the old l2extreme feeling and many old clans like vG plays there already. So i leave here the server info:


Hellbound client

50x xp

300x adena

Party x2

Gm shop with s and s80 sealed

NPC buffer till lvl 76

Global Gatekeaper

Autolearn Skills

Buff Time 30 minutes

Especial Buffs 5 minutes (Prophecys)

Raid Boss respawn like retail

Enchant weapons safe till +3

Enchant Armours safe till +4

Siege every week

Fortress Sieges 100%

Hero system 100%

Olympiad system 100%

Augmentation system 100%

Nobless Quest retail

Subclass Quest Retail

3rd class changer NPC

Mammon retail style

SA weapons like retail

Seven Signs modified to be balanced

Zariche / Akamanah 100%

Clan quests retail

Clan system retail

Herb System off

Duels 100%

All clanhalls 100%

TVT system 100% and every 12 hours

No custom areas/ drops / mobs / items

Donations only by periods

Frendly GMs and non corrupted


I will join for sure... http://www.l2x-treme.com

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NPC buffer till lvl 76


Erm, Sorry But What Do You Mean By Saying Till LvL 76??


After 76 LvL Players Can't Recieve Buffs?? ???




That The Buffer Has Only Buffs Gained Till 76 LvL??



Answer Us....



P.S: When You Write Something, Write It Correctly.

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I can't login there. Full ct1,5 hellbound client, host's changed, account created but im getting in game message while logging "Password and login is incorrect" (smth like that). Any1 know how to fix it ?


btw. I pinged server ip succesfully so its not firewall

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Heard abou this opening yesterday. It seems that have most of the old l2extreme feeling and many old clans like vG plays there already. So i leave here the server info:



Why u only talk about vG will join?


They will get thei zerg in there, and leave 10% to figh against em?

thats ridiculous.

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albert there is a new patch released, go to their forums and check it out.


lFD dude i only talked about vG because they were masters in old l2extreme ( the one that got banned by fbi) . I personally had huge fights with them. Personally i dont like them but its a fact that they destroyed EVO , they conquered L2extreme and they gather a huge fame and propaganda as you can check on their website http://vg.to-pt.com. So for some reason such prestigious clan bet on this new server. Even if its a zerg, zergs dont stay forever, its against human nature ;)


Personally i tested the server already and its really really good, no lag , everything working proprely and what can we say : Its l2x style ;) Hope this one dont get jailed hehehehe

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albert there is a new patch released, go to their forums and check it out.


lFD dude i only talked about vG because they were masters in old l2extreme ( the one that got banned by fbi) . I personally had huge fights with them. Personally i dont like them but its a fact that they destroyed EVO , they conquered L2extreme and they gather a huge fame and propaganda as you can check on their website http://vg.to-pt.com. So for some reason such prestigious clan bet on this new server. Even if its a zerg, zergs dont stay forever, its against human nature ;)


Personally i tested the server already and its really really good, no lag , everything working proprely and what can we say : Its l2x style ;) Hope this one dont get jailed hehehehe


that was some years ago, now vG's get wtfpwned on the servers where they played after old l2x..


I'n not going to mention servers, but they know..that they suck.

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Yeah dont know about other servers because i stoped at end of l2extreme ... But one thing its for sure , 100 players online in only 2 days of server its an amazing acomplish by the server staff. I have already a char lvl 61 and it really feels like the old L2extreme. I recovered the motivation to play L2 again ;)

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