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Gracia Final - x16 Launch date 15/6 18:00 GMT+2


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What's your problem with the server? When l2.ws posted in maxcheaters about the 1st H5 OFF files in public noone said anything and noone flamed them. Finally, they will open a H5 OFF server without donations, in Europe and you guys are angry? Why? Cause the admins are greeks? So? Give them a chance to prove their work and stop judging them!

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Sandpants ,that is from my server obviously ,and is only 0,30% from entire server

I put efforts and in just 1 month i made a fricking lot


In just 2 days i made 25 retail zones for farming starting from low to high lv + attributes and also added mini raid bosses to 6 zones which best balanced stats for max gear solo few classes blabla

In just 1 week and half i have finished all gatekeeper/retail shops html and multisell in my own style not retail l2 to entire l2 map ,to all villages and all towns,similar to shop manager pic,In just 2 days i have finished the buffer (i just need to add some buff effects to buffs ,to make npc cast the skills to be more awesome etc) and i spawned it in every



This what i writed to you is just 25% of the server :D ,i have finished 60% like (i just told you the easiest work a developer can do ,actually is so easy that you dont even need l2j aknowledge) xD

I havent see for an entire 1 year a server with their OWN BUFFER ,look ,i made mY OWN BUFFER from scratch with most balanced buffs ,i even did gatekeeper from scratch by my self (and keeping retail npcs ,not use custom crap spawns) why ppl dont even bother to work? they just copy-paste packs anyway....


Maybe you dont like my pics cause you know its fully customised ,but the server is like a tottaly another game ,and anyway rather than make it LIVE and fail ,il better just work it ,make it 100% ,make sure i have money for DDOS PROT and hosting and domain ,make sure all bugs are fixed ,make sure i have best connection ,make sure i will make one of the best website made in java and php THEN i will release the server after an entire month of advertisings


Which should be somewhere in 2013 anyway ,i have all the time in the world to continue my work and i can do anything, there will be no corruption as well, im working alone though, noone giveme a hand even if im so unexperienced i dont even need, im not like those gm -leeching-s that play their own servers except for TESTS purposes,im not going to make it for money ,im going to make it to remember the old times of gracia epilogue xD, i also wanna make sure that i will have at least 2k players ,not 100-200 ,but i dont know if lineage 2 will still exist in 2013 :D, if my efforts will be in vain then i will never ever play another game or develop or staying at pcs :D ,i have a real life to attend anyway


Hope i opened some minds  ;D

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About 1st European:


There is no other server which has the same files as us which is pure on English language


The other server that have 100% official h5 servers are russians


Other english hi5 servers are just java


Thats why it goes for unique european.


i hope you can understand me now

I am not saying that your server will fail because seems a promising server, but in my point of view, I believe that you should change the "1st European", because as long as I can remember, Russia is part of Europe as well. Also "unique" in a title sounds like another failed server same for other phrases like "The best pvp server" etc. I think you have to let the players judge and decide if the server is unique or not, you see, it might seems unique to you, but in reality for someone else won't sound a unique server, because he might saw these features in another server project. So you should allow members & players of your new growing community to decide if your server is unique or a decent one with similarities to other servers.

Regards & Good Luck.

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      All can just satap, its nice server for some kind of ppl who can enjoy official gameplay.

      Speaking sh1ts about server fail is being retarded. L2 community changed a lot ( sorry to say ) every1 see the bad side of everything and cant respect/accept the good side of anything. Our community i mean these forums full of braindediwannaflameeverythingtroll. You CAN'T say, SERVER WILL FAIL, since its not even opened, you can see one forum, and server can fail by ddos and if the connection or the pc not enough for the big am0unt of ppl. The other when ppl fail, its the biggest part why many server closing, they lose pvps epics etc, and they just leave. That is failure of ppl, called serverjumpers.

      So now fking kids or old dicks b4 u wanna flame something, just think about it what if it would be your project, u would see these idiot comment which you left here.

Get out and breath fresh air .


ps. sunbeam you cant compare your files with their, did you hear about that wold named ballance ?

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b0ty that all you can say? balance? that is a fricking easy thing to do Alone ,something that other 99% ppls cant do ,they dont have a clue about balance and this guy is even worser ,he rely on l2off for balance xD

I know too good how to balance java ,i know every class ,i know what damage should deal every class ,i know everything about skills ,thats why i even removed buffs from my buffer ,i put most balanced pvp buffs ,now be serious XD

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b0ty that all you can say? balance? that is a fricking easy thing to do Alone ,something that other 99% ppls cant do ,they dont have a clue about balance and this guy is even worser ,he rely on l2off for balance xD

I know too good how to balance java ,i know every class ,i know what damage should deal every class ,i know everything about skills ,thats why i even removed buffs from my buffer ,i put most balanced pvp buffs ,now be serious XD

yeah yeah... tell this to your grandma

l2j will never be as l2off, face it. l2j is just an emulation... for example for like 6+ year i haven't seen any l2j server where dagger class work 100% as they should

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