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Centuries ago, an ancient water-dwelling race built a hidden city beneath a -beep-tain in the sea. Though these creatures had their enemies, the city was an impenetrable fortress, and, in the safety it provided, they grew complacent. Fizz, however, harbored a curious spirit that could not be satisfied living so cushioned a life. Unable to resist the allure of danger, Fizz had a habit of sneaking out of the city to look for trouble. In his many adventures he grew to be a powerful fighter with a sharp cleverness that let him skirt danger with ease. One day Fizz returned to find the city abandoned: his people had vanished, leaving Fizz without a clue to explain their disappearance. With nothing left in the city to keep him, Fizz salvaged an enchanted seastone trident from the ruins and set out alone. Fizz wandered the ocean in search of his people for years, using the skills he’d learned during his adventures as young boy to survive. Finally, Fizz discovered the port of Bilgewater. He was fascinated with the existence of life above the water and could not resist exploring the island. In his endless curiosity, Fizz inadvertently meddled in the affairs of the humans who lived there, and his presence did not go unnoticed. His mischief angered many residents who eventually sought to capture or kill him. Fizz found himself cornered, and he prepared to return to the sea despite the fondness he’d come to hold for Bilgewater. As he stood at the docks, a massive dragon-shark attacked the port. Fizz defeated the beast, using his resourcefulness and knowledge of the creature’s weaknesses to his advantage. Having earned the gratitude and respect of the humans, Fizz decided to stay in Bilgewater. To further serve his new home, he joined the League of Legends.


“Fizz makes even the saltiest sailors of Bilgewater look like drunken landlubbers in a fight. Good thing he’s on our side.” – Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter






Level Up:


Level 1....: Playful / Trickster [E]

Level 2....: Urchin Strike [Q]

Level 3....: Seastone Trident [W]

Level 4....: Seastone Trident [W]

Level 5....: Seastone Trident [W]

Level 6....: Chum the Waters [R]

Level 7....: Seastone Trident [W]

Level 8....: Urchin Strike [Q]

Level 9....: Seastone Trident [W]

Level 10...: Urchin Strike [Q]

Level 11...: Chum the Waters [R]

Level 12...: Urchin Strike [Q]

Level 13...: Urchin Strike [Q]

Level 14...: Playful / Trickster [E]

Level 15...: Playful / Trickster [E]

Level 16...: Chum the Waters [R]

Level 17...: Playful / Trickster [E]

Level 18...: Playful / Trickster [E]









Masteries for AD or MS:















[Passive] Nimble Fighter (Innate): Fizz's dexterity allows him to perpetually ignore unit collision and take 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 reduced physical damage from autoattacks.

[Q] Piercing Strike (Active): Fizz dashes a fixed distance in the direction of his target, dealing his total attack damage as physical damage plus additional magic damage to it. The ability will also apply on-hit effects.

[W] Seastone Trident (Active): Fizz's autoattacks rend his target, dealing magic damage over 3 seconds that strengthens if the opponent is low on life. Multiple autoattacks will only refresh the duration. The total damage caps at 300 against minions and monsters.


(Passive): Total Magic Damage: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 (+0.35 per ability power) (+4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 % of target's missing health)

(Active): Fizz's autoattacks are empowered for the next 5 seconds, dealing additional magic damage on-hit and causing Grievous Wounds (50% healing reduction).


[E] Playful/Trickster (Active): Fizz hops onto his trident in a nearby location, becoming untargetable for 0.75 seconds and gaining the ability to use Trickster before the effect ends. If Fizz does not use it, he will slam the ground below him, dealing magic damage and slowing nearby enemies for 2 seconds.

(Active): Fizz hops off from his trident to a nearby location, dealing magic damage nearby enemies in a smaller area than Playful. Trickster does not apply the slow.


[R] Chum the Waters (Active): Fizz throws a fish in a line that will bind itself onto the first enemy champion it hits. If it doesn't hit an enemy champion it will stay on an area, and it will stick to the first enemy champion that walks into the area. The champion that has the fish attached will be slowed by 50%.

Regardless of position, after 1.5 seconds, a Shark will emerge from the earth to eat the fish, dealing magic damage, knocking up the target, knocking back all other enemies within the area from the center and slowing all enemies in the area for 1.5 seconds.






In Fizz I begin With Boots of speed bootsofspeed.jpg

and 3 Health Potions healthpotions.jpg

Next, after farming I update the boots to the Sorcerer’s Shoes magicpenetraboots.jpg

for magic penetration. Next, I buy the Book Of Ancients for Spell Vamp spelvampbook.jpg

Afterthat, I will buy Rylais Stuff for HP rylais.jpg

Next, I go for Zhonyas HourGlass zonyashourglass.jpg

for little Next, I will increase a little bit the AP of fizz with Rabadons Cap rabadonscap.jpg

and Finally, I will go for Abyssal Scepter for little Magic Resist and AP abyssalscepter.jpg


Finally Build: magicpenetraboots.jpgspelvampbook.jpgrylais.jpgzonyashourglass.jpgrabadonscap.jpgabyssalscepter.jpg Or magicpenetraboots.jpgrodofages.jpglichbane.jpgdeathfiregrasp.jpgrabadonscap.jpgzonyashourglass.jpg




General Info About Fizz:


Fizz? What can I say for him? Fizz is the most useful champion for me since of his skills. First of all, Fizz is a strong type champion who is a fish. Fizz cant be die easy because of his [E] (Playful/Trickster). That skill is really useful for ziggs ulti for Karthus Ulti and of course for ganks which gives damage. With the Playful/Trickster you can refuse any incoming damage. When you press it you go some steps front of you and you got 0 damage in the jump really useful for towers for example if you have a low life and you see the tower radar on you you can use it to escape. Also, fizz can be played in top at a normal basis. If you use the right runes you will not suffer from the enemies. If you are not go solo you can go with olaf or mordekaiser in top.Really nice couple for the top. The only thing which is difficult for me is the ulti it gives a lot of damages to the enemy but its kida difficult to catch it. I mean the range of ulti is big. I failed many times with Fizz Ulti. Otherwise, fizz other skills is spam except the second [W] the first one [Q] it gives damage to the enemy and the second one increases the ability power of all skills. In general, fizz can be played and for jungle lane very well with some armor pen runes and etc. That’s all about fizz I hope you will find this guide useful.



Other Information About Items:


First of all, I begin with Boots Of Speed and 3-4 Health Potions for top lane. There is possibility to stay alone, I mean solo in lane so I take some pots for the incoming damage. Afterthat, I upgrade the boots to the Sorcerer’s Shoes for Magic Penetration because I don’t have any magic penetration. Also, it will help a lot with the damage which I give to the enemies. Next, I will buy the Book Of Ancients for some Spell Vamp. Spell Vamp it will help me a lot from drain with the skills its like a lifesteal but for mages. Thirdly, I will go for Rylais for some HP + Ability Power + Slow. With that item I can slow the enemies and hunt them more easily. Next time will be the Abyssal Scepter. Abyssal gives Ability Power + Magic Resist. Also, the Abyssal Passive is Magic Resist by 20 in my team if my team is near she got 20 Magic Resist. Next, I will go for Rabadons Cap for Extra Ability Power which is important for any game with a AP Carry Player. Remember if you die your ability power sometimes decreased because of Rabadons. Its like a stucks with this item. After Rabadons, I will go for Void Staff for Extra Magic Penetration. Void Staff gives 40% Magic Penetration. Finally,  I go for Zhonya’s Hourglass. Hmm that item it will be well with the 3rd skill of Fizz. Zhonya’s it gives you the the ability of freeze for 1 second. It gives Armor + Ability Power and if you press it you will not allow to move and to attack to the enemy for 2 seconds. For 2 seconds you will not earn incoming damage from the enemy. Very usefull in ganks. That’s all about items of Fizz. That’s my standard build for Fizz and it is useful if you want to play Fizz you can do changes like, you can replace the abyssal scepter for example with lich bane or what ever you like. I just show the basis with Fizz. Basically, Fizz can be the most dangerous character in the team because of all his skills who gives to him protection and escape from the incoming damages. Especially, the 3rd skill is very useful for ganks and etc.




Other Information About Skills:



Nimble Fighter (Passive): Fizz passive is earn less damage from auto-attacks and not block damage from minions. If you think it its kinda nice passive.Urchin Strike: With that skill you can spam your enemy as I already saying that damage is magic damage. When you press the 1st skill you rush on the enemy and damage him.


Seastone Trident: That skill when it enabled it gives the enemy more damage that normal. That means when you enabled your ability power is increased for some seconds and you strike more damage to the enemy.


Playful / Trickster: That skill is a water waft who gives damage to the enemy. In specific when it enabled you are on the sky and when that happens you got 0 damage from any enemy. When you fall you give magic damage to the enemy. Its very useful for ganks, run out of the enemy and etc. Especially on the towers when you see the tower radar up to you press that skill and you will not die.


Chum the Waters: That skill is the Ulti of Fizz which drop a circle with a nice shark inside who give magic damage to the enemy. Its kinda difficult to success this skill because of the range of the skill its kinda big.



In General, Fizz it’s a AP Carry selection character who give a lot of damage to the enemies. There is a lot of tactics you can use with Fizz. For example you can spam the enemy with the 1st skill (Urchin Strike) and when enemy has low life you can attack him with Ulti or you can go near with the 3rd Skill (Playful Trickster)  and when you fall, spam the enemy until dies and if you have a low life and not ready the 3rd skill because of cooldown, you can use flash spell to escape. Also, before you go for spam you can enable the 2nd skill (Seastone Trident) for exta magic damage to the enemy its like a Katarina skill you know what skill I mean. Otherwise, fizz its not a easy champion but it has many skills which give you the ability to escape from a fail push. I play him only on top with company or not. I mean solo or not. Remember the only thing which is noticed for fizz is the ulti has a big range and the possibility of fail I suggest to slow the enemy first and after that use the Ulti correctly.




Other Information About Runes:


I use armor for top lane because of the enemies which is obvious AD Carries + some ability and little magic resist. Its important for the first levels the armor and magic resist so I follow these runes because of that. With these runes you can walk alone with no afraid for any gank. Especially, for solo I think is nice runes. With that runes you can also play and bottom + mid. By the way, for mid you will only need magic resist. Also, that’s my opinion for fizz you can do what ever you want with runes like replaces. That’s all about runes I hope you will find this guide useful for fizz! Have fun.



Other Information About Spells:


So, I am using Flash for escaping from the enemies when they close to me. Also, flash can be nice couple with the 3rd Skill of Fizz. Next, I use ignite for damage to the enemies when they have low life. That help me to hunt or to rush on the enemy tower.


I always max Q,

WotA ???? dafuq ?

And your runes.. why you got so much armor/mr.. with this armor he can go jungling O.o

it's a burst champs he needs some m pen



PS: About masteries, which you think is better, having 1AP more or having 0.5% more dmg ?...


I always max Q,

WotA ??? ? dafuq ?

And your runes.. why you got so much armor/mr.. with this armor he can go jungling O.o

it's a burst champs he needs some m pen



PS: About masteries, which you think is better, having 1AP more or having 0.5% more dmg ?...


About M.Pen that's why I bought these boots for M.Pen.

About runes I use much armor because of my lane. What you expect you have on top malzahar? or ahri?

You always got Q because you dont go solo top you go mid or something I use Max [E] for more spamming on the top.

And No, I am not going for jungle. With these Runes I am protected from the incoming damages think it.


PS: About masteries, which you think is better, having 1AP more or having 0.5% more dmg ?...


I don't get it. Repeat it.


About M.Pen that's why I bought these boots for M.Pen.

About runes I use much armor because of my lane. What you expect you have on top malzahar? or ahri?

You always got Q because you dont go solo top you go mid or something I use Max [E] for more spamming on the top.

And No, I am not going for jungle. With these Runes I am protected from the incoming damages think it.


Aham didn't notice you were talking about top lane.. and if so you got to have two runes pages, one against ad and one against ap at top.. still weird to me.


Aham didn't notice you were talking about top lane.. and if so you got to have two runes pages, one against ad and one against ap at top.. still weird to me.


Yes that's why I use Magic Resist + Armor and AP 3 IN One.


You can used magic pen marks (+8.5)

flat armor seals (+13)

flat MR glyphs (+12)

flat AP quints (+15)


Then get +6 armor or MR from masteries depending on your top lane opponent.


You can used magic pen marks (+8.5)

flat armor seals (+13)

flat MR glyphs (+12)

flat AP quints (+15)


Then get +6 armor or MR from masteries depending on your top lane opponent.


+6 Armor is better the most of times are ADs on top.

Anyway Edited.


i loled with that build..

WotA and no sheen? and in dat finally build,no lich bane?come on..


whatever,the rest seems good.


i loled with that build..

WotA and no sheen? and in dat finally build,no lich bane?come on..


whatever,the rest seems good.


Lich Bane really? And what does sheen means? The abyssal scepter is better that Lich bane.


The abyssal scepter is better that Lich bane.


that actually depens..example..i would never use that scepter on fizz but i would do it on fiddle.

hope you get my point..


I just use it for drain.

you need to have a decent AoE skill in order to buy spell vamp or at least to have a skill with passive spell vamp..

whatever,its just your style..


Lich Bane really? And what does sheen means? The abyssal scepter is better that Lich bane.

you deprivate one of the most basic items on Fizz


Lich bane is a must for AP specced (mid/top) Fizz

Trinity Force is a must for jungle or DoT Fizz


also i d change


-the Rylais for Rod of Ages since that build does NOT have any mp regen and fizz mana pool is poor and blue will be reserved for mid ap or jungler

-the Zyonias for Deathfire Grasp since fizz lacks AoE(Fiddle/Karthus/Kennen) and still has trickster

-The WotA for Lich Bane

-I d prefer Butcher masteries instead of Havoc for last hitting reasons.


finally i d seperate the rune page into 2 if fizz was about to solo top or mid. one with the armor seals but mpregen or ap/lvl for blue(for enemy AD specced top) the 2nd one for mid/top in order to sustain mid lane's AP or if enemy picked AP top(Kennen/Vlad etc)

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