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Hell yeah ,over 60% people quit playing this (at least private servers) ,because all new servers started to sucks, all updates are hated ,only crap old interlude servers left and no more nostalgic feelings no matter what client admins use..., looks like this game is out of commerce for good xD, beside this ,wow i see barely 3-4 servers EP/GF ,i can't call freya/hi5/god client lineage 2 ... (from my taste all i can say is that lineage 2 last real update was epilogue and freya was new game already...) ,quite good joke coming from me haha


So what you guys going to do? play lineage 2? or you quit but this will be the last mmorpg game you will ever play and go have a real life? or you going to play some of new mmorpgs (Tera,Guild Wars 2,Blade & Soul,Continenth of the ninth seals,Vindictus,Eve,APB and much more...) ,honestly i think i go have a real life ,no good games like lineage 2 ,no matter how good is gameplay ,how fun it is or how graphics are ,games are not charmy anymore (maybe game Tera but even Tera cant compare to lineage 2 at charms), Maybe i will start play games again in 2040 who knows, now only games for kids with graphics only ,no more touching music ,no more touching gameplay ,only graphics blehhh


PS: The bad part in this topic is that only people who still play l2 or people who might check maxcheaters sometime (low chances) will read and write his oppinions...  :( [YES ,I KNOW ,MY ENGLISH SUCKS ,THANKS]


Tera was supposed to become the Lineage 3.

Also Lineage 2 Goddess is as cool as it could be. NCSoft claim that Goddess chronicle is the greatest and biggest update.

Lineage 2 Private Servers are quite fine , altho u see many of the hard-core old players quit the game... If u've been playing lineage 2 for 7 years , quit is sth u would do now or later...

I've seen no changes in popularity of big servers tho... Hmmm...


I agree with SunBeam. For me, Hellbound was the last playable update. What I do now? Uhm, I became online vendor, I've sold adenas for over 5000 euros, I bot on official, and sell adena too. I co-op with people in this matter, I sell Dota 2 keys and other game keys. Doing steam trade from time to time. Playing only dota 2 sometimes. But I'm not gonna play any other MMORPG, as I played Lineage 2 (13->18years)


Hell yeah ,over 60% people quit playing this (at least private servers) ,because all new servers started to sucks, all updates are hated ,only crap old interlude servers left and no more nostalgic feelings no matter what client admins use..., looks like this game is out of commerce for good xD, beside this ,wow i see barely 3-4 servers EP/GF ,i can't call freya/hi5/god client lineage 2 ... (from my taste all i can say is that lineage 2 last real update was epilogue and freya was new game already...) ,quite good joke coming from me haha


So what you guys going to do? play lineage 2? or you quit but this will be the last mmorpg game you will ever play and go have a real life? or you going to play some of new mmorpgs (Tera,Guild Wars 2,Blade & Soul,Continenth of the ninth seals,Vindictus,Eve,APB and much more...) ,honestly i think i go have a real life ,no good games like lineage 2 ,no matter how good is gameplay ,how fun it is or how graphics are ,games are not charmy anymore (maybe game Tera but even Tera cant compare to lineage 2 at charms), Maybe i will start play games again in 2040 who knows, now only games for kids with graphics only ,no more touching music ,no more touching gameplay ,only graphics blehhh


PS: The bad part in this topic is that only people who still play l2 or people who might check maxcheaters sometime (low chances) will read and write his oppinions...  :( [YES ,I KNOW ,MY ENGLISH SUCKS ,THANKS]

cant agree moar.


Also i have to agree with lain about hellbound..the other clients was just star wars,a shit load of custom armors/weaps/accessories/cloaks/skills/races and such things destroyed l2 some years ago.

Also,unexperienced 15y.o admins destroyed it also by making private servers just to increase their money @pocket.


Copy-paste is quite notorious these times ,people doesn't give a sh1t about lineage 2

The new crappy servers that are out there are made by people who don't give a crap about players :) because good players and admins quit a long time ago ... ,now only crappy admins left who need some money from this game ,because they dont know how to do a server with other mmorpgs since they are not popular


"im a admin ok ,why the fu.. should i care? i just need some money ,why should i take care about server when i already have internet with already premade packs ,just copy-paste and i get the money ,what the f... ,hell yeah" right ? XDDDDD, a cool website to trick people to stay and thats it ,the perfect 2012 crap lineage 2 servers xD


Generally, yes. You have the right idea.


Your English does suck D:



To put it in specifics: 15yo admins didn't do anything. I've known kids, literally kids, that assembled good teams and made great servers.

It's a matter of ambition, worth and actually getting your hands to do things.

From my PoV this is hypocritical - I wouldn't put my hands to work on L2 now either.


People are beating a dead horse out of desperation. It's hard to imagine what they think - it's not like their server will suddenly fill up with thousands of players.

Right now 20 people is an achievement lol.



If you want to make a difference (or you have free time left for beating the same dead horse) DDoS their servers.

Let them know they are damn NOT WELCOME to make servers left and right.


P.S. What really has destroyed L2 is L2j. I'm not bashing the guys. They are great and they achieved a lot. But damn. They could at least remove the damn config files lol.

In fact they should sell config files. Source would be free and config would be $$$ - all your most hated kids would shit bricks, people that know what they are doing won't care, L2j gets financial support from idiots.




Well, cant agree more with u guys. Players were all the time changing servers from bad to even worse coz every kid want to get some money without any effort. I am not playing lineage anymore and any other game, the last thing i will do it creating lineage II server that will bring a lot of players :)


I was thinking about releasing one of the most epic epilogue private servers ,its at 60% (i havent worked for almost 1 month at it) ,the bad part is that i dont have the motivation i had when i started... ,im afraid that l2 will be death till 2013... and not sure if i should continue (though i worked like 1 month and 1 week till now on it every day...) ,what do you say ,worth it to continue? at least to sell to someone who deserve if i cant host it or etc ,im a kid too honestly ,im 17 years old and i can say this : I CAN DO IT!


not copy-paste 100% like every server ,using some inspirations only >>


I rly wanna show ppl how to make a server.. (especially a idiot like me who knows almost nothing about java) ,if you guys want to convince ,i will post some screenshoots from my 60% server (i think i need more than 50 screenshoots to show you 60% of it lol) ...


We all have a real life, but when you come back home after work or after having a beer with a friends or coming back from kfc with your girlfriend. you'll be tired and bored and you'll need something to do in your home. don't use real life as an excuse to leave a game.


Lineage 2 is not dead, it's dying but there is still a small hope in private servers, because retail is hard as -beep- to level and craft equipments. Meanwhile waiting for a worthy private server I will be playing Diablo 3 and World of Battleship when it come out. I'm also waiting for a TERA Private server, i cant' afford to pay that shit every month. School, internet bill and pc hardware's are sucking my wallet dry...


I believe the main problem is the players today. Most of them are lazy and act like spoiled brats. Back in my days i remember i didnt give a crap if a gm was online or not, now for some reason they want a gm to hold their hand or suck them up and thats just an example im bringing about how bad the players are. Last server i enjoyed with my friends was TehGamers when it was Hellbound. After all that i focused on developing and making server mostly post Interlude stuff but i got tired of them really fast. Now i am working on an Interlude server with high rates and retail like buff times so support classes will be played live.


Agree for all.

The old l2 servers had "something" cool that nobody know how to name it. This thing could be felt by players. And everybody saw sense to become better and better but they also accept mass pvp etc. Now in L2 First u`ll need max lvl full eq then go pvp so to go at pvp spot u`ll need near 2-3 month farm. I dont know what killed thoose servers maybe Dualbox allowed? When ppl fell the real Role playing then we could have better co-op cuz we knew our positions. And i think the best chronicle l2 was C4 when at 50lvl u could kill 78 lvl on siege;p ur dmg dont depends on lvl. Or that mass pvps 500 ppl vs 500 at sieges ahhh:) Sorry for my english skills i just wanted to share my opinion with ya.

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