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[L2j]Lineage2 Heredur x70 Mixed PvP/Rpg Mid-Rate Server. Rebuilding!


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What about to create our own nobless quest story?


Give ur ideas!


its very hard but i will try to make it ;)

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New mod under developing : every race spawns for first time in different place. for example, when you create human and enter the game for first time you spawn at rune (example) which town is different (we need ideas). also, we will add a command for every race to go at his place for example .human , .elf and it will be used only by the correct races for example, orc cannot use .human command. Plus, every race will have another title for example, humans will have as title : For the humanity!


Any idea is accepted, thanks!

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Depend on class mages mage camps and fighters on fighters camp ... OBVIOUS :)

Human: Oren camp, Giran camp, Dion camp, Talking Island camp.

Elf: Elven village, Gludin, Elven fortress

Dark Elf: DE village, School of dark magic

Orc: Orc village, Cruma floor 2

Dwarves: Dwarf village, Abadon Coal Mine, Beast Farm



IDK if this is what you wanted but what.

Also if its what you wanted, you could add also origins for them like in other mmos.

For example Human who start in Giran will have Royal origins, from Oren Warrios Origins, Talking Island Peasent origins :D


I wrote it fast and if you like it I could more focus on it and do something with it if u like. yo

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Seems like an extremely good work guys.Keep it up!It seems to me like you have an ambitious and talented team for sure.I will join for sure,no doubt.

Now i have a couple questions:

1)will castles provide any further benefits other than the typical buffs,adenas etc?

2)will fortress of the dead be siegable? (I mean its so beatiful you should make it siegable XD)

And some ideas about the spawning thing:


-Elfs: Heine

-Dark Elfs: Goddard

-Orcs: Oren


Aden,Rune and Giran are always popular with all races.I suppose you could keep them busy by adding Raid Bosses gatekeepers in them.E.G.



-Rune:Orfen,Ant Queen

Gl with the server!

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Guys me and debian we are trying to execute my idea, This feature is something more implemented than you think. So i thought everyone wants to play something atleast close to the old good lineage2 so we can bring back the old good memories and restore everything again :)  Every race will have their own starting location we gonna transform the area into the peaceful zone. The farm areas will be the same for everyone but all races will be against each other if humans want to be ally with elves they will be againt orcs and dark elfs and dwarves will be able to choose the stronger side good or evil. Its not gonna be a faction server but it will be something like this :) Think about the sieges for castles and the crest of your clan on every npc in the region that you own :) More ideas are comin soon stay tuned and wait i reached my achievements before and i did big mistakes this time prepare for something epic.




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Seems like an extremely good work guys.Keep it up!It seems to me like you have an ambitious and talented team for sure.I will join for sure,no doubt.

Now i have a couple questions:

1)will castles provide any further benefits other than the typical buffs,adenas etc?

2)will fortress of the dead be siegable? (I mean its so beatiful you should make it siegable XD)

And some ideas about the spawning thing:


-Elfs: Heine

-Dark Elfs: Goddard

-Orcs: Oren


Aden,Rune and Giran are always popular with all races.I suppose you could keep them busy by adding Raid Bosses gatekeepers in them.E.G.



-Rune:Orfen,Ant Queen

Gl with the server!



Hello my friend I'll be happy to answer any questions :)

So lets start.



1)Yeah every castle has its own passive buff that grants the owner and the clan members with statistics like Critical Damage + P attack, Pdef + Run Speed and etc depending on class of course.

The owner of rune's castle will gain additional adena from all the other towns like adens castle dats why our main town is Rune village and our temporary starting place is Rune Harbor (Rune harbor is also our exhance/trade area) So your crest will be applied on every npc in your commanding region. There will be a reward box that will give random prizes to all members of clan.


2) Yeah fortress of the dead is siegable every Monday and Friday.



`Thanks :)

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Hello my friend I'll be happy to answer any questions :)

So lets start.



1)Yeah every castle has its own passive buff that grants the owner and the clan members with statistics like Critical Damage + P attack, Pdef + Run Speed and etc depending on class of course.

The owner of rune's castle will gain additional adena from all the other towns like adens castle dats why our main town is Rune village and our temporary starting place is Rune Harbor (Rune harbor is also our exhance/trade area) So your crest will be applied on every npc in your commanding region. There will be a reward box that will give random prizes to all members of clan.


2) Yeah fortress of the dead is siegable every Monday and Friday.



`Thanks :)

ty for answer

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Depend on class mages mage camps and fighters on fighters camp ... OBVIOUS :)

Human: Oren camp, Giran camp, Dion camp, Talking Island camp.

Elf: Elven village, Gludin, Elven fortress

Dark Elf: DE village, School of dark magic

Orc: Orc village, Cruma floor 2

Dwarves: Dwarf village, Abadon Coal Mine, Beast Farm



IDK if this is what you wanted but what.

Also if its what you wanted, you could add also origins for them like in other mmos.

For example Human who start in Giran will have Royal origins, from Oren Warrios Origins, Talking Island Peasent origins :D


I wrote it fast and if you like it I could more focus on it and do something with it if u like. yo

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