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[SHARE] 6 Rune pages that AD players MUST HAVE!(+explanations) (FULL)

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Hello,I am tsili and in this thread i will show you my runes and explain when and versus what to use EVERY rune page in order to dominate botlane!



Rune page 1


High ad,no sustain lane with resistances


You would pick this rune page when you play GRAVES-VAYNE.doesn't work with early aggresion pressure.

You will pick this to make sure you will have maximum farm possible,without major problems in damage trading

(high resistances for botlane).You will not pick this if you want to go aggresive early,or if you want sustain.

Its clearly a strong lane rune set.


Reds Flat AD

Yellows Armor

Blue Magic resist +1 AD glyph

Quints AD


Suggested heroes:Graves,vayne,sivir,Kog'maw

Supports:SORAKA,and then try to get Janna instead,but with soraka this page works absolutely perfect.


Good against:Laners that aim to farm (see janna ashe for example) or laners that don't have laning power (see vayne and a bad playd ezreal)

Bad against:Burst/continious dps early game (see alistar with trist/mf)





Rune page 2

Ashe exclusive page

Movement speed,Medi AD,armor+mana reg


What we want to achieve with this rune set,is to fill all the flaws that ashe has,Poor ad,slow Movement speed,no armor for laning

and some extra mana regen to be able to spam volleys.You should be able to farm,if you see that you get zoned lvl E and snipe the creeps,eventually you will fill the gold loss,i find myself against kog'maw or tristana maxing E in order to get 3-4G more with every creep,this means that even if i lose 2 creeps per wave,the extra gold will fill it.You don't try to early pressure (Except crit arrow,and some volley spam in order to prevent your enemy to go aggresive on you) so you can farm


Suggested heroes:Ashe ONLY

Suggested supports:Janna,and maybe a good sona,alistar can work as well.

Avoid getting:no sustain supports,will make you lose farm.

Good against:no range AD carries.Thats vayne actually,if the enemy ad decides to go aggresive,ashe will most likely lose the trade (without counting early crit arrows) because she lacks of dmg spells.Try to poke,but avoid fighting unless you overpoke them,you will lose any fight without arrow

Bad against:Aggresive magic dmg ad carries:Trist,kog maw,corki will stomp ashe,as most of the enemies that decide to go aggresive,if you see

that you get outharassed,try to bait the enemy to auto attack you once,this will make his creeps push to the turret,giving you more free creeps (lvl e in these situations)

width=1024 height=576http://i.imgur.com/Pnt5D.jpg]http://i.imgur.com/Pnt5D.jpg[/img]


Reds:9 AD

Yellows: 9 Armor

Blues:1 Flat AD 8 Mana reg @18

Quints:1 or 2 movement speed and 1 or 2 Ad (Make your tests,reply here!)




Rune page 3


Mid/Low AD,high ar.pen,less Mana reg and Armor


You are going to use this page with lane dominators,Tristana Miss fortune and maybe AD kennen.You aim to do damage based on auto attacks,since they will be the source of your damage,in these heroes mentioned above you have good spell harass as well to fill the dominator role you need.You should be aggresive with this rune set and land every single hit you can do on your enemies.You want to advantage from your lane phase by zoning/outfarming/sending b your enemy giving early snowball since you may fall back later on in the game (this rule doesn't apply for trist).

Reds: 9 armor pen

Yellows:9 Armor

Blues:1 ad 8 mana reg@18

Quints:3 AD

width=1024 height=576http://i.imgur.com/0ETbd.jpg[/img]

Suggested heroes:Miss fortune,Tristana and a wellplayed situational vayne,Kennen

Goes well with:Taric,Janna,Alistar,Leona,Lulu

Bad against:Janna,caitlyn,kog'maw (lack of defensive stats)and a taric that lvls W.



Rune page 4


Caitlyn exclusive page

All in,no armor,no resists,flat damage,flat ar.pen

You dominate your lane,you zone,you keep enemy out of xp,you get his turret and keep on pushing

to make full advantage of your range,You will not need armor as cait,since a good Caitlyn player,will NEVER

be in range that he gets damage,always stay back and kill what comes close to you,you have the damage anyways

(Hello Dask!).This is not a page that should be suggested to new AD players,for the reason that it requires a very

special playstyle

Reds:9 Ar.pen

Yellows:9 AD

Blues:9 AD

Quints:3 AD


width=1024 height=576http://i.imgur.com/QORPs.jpg[/img]


Suggested for:Caitlyn (thx captain obvious)

Good with:Janna for making sure you escape ganks,soraka for restore and sona for poke,taric can work as well.

Good against:Any ad except kog maw,and late game trist.you should outrange and outpoke them with this rune set

Bad against:Initations in botlane,janna hurricane,taric's combo,or ashe arrow.To win with cait you must outlane,if you are

"equal" with your enemy as cait you have lost,since you fall eventually late game if u don't snowball.



Rune page 5


Offensive page,with mid/low armor high mana reg


It's desinged for corki/ezreal and any mana use AD carry that spams spells to harass do dmg.Fits perfectly to ezreal and corki,can work with sivir if we change mp regen per level to flat mp regen,since i feel that boomerang costs too much and Shield can't really restore this.We want to have a good laning,and use spells to harass and win the lane,Mana reg will not be visible early,but eventually (especially end lane phase,around lvl 8-9) You will have a decent mana reg,so you won't stay out of mana,except if you go for all in initiations and throw for example 7-8 corki missiles.

width=1024 height=576http://i.imgur.com/ImJjU.jpg[/img]


Suggested heroes:Corki,ezreal,sivir.

Good with:Soraka (mana restore <3) Sona to increase the poke dmg,janna cause its janna and op,and maybe leona can work,since her combo is strong,and if you jump/go all in to them,you will make them waste pots/summoners and you will just lose mp,which will eventually be restored.

Bad Against:Soraka,will restore hp MP,and will give the bonus stats (passive MR. heal with armor) which will make your harass kinda weak,Also a well played janna will make her shields to low your mana eventually.And also caitlyn or kog'maw,long range and continious dps versus your low armor will cause some troubles.

Reds:9 AD

Yellows:9 Mana regen @18

Blues:3 Mana reg @18 6 Armor

Quints:2 AD 1 Armor


Rune page 6


Semi troll page,Solo queue based,to be able to lane 1v2 or 2v2 with a retarded person/troll/not support

Ad,Lifesteal,Armor to be able to hold in 1v2 situations where your support doesn't want to support or troll.

If you manage to stay close to the enemy ad in terms of farm,pray to the lord that the "support" you have will

do something with the time you give him away from your lane.

Reds: 9AD

Yellows:9 AD

Blues: 9 Armor

Quints:3 Lifesteal


width=1024 height=576http://i.imgur.com/yTcPk.jpg[/img]


Good for:Graves,cait,corki,kog and anything that you believe can be 1v2.

Bad against:Any ad that plays smart and doesn't push the lane so you get zoned and eventually outfarmed/outxped.


about page 6, how would u know if your support will troll, is retarded or wont support you?


If he has a name like "ULTRASUPERKILLER 98" or says "mid or afk" in champ select then he probably is a retard or a troll.


@ your 3rd page

I think that when u have like 6.7 AD etc it still gives you 7 in game

I've got on a rune page 9.6 AD and ingame I get 10.. (w/o masteries or lvl)


@ your 3rd page

I think that when u have like 6.7 AD etc it still gives you 7 in game

I've got on a rune page 9.6 AD and ingame I get 10.. (w/o masteries or lvl)



  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

about page 6, how would u know if your support will troll, is retarded or wont support you?


"I AM SMURF,I DONT SUPPORT YOU!" Goes cho gath support.

"I HATE CASUAL SUPPORTS,MEEEEH" Goes blitz and builds manamune

"YOU FUCKIN RETARDED FIRST PICK,I AM AD" Goes soraka and starts with silence.





"quest where is vayne's guide

vayne needs armor pen m resist armor and physical dmg ^^"


Not really,every ad player has it's own style of course,But with vayne you won't need ar.pen,atleast early game.Since your hits won't do dmg anyways,except if they proc with Q.In vayne's playstyle is to make sure you land the third hit,while 16 ad is good for doing a decent amount of flat dmg,in order to give a third more painful hit.


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