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JSS tripler earnings: Total 1010$ - free 10$ to join

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When do you expect to withdraw?


Here`s what I think:


1) I will deposit 130 GBP which is 200 USD at beginning.

2) Purchase 20 positions

3) Repurchase new positions every time I earn 10 USD

4) Repurchase till there will be cool daily earning a-m-o-u-n-t (?) (wtf MXC cant use this word)


And lets say after few months, my daily earning is cool, so Im not longer purchasing new positions, trying to gather some to withdraw, but Im still earning.


Is my logic proper?



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That's what i'm doing. Yes your logic is proper. Don't forget, atfer 4 positions expires you will get one matrix position wich worth 60$ when it will be filled. So for example if yo have 80 positions expired you will get 20 matrix positions wich will be 1200$


Tomorrow i will have my first position expired xD can't wait more 3.


Ps let me know if you need any help.

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45 positions - 5,65$ in balance - 9$ a day


growing really fast now :D



44 positions( 1 expired position) - 2$ in balance


requested to withdraw 22$

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I can't withdraw pp right?



Tough Payza is better. You can withdraw to bank very easy, no so strict limits and shits like paypal.


Jbp uses payza, libertyreserve, perfectmoney, solidtrustpay


dafuq is this Greetings Raul Raule:


Congratulations, One of your referrals has created their Membership

Profile for JustBeenPaid!


CONTACT NAME:  Lena Gkiwnh

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Tough Payza is better. You can withdraw to bank very easy, no so strict limits and shits like paypal.


Jbp uses payza, libertyreserve, perfectmoney, solidtrustpay


dafuq is this Greetings Raul Raule:


Congratulations, One of your referrals has created their Membership

Profile for JustBeenPaid!


CONTACT NAME:  Lena Gkiwnh

I registered nab
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I'd be careful about investing huge am_ounts of money ($1000+) into these types of things btw

if you speak here again without reading the whole program, i will smite you. Go first read how the whole system works then talk, smartass.

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if you speak here again without reading the whole program, i will smite you. Go first read how the whole system works then talk, smartass.


I read the whole thing, it's textbook ponzi scheme ... why are you defending a system which is destined to collapse? I'm simply warning people not to invest too much into something so unstable, if you want to waste money on things that don't give you returns ... invest in stocks with Greek banks.


Did it not cross your mind where the money you invest goes to? Either this JustBeenPaid company invest it in other things, or they hold on to it/trade it into different currencies hoping that it will return a profit over time.


Did it not cross your mind that if JustBeenPaid ever runs out of money, your invested money is stuck inside of it?


I'm not doubting that money can be made from this. It's just that it will not last forever, ponzi schemes are like a house of cards - one gust of wind and it all falls over. That's why I warned people not to invest too much money in it ... from google'ing I couldn't find anywhere that the company behind JustBeenPaid publishes financial information, it's impossible to tell how well this company is doing (unless you go on website traffic alone) ... maybe the house of cards will fall down tomorrow, with thousands of $ invested in it ... maybe it will last 10+ years? It's impossible to tell, that's why they are so dangerous.


Why choose to invest in this thing anyway? Surely you should just invest in stocks; that way at least you have the law supporting you if foul-play happens.


tl;dr - Get rich quick schemes never work; ultimately people lose money due to their own stupidity of investing huge sums.

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I read the whole thing, it's textbook ponzi scheme ... why are you defending a system which is destined to collapse? I'm simply warning people not to invest too much into something so unstable, if you want to waste money on things that don't give you returns ... invest in stocks with Greek banks.

ok if you read it all, please fully explain me how jss works and i will not smite you right now.

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ok if you read it all, please fully explain me how jss works and i will not smite you right now.


Read my edit. I'm beginning to think you have some sort of financial gain by this, otherwise you wouldn't get so defensive :)


Also, threatening to smite me because I'm applying logic to the idea of your precious ponzi scheme? Remember you're not a mod anymore Raule

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Read my edit. I'm beginning to think you have some sort of financial gain by this, otherwise you wouldn't get so defensive :)

i've read what you said. You didn't explain. I let you read the whole jss system, will smite you afternoon. Im just pissed of when some people come here and say" hey its just a ponzi scheme" without understanding the whole JSS system. They also have 1 milion dollars chalenge, if you find a better system and sustainable like JSS, if you're so smart go and do it, take the money, because site online since 2004 and none did it.

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i've read what you said. You didn't explain. I let you read the whole jss system, will smite you afternoon. Im just pissed of when some people come here and say" hey its just a ponzi scheme" without understanding the whole JSS system. They also have 1 milion dollars chalenge, if you find a better system and sustainable like JSS, if you're so smart go and do it, take the money, because site online since 2004 and none did it.


You can't find a better system because they're all as unstable as each other. JSS tripler may be slightly more stable than the rest.


Also, i'm not fucking explaining to you how this shit works - I read about 10+ links on google and also your opening post. Do i need to regurgitate what i read? No, go and fuck yourself.

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