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Holy shit not one person speaks' proper sane english - mxc is falling down... -_-



I don't understand anything.

What does this tool do?


Decompile functions .u's like wotgrael has for ages?


How does this change anything?


Im confused.

is a gildor tool for make readable UKX into Lineage 2 and ofc make your own .u files.

Holy shit not one person speaks' proper sane english - mxc is falling down... -_-



I don't understand anything.

What's he sharing? other than a converter for .utx?

Decompile functions .u's like wotgrael has for ages?


How does this change anything?


I'm confused.

Point my misstakes, and write right how it should be writen,

thets how i will learn something new and will speak proper english.


so about program

Program can CONVERT UT2004.ukx to Lineage2RedableWithAnimation.ukx


But my post here

How logicaly can be done Editing of Lineage 2 Maps regions and scripts

there we gove, what do wee have on screen compiledscript.png ? - a not big a-beep-t of information


Data(the a-beep-t can be much more smaller need some little manipulations on


UCC.exe compile side)

Ih hex editor this would look look soscript3forms.png, It is text data - we can change but WE CAN't


Input new values, question is why ??answear - cause compilation tool(UCC.exe)


didn't not include NEW!!!! function<library For that something that wee wan't to


input just be copying hex values, question - and what can be done, answear -


finded the hex values the correspond to the function, and only one thing you can


is just to copy a OLD function and paste it, so in script or in UNR will be two


functions(for example some scripts effects or staticMeshes - but one of them can


be edited), and what's problem, the problem is that in all of the code(even if


when it could be not so big) IS VERY HARD TO find those strings that correspond


to what you need, but if you DEVIDE Logicaly by regions likek whas at photo, it


is possible around a week or more, to understand from where all it begans.

Question But its hard to understand those hex values, can ve some kind to


controll them and two see how our changes,affects - do on hex values,

Yeah logicaly it can be done, by using SOURCE CODE OF UT package tool, that


allows you to use it method of decoding and converting to readable and seenble


object(UNR,scripts, and more files),

So when you have this stuff, you can use them and not only them to put for


scripts in UCC.exe source code,



So its not guaranteed that all the functions you will add, cause you need to


work with dissambling Lineage 2 engine.dll , and someScripts.u files

But all that you need you have, and smae things goes to Lineage2.unr maps, same


method of analyzing Hex values like on screen, but it take loong, and same


method to look how it would change by compiling exisitng source code, will allow


to change UT2004 Maps,scripts to Lineage 2 maps, scripts

All you need you have


cause here its said how logicaly can be done manipulation on values, so it could be changed scripts, maps etc.



is a gildor tool for make readable UKX into Lineage 2 and ofc make your own .u files.


Nothing can recompile .ucc scripts into l2 .u files without the proper headers and static declaration NCSoft had + whatever changes they probably did to the compiler engine.





Looking at UCC bytecode and changing > to >= is a different thing entirely.


Nothing can recompile .ucc scripts into l2 .u files without the proper headers and static declaration NCSoft had + whatever changes they probably did to the compiler engine.




Looking at UCC bytecode and changing > to >= is a different thing entirely.

This headers and static declaration are in engine.dll,l2.exe other .dll GAME IS USING THIS THINGS!!!(cause .ucc is compiling, and engine need to decompile to understand what it is and to show it).

To change them, need only download the UCC Source code and add the proper header and static declaration . nothing new all hase.


И почему спрашивается ты начал делиться на максчитерс своими наработками, а не на каком-нибудь русском портале? Я вот, хоть и знаю английский, но из твоего бреда ничего не понял. Напиши гайд на русском, будет больше толку.


This headers and static declaration are in engine.dll,l2.exe other .dll GAME IS USING THIS THINGS!!!(cause .ucc is compiling, and engine need to decompile to understand what it is and to show it).

To change them, need only download the UCC Source code and add the proper header and static declaration . nothing new all hase.


So do that.


Share complete pack with headers and custom declarations.



Oh you can't?


That's right, cause what your saying isn't true to that extent.


lol u guys are getting mad on a software to copy from one chronicle to another chronicle. To me L2 ukx is more than enough. I never see the use of this software rather than just to copy armors or mobs. Whats the use of  new mobs anyway.....Even with this tool , you guys cant recreate animated weapons on interlude, or mod a new godlike weapon from zero or even new armor design ( respect on vendetta client developers ). In other words, please, noobs dont fight over a tool you can't even use.


Holy shit not one person speaks' proper sane english - mxc is falling down... -_-



I don't understand anything.

What's he sharing? other than a converter for .utx?

Decompile functions .u's like wotgrael has for ages?


How does this change anything?


I'm confused.


Clearly , you need to understand advance level of client modding before reading this thread since ukx and .u mod is kinda high tech mod :)


И почему спрашивается ты начал делиться на максчитерс своими наработками, а не на каком-нибудь русском портале? Я вот, хоть и знаю английский, но из твоего бреда ничего не понял. Напиши гайд на русском, будет больше толку.

Я давно уже все сделал на русском ! и на английском https://forum.4game.ru/showthread.php?t=479905&page=1  Там и гайд и все поищи на страницах  хотя там много мусора - флуда.( ну так бывает на их форумаХ)


So do that.


Share complete pack with headers and custom declarations.



Oh you can't?


That's right, cause what your saying isn't true to that extent.

.......man if thats not true then all the program you(And many of us) used L2ukx tool to import texture right in .utx file,etc - this all is an illusions that never whas,

If you just think logical about that that UCC.exe is coding .uc files in .u but engine can't read .u files, he need to decod them back to .uc, and this function he hase(engine.dll or l2.exe etc) can be retrited and puted in UCC.exe source code so it could compile scripts lineage 2 scripts, just need to use engine.dll from first chronicles without defense and without garbage.

If you want wee can look for it, as i'm was plannig to do.

Clearly , you need to understand advance level of client modding before reading this thread since ukx and .u mod is kinda high tech mod :)

ITS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO high tech!! not even close! what this all can be done in 2004 when first Lineage 2 realease! easy done!

But many person whas thinking in wrong direction that this can't be done and ONLY HERO can show us how to change!! NOevery single person can do the same ! we all have mind! wee just need to use logic to make our dream can happen.


Гайд ужасный, ничего не понятно. Ты бы на конкретных примерах сделал: 1) как перенести броню с 1 хроник в другие

2) как перенести скил с 1 хроник в другие 3) как перенести нпц с 1 хроник на другие

А то текста много, а практики 0. Я вот до сих пор не понимаю, что ты тут выложил, как и многие другие пользователи.

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