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3.Pros / Cons

4.Masteries + Runes

5.Summoner Abilities


7.Skilling Order

8.Working in the team


10.Creep Jungling



I thought I would write this guide seeing as I've been playing Twitch almost exclusively and would like to impart my knowledge and thoughts on how to manage Twitch's play style, item builds, and whatever else to make him an even more useful team asset.


I hope you all enjoy this guide, I will list the build I have tried and tested to be the most effective. I might make revisions later, however I think I will stick to this build for now. Thank you all for reading and I wish you luck with your games.



DeadlyVenom.jpgDeadly Venom


Twitch's attacks infect the target with Deadly Venom, which deals damage each second, stacks up to 6 times, and lasts up to 8 seconds.

Comments: Deadly Venom is what makes Twitch's skills more effective. It is an on hit effect that can be stacked up to six times. That being said, the goal of a Twitch player SHOULD be to get as many hits in on an opponent to better utilize the effectiveness of his skills.






Twitch hides in the shadows, waiting for a nearby enemy. If he attacks, he will gain bonus attack speed.

After 1.25 seconds, Twitch becomes stealthed for 20/30/40/50/60 seconds. If Twitch attacks a unit while Stealthed, he gains 20/30/40/50/60% attack speed for up to 10 seconds, depending on how long he was stealthed before attacking.

Comments: Ah yes, infamous stealth. This is twitch's double edged sword. It can get you safely to many places. Early game it can be used for scouting, attack speed boost out of stealth is nice as well, and it will overall make you an annoying to deal with. However, the fine line of stealth being an advantage is that it can be countered, and as long as the enemy is smart, they will shut you down if you are not careful.




spell_183.jpgDebilitating Poison


Infects a target with a crippling poison, slowing his movement speed.

Slows nearby enemy champions' move speed by 30%, plus 6% per stack of Deadly Venom they have.

2.5/3.25/4/4.75/5.25 second duration.

Comments: As said earlier the more hits you get, the more effective Twitch's skills become. This is a great example of that. At max stacks, this is an 66% slow. Best thing about Deb. Poison is that its effectiveness is the same at all levels. Only the duration is changed as you level the skill up.






All nearby enemies secrete Twitch's toxic venom from their bodies, dealing damage for each stack.

Deals 30/60/90/120/150 (+1) magic damage to each nearby poisoned enemy, plus 20/30/40/50/60 additional damage per stack of Deadly Venom applied to them.

Comments: This is why I call my 'e' key on my keyboard the kill button now. Early game this should be applied as Twitch's primary killing move. I have seen too many people say stuff like: "Use this to farm creeps!" Do not do this. If you do, you are in a slight need of adjustments. If you are Twitch then you should master last hitting and conserve your mana for when it is needed.




spell_153.jpgSpray and Pray


Twitch closes his eyes and fires his crossbow, spraying powerful piercing arrows ahead of him.

Twitch's attacks become long range, passing through units, and he gains 15/25/35 Attack Damage.

Lasts 12 seconds or 5/6/7 attacks.

Comments: Although Spray and Pray has been the target of much balancing in the game, it still serves its same purpose. Hitting as many enemies as you can in a straight line during a team fight. The skill can also out range towers, but as a good Twitch, you shouldn't be wasting your ult hitting a tower anyway. This skill is your ONLY contribution in a team fight, so save it for when it counts.

3.Pros / Cons



- Stealth! You choose when to engage and when not to! You force your enemies to play differently than if it were against a non-stealther.

- AoE Slow - Debilitating Poison hits everyone around and has a huge range.

- AoE Finisher - Expunge is your kill move early game, nuff said.

- Ultimate that can hit everything it passes for 100% damage that applies all on hit effects and criticals. (If you crit the person it hits first, then the whole bolt crits everything it hits. If the person hit first dodges, then the bolt will be dodged by all the people.)



- Very Low HP

- Ugly Character Model that doesn't have red skin

- Low magic resistance! Get owned by Annie

- People hate you and call you a noob

- Relies HEAVILY on items to be even slightly useful in your team.

- Relies HEAVILY on your team to protect you to maximize your damage.

4.Masteries + Runes






5.Summoner Spells


Twitch is an easily shut down champion... okay, maybe its not so easy if you know what you're doing, however, you want to make sure that getting shut down does not happen. So, summoner spells should be exclusively defensive. Yes, exhaust is good, but as twitch, you really shouldn't need those spells to get a kill. Good positioning and correct usage/timing of skills should get u kills without needing those two.






First Item DoransBlade.gif

Second item boots-of-mobility.png or Berserker's_Greaves.gif

Third Item phantom-dancer.png

Forth Item The_Bloodthirster.gif

Fifth Item Infinity_Edge.gif

Sixth Item The_Black_Cleaver.gif

Last One..Sell DoransBlade.gif and buy Madred's_Bloodrazor.gif

7.Skilling Order


Level Skill

Level 1 --> Ambush

Level 2 --> Expunge

Level 3 --> Expunge

Level 4 --> Poison

Level 5 --> Expunge

Level 6 --> Spray and Pray

Level 7 --> Expunge

Level 8 --> Ambush

Level 9 --> Expunge

Level 10 --> Ambush

Level 11 --> Spray and Pray

Level 12 --> Ambush

Level 13 --> Ambush

Level 14 --> Debilitating Poison

Level 15 --> Debilitating Poison

Level 16 --> Spray and Pray

Level 17 --> Debilitating Poison

Level 18 --> Debilitating Poison

8.Working in the team


There are two points I would like to make about Twitch, and your team.


Firstly, your goal is to be the team's primary carry. Your team, at all costs should give kills to you, while farming money off assists from you. I know this may sounds selfish, but it is the most practical thing to do. The sooner your carry has the items he needs to shut down the enemy team, the better. As Twitch, YOU ARE the DPS of the team. Yes, Yi can out DPS you in a 1v1, but overall DPS is yours. When you hit all 5 enemy champs in a team fight at once and kill all the minions in their wave with one move, you will out DPS that Yi.


That being said, Twitch relies on his team to keep him safe while he hits all enemy champions. To do this, you need a team that can help keep you safe. Meaning, alot of stuns and CC on your end too. Amumu and Morgana are your best friends. I guess Kayle too... but not so much really. Always engage in a team fight after it starts. Position yourself with stealth well, and spray and pray while anticipating enemy CC.


Secondly, Twitch may be the primary carry, but NEVER take mid lane. Twitch is not suited for laning in mid. He CAN do it, but there are better champions with better skills and range to do the job. Card Master, Sivir, Trist, etc in mid are better than twitch. They have better harassment options. Twitch really shines while laning with someone with CC. Yes he has a slow, but that really won't get you an early kill that easily if your opponents are skilled and highly harassy. My prefered laning partner is Morgana. Why? She has a skillshot snare that keeps someone in place for a long ass time. Add black shield to prevent ME from getting crowd controlled... and well... its gg, we get the kill together. Morgana really is the perfect partner for twitch. Once Twitch goes into his ganking phase, Morgana can easily defend a lane by herself. She has naturally high armor and HP, snares and and AoE farming ability that heals her due to her passive. So, if you play Twitch, friend a good morgana please :) It will do you well trust me.



Farming Method Early Game:


As a long range character with 1 in 4 crit chance, you should be pretty good at last hitting. Your attack speed is pretty good too, so it will allow some leeway in the timing of your last hitting. I cannot stress enough about last hitting though, the sooner you get your boots and life steal, the sooner you can start ganking.


Farming Method Mid Game:


So you have your boots and can get around more easily, and you have your life steal and attack speed up... Time to farm champions :D You, as Twitch, are an assassin and rightful so. Go grab lizard buff and start ganking, make your opponents under leveled and fear your presence. This will force them to waste gold on wards and oracles. Keep a close look at what your opponents buy and perhaps buy and oracles yourself to kill their wards. IF you are successful during this stage of the game, then its smooth sailing. If you do not do your part during this phase of the game, or if your opponents are smart enough to escape your cluthes, then you are in for a tough road ahead. Twitch can only really do anything when he has his equips. Otherwise, he is just a tickling autoattacker.


Farming Method End Game:


End game is about team fights and pushing lanes/inhibitors. No farming unless its clearing minion waves near your towers/base.

10.Creep Jungling


Get lizard at all times. Steal the enemy's lizard. Lizard Lizard Lizard. Did I mention my favorite color is red? :D Watch out for Udyr too, you cannot kill him 1v1 until you get your equips and even then, he might still get you because of damage mitigation and reliable stuns. An interesting note about Lizard buff. Not only does it significantly increase your DPS in the beginning with added slow effect, but... when combined with spray and pray, assuming of course you hit with the first bolt, even the so called, kiting of SnP to avoid all its attacks excuse is nullified. This means, that, even if they run sideways to try to evade your bolts at max range, as long as you have my attack speed, all the bolts will hit. They will either have to move away, which you SHOULD flash forward and hit them again, then expunge.





Give proper credits.


Plus, this guide is way too outdated. One thing that has changed since that guide was written is his ultimate. It doesn't give you bonus attack speed anymore. It gives you AD and lets you hit 7 times if I remember well.

  • Maxtor changed the title to Twitch, the Plague Rat
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