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new enchant bugs - plx test -


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ok 2 methods i found...for IL L2J with lots of enchants


my server has a incredibly low enchant rate..from 6 weapons, like two pass from +3 and both break on +4...they say its 65%, but looks like a lot less, around 33% lol..its a server full of donators


so im trying to exploit a lot in the last months, tried everything..L2 phx dont work there, u get auto-ban if u send packets




i tought about this cuz i remember that i used to exploit enchant system a long time ago using scroll of escape and return to town, pressing the enchant just b4 teleport..that bug was fixed in C5 i guess


if your server has auto restart, try add enchants just when the auto message shows saying server is restarting in 5 seconds, SOE now!!!


worked for me...im waiting for the restart everyday now just to add 2 enchants, please test it, sorry if is already known






*if ur connection is DSL, open enchant, put ur mouse cursor on OK, but don't press yet...

*disconnect ur cable from ur dsl modem, press ok with the mouse to enchant, and reconnect the cable fast: NOT THAT YOU HAVE TO RECONNECT IN 1 SECOND, not more or less, or u will lose ur connection...

* result is, ur dsl light will shine like if u lost ur connection, and then will become fix again and when all lag gone, your weapon will sucessfully enchanted!!!

Note: can break if u miss the right timing, or u have lags in that zone, so go to a place like orc village



the first method worked to me 100% all times i tried

the 2nd method showed a incredibly high sucess rate compared to the normal way of enchanting..


thats all!!! test and post results here plxxx!!!


EDITED: a 3rd method i tried and seems interesting and worked for me


- u need a pet, like wolf pet with inventory

- u need your inventory full of itens, enchants, and all kind of stuff..so u need fill all 80 spaces

- u cant have crystals of the same grade of the weapon u wanna enchant inside inventory

- give to pet food and 11 enchant scrolls

- drag one enchant scrol from your pet inventory to urs, the result is u will get 81 itens in a inventory that can carry only 80...drag another and make ur inventory 82/80

- open that enchant

- your weapon wont break cuz u dont have space for crystals in your inventory



USEFUL INFO: if u add 20 enchant scrolls in ur pet inventory and stay with 80 in yours and log off, ur inventory will be with 100 when u come back..but u still need to drag one to pet inventory, and drag back to urs



heres my sword of miracles +16, in this server worked, maybe dont works for all servers, but here a lot of ppl was seeing walking with pets




sorry if this is already known, for me was new so i wanna share





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I heard that from other guys too, but i never tried it or get an answer if it actually works.Anyway going to try it.


Sounds weird :P and many modems take more then 1 second to connect again.
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There isn't a enchanting "bug" you didn't understand that already? Many ppl have tried to find enchant bug , but they couldn't. Its like you drink healing potion and etc and you think you enchant safely cuz your luck have spoken and when you break the wep you say "Damn i've did something wrong" roflmao.

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