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I am writing this post to see your opinion (can be positive or negative as well) about what I can see playing all private servers around including OFFICIAL. Sorry for language mistakes btw.


First of all, have you ever wonder, that lineage is a separate world with its own rules, let's say government - ADMIN, policy - GMs, and its own ECONOMY or Financial system.

The best one I saw, was on the OFFICIAL servers, i mean the NCSoft’s ones. There was really wide range of items. Adena wasn’t at such a big amount as it is now in most of servers, and private stores fulfilled their function. Giran was a place to TRADE where all players meet each other like in real world in the city center. Because these servers had enormous online, there was a great competition form side of sellers and demand for all kind of items. There were even TAXES ! I remember a page where we could see in which town are the cheapest consumables items. Each town had its castle and the King set up taxes for his town. Moreover, low adena amount among players, expansive items “to live”  (i mean shots, pots, etc) worked against INFLATION so prices wasn’t raising like crazy. The point of enchanting items ... is not for shining... it’s to fight with inflation ingame. In real life the costs of living are dramatically high and most things we buy are gone because we ate them or used etc. In game  if we buy weapon its last forever. To eliminate items for the market, someone invented enchanting system and all this things like soulshots etc. Puting new grades of items into the market, works like new model of Mercedes. It makes economy going its own way and working. System designed like that, could survive for years, which is PROBLEM of all PRIVATE servers and I think none realise that.


Now let’s take a look at the servers most of you play at – Private Servers. First problem is something called “ONLINE”.  How many players actually play there because it’s impossible to talk about any market if there are no many buyers and sellers and competition does not exist.

Low RATES – most of them, are copied form OFFICIAL system, the same items, same market, just difference rates so we will not focus on that.

High RATES  - I understand that server, as non existing farm – just some simple process of items making and PVP all day. Also no focus on that.

I am interested in MID RATES. Server where you can make your lvl fast (so you can use more skills, which means more interesting gameplay)  and play for a bit longer. By saying longer I don’t mean pvping for year. I mean playing and gathering something, progressing with your character. As we know... mats/spoiling/recipes are just boring. It’s way more funny to farm RBs to collect some kinds of stones (mantra, festival adena, seal stones) to buy some staff. Changing pvp points for items. Vote reward system. Thera are so many ways and ideas...


my question is....  Why you can’t make a server living longer that a week ? which interest players with something new than “gm shop until B grade, A/S craftable”... which is all time being changed and upgraded ? Where you can go giran, and do business ? Which is well desiged to run for a year and still players will have things to do?  Why everyone focus on balance, on bugs, on lags, on many many things, and none look into the main point – economy.


I do hope my post will be inspiring for Admins :)



Everyone is used to a certain type of gameplay. You cant change that with just making a unique server. For example on C3/C4/C5/Interlude (back in the years 2004-07) high rate servers werent having any farming like servers have today, back then everything was on gm shop for adena, all you had to do was to level up, gear up and enchant your items to max. Now theres like 5 new armors/grades, attributes (we used to worry about enchant scrolls we now also worry about those stones=annoying). Also today if you make a server the way it used to be back then, you wont succeed because today most players are carebears and like to farm to be the best otherwise a high rate server without farming is boring for todays players. Today if a high rate server has max enchant over +10 is automatically labeled as unbalanced or i dont know what else. Back in the day there were server with max enchant +500 and nobody gave a shit because these servers were on top 10 and had over 300 players. In a few words Lineage 2 is a decaying game. The quality of the community has dropped, same with the number of players. The good servers that care for their players and run moslty for fun are getting ddosed by servers that care only about money.


Well, in theory, yes. Years ago, servers were fantastic retail C4, sieges were exorbitant, to take Aden, had between 10 and 20 clans (clan + ally) and about 100 to 200 players momentarily in that siege. with buffers, and supporting characters. Today, if you want to make a similar server, will stay in the 100 players successfully, otherwise a few. And also vary if there are donations or not.

You have to find ways to make "fun" a server, either C4, Interlude, or Freya. And if someone intends to make a medium server, it forces you to customize community (or gmshops buffer or editing option).


Finally, never forget those glory days LINEAGE II.


(PS: Sorry if my English is not adequate.)


Free source Java destroyed the way that l2 private servers were rolling and forums ofc. In my old age of 15 i remebered that were like 10 private servers with big communities and well developed work. Now with all this custom butterflies and the ease to ppen a server even to your laptop, have killed the way that lineage 2 was.


The 95% of crap home made servers you are talking about are l2j Interlude. But Open Source l2j projects have done nothing wrong. You should blame the people and the way they use it.


The 95% of crap home made servers you are talking about are l2j Interlude. But Open Source l2j projects have done nothing wrong. You should blame the people and the way they use it.

That's right.


Problem is new generation players, they want ''easy game play'' but after few weeks they QQ about everybody having top items and server becoming boring, they want balance but also they want MP pots and NPC Buffer with full buffs!


They see server staff as personal in game assistants who have to help them 24/7 and understand half completed bug reports that dont even make sense!


They want many L2 features to be custom for instance farm catacombs without reg, fort farm where all people can farm when it should be only clan who is registered and so on!


Most new generation players dont even know what they want, they are confused and most of them dont even know what L2 means!




There is not Economy in Lineage and especially in developing lolz.


LOL ofc it is! this game is about how to design new world where most of things is related to ITEMS ~> thats how market is working (same you have in real life)


Is this your own ideas or pasted from somewhere? I really like it, gratz for this.


That's my own text. THX!! In my personal life i am a Trader and i study finance. (never mind I don't wanna be show-off) I love this stupid game as you all do :D I remember when I've been playing l2 extreme(FBI one)  there was the beginning of my hobby ~> TRADING. I never left giran ... but I was fully equipped. Today, you can't find server where it's well designed so you can make business because none care about economy and it's fucked up everywhere...


From what i remember L2Mxc was a server in which adena had a "meaning"

since a mob was 500k gold( a caster full buff s grade could kill a mob with like 6-7hits) and an S grade enchant scroll was 50kk, an s grade weapon was 250kk i think


you mean each 2 months lets say there will be an update and new grade will be added

like S1 Grade after S Grade?



yea yea exactly - adena problem. It's fucked up because we are counting it in bilions (wtf) so shops on most servers doesn't work...  now tell me what is market where is no MONEY ? it's barter exchange...  Imagine in real life ... "I give you 10 PCs for your car?" "offer me in phones for my mercedes pm"  it's no working at all...


Yea i mean there will be something new to BUY. Like in real life we still have new things coming (you have galaxy I, but samsung resealed galaxy II,  you gotta work again, in game it's like you got galaxy I (or S weapon+16) and you have phone for the end of your life.)... there must be the same ingame or after few months market won't exist anymore.


Problem is new generation players, they want ''easy game play'' but after few weeks they QQ about everybody having top items and server becoming boring, they want balance but also they want MP pots and NPC Buffer with full buffs!


They see server staff as personal in game assistants who have to help them 24/7 and understand half completed bug reports that dont even make sense!


They want many L2 features to be custom for instance farm catacombs without reg, fort farm where all people can farm when it should be only clan who is registered and so on!


Most new generation players dont even know what they want, they are confused and most of them dont even know what L2 means!


NEW GENERATION PLAYERS - well said. But look...these players are not NEW. They are old old players...just bored and looking for something new. I am sure it's high demand for a decent MID RATE server designed for a 1-2 years of working well.


About buffs and mp pots ~> it's not stricte about economy but the GAME PLAY.

In my opinion there should be alway MP pots (you can edit them fg. bishop can't spam gr heal - it's up to you) NPC buffer - i think it is a MUST today. Can be fg. w/o resists or w/o  3rd buffs. The point is to make the game easy by buffs/mp + interesting and long lasting by well desiged market.


My example of such server is l2extreme or l2toxic(after 1year i wasn't even in a half way to be FULL)



THX for all of your comments!! and waiting for more! Cya


In real life, the system of finaces is even worse than in lineage.


Thx for that topic and prepare for L2Raze server ;]


Another problem is that we all have different opinions about how things should be!

I can create server you want but somebody else is gonna see it as ''fail server''!


Key to success is: good start up online + active staff if these 2 things are there people will play on server!


This is why most server live only few months because in 1st few months owners get good donate money IF server start goes well after that it goes down and down, and if there is no money nobody cares about server itself anymore and it shuts down :)


This is little bit off topic but still part of L2 private system!

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