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Hi5 Vote Reward Configurable [ Topzone - Hopzone ]

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instead of saying that sh!tty message, u could.

a) swallow ur words. and sthu.

b) try to HELP

c) at least, post something usefull.


d) READ the whole thread, It's Modified, stated there.


For gods sake, can't u read?



For god sake , i corect my friends (FFs) post !


He made a mistake ,it is over and over again and not ever and ever !  ( is there any prob with dat ? ) omg


Ontopic : this is not made for IL , so ofc you will need to make some changes to work 100 % ! I never work on Il , so i cant help you ! Make a topic here (with your prob), and good luck !


also next time be more friendly !

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i never said i'm using interlude, and of course, i know i have to modify it, i Did, and stated what i had to modify in previous post....(besides the imports)

im using L2j CT2.3 (last Gracia Final's rev.)...


BTW: i'm VERY friendly, but here (MxC) people LOVE to flame users, and that kinda sets me up. sorry if i "attacked" u in some way. (never intented to)....


I already added the code, but won't work, check my previous posts if u wanna help...

now i'm gonna try with another one i found over the forums (so at least I try something, and not just sit and wait for a reasonable reply.).....


Tnx Anyways,



And again, never attepted to "attack" you, I just got mad because of some replies around here.

PS: i'd never noticed it was a quote (your msg)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well it dont works for Hopzone but for Topzone yes, it tell somethink about Invalid Link for Hopzone insane can you give me a hand of help?


//Ro: Deci astept sa imi raspunzi te rog, care e treaba cu linkul pe Hopzone ca nu ii dau de cap...


Thanks !

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i have one problem with that when i install the votes.sql on my navicat in game i have the count error .. and looks like "The Server Vote's is : 152 | Next Vote Reward at : 132 Vote's

count's wrong and if i delete them from navicat vote count it's ok ! :/ why ?

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  • 1 month later...

I have same problem as some others,

it's trying to connect with accounts but I have seperated databases. I will try to fix it and post here.


Also about hopzone:

It isn't working because they make changes really often and so scripts must be remade/updated.


If anyone can help with seperated databases problem please answer. If I find solution as I told already I will post here.

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