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exactly that's what i meant...


I bet you are a player on the server that donated god knows how much money and still want to leave the impression to others that server is still good. Too bad reality is otherwise.

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I bet you are a player on the server that donated god knows how much money and still want to leave the impression to others that server is still good. Too bad reality is otherwise.


yeap i am a player,i don't donate cause i don't want spend money for a game, i farm and i managed to have very good items with farm only

Server atm is maybe not the best but is one of the best...


This server WAS good some years ago.. That was my 1st 'home', sweet old newbie good times :)


hehe old school times bro ;)

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8 years ago, when the world was full of similar private servers, Elite was called noobish. The funny thing is that all servers are dead except for Elite.

That grants L2Elite some kind of respect.

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8 years ago, when the world was full of similar private servers, Elite was called noobish. The funny thing is that all servers are dead except for Elite.

That grants L2Elite some kind of respect.


Indeed. When they closed Elite for some period of time, I was so sad :( But they opened it again, weee! :D But then, I get a bit bored and changed server.


I regret my decision a bit, but, who care :)

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8 years ago, when the world was full of similar private servers, Elite was called noobish. The funny thing is that all servers are dead except for Elite.

That grants L2Elite some kind of respect.




Indeed. When they closed Elite for some period of time, I was so sad :( But they opened it again, weee! :D But then, I get a bit bored and changed server.


I regret my decision a bit, but, who care :)


blame FBI they closed it :P


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How does it feels being banned kiddo? LOLOLOL


QQ, you can't do the exploit anymore, got you and your friends banned.




loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool its GMSighz here in forums!!! :D

hahaha Vyper is very mad xD

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Hello!! I have a problem with that server an account has totally steals my items, can you seriously do something about that? I will sure give you good staff if you're doing something about that ;) .

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Hello!! I have a problem with that server an account has totally steals my items, can you seriously do something about that? I will sure give you good staff if you're doing something about that ;) .


Yes post http://forum.l2elite.us/forums/index.php?showforum=41 the account name and character, what items they stole you and when

and GM will try find it and give back :D

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