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L2j Najan

If you have enough bugged pack's this offer is for you !

Best H5 Pack !

This is very stable and optimized pack with daily updates !

With out any bug's and problem's. Working perfect !

I have all fixes/updates from L2-scripts.ru project (cost 1200 euro) !

Pack is based on best sources Overworld !

This assembly, with 99% implementation High Five !

This is not next preconfig pack with shit custom's !


#                          Features:

#                          All the changes from High Five.

#                          Implemented Dragon Valley / Lair of Antharas, Antharas and Valakas HF.

#                          New Olympic's system.

#                          All items,skills  ( High Five! ).

#                          Area from High Five.

#                          Arena Manager NPCs updated to High Five.

#                          Seven Seals full working ( High Five! ).

#                          Fully working Seed of Infinity - all 5 stages and other seed's

#                          Territorial battle like in official.

#                          Implemented a mob, eating things - Scarab.

#                          Multi-language html system (ru / eng).

#                          All enchant routes.

#                          Working Pailaka solo and simple Kamaloka.

#                          Raid Bosses stats, skills and drop updated to H5.

#                          Implemented Frintezza, Sailren, Beleth , Freya (!) and the other bosses.

#                          Implemented all the siege clan hall.

#                          The implementation of the new epic quest chain Seven Signs High Five!

#                          100% Work HellBound

#                          A fully working siege.

#                          Auction (off like)

#                          As well as working certification, transformation, and much more!


#                          Event's:

#                          Coffer of Shadows

#                          Freya Celebration

#                          April Fool's Day

#                          Master Of Enchanting

#                          Gift of Vitality

#                          PcCafe Points Exchange

#                          Summer Meleons

#                          GvG

#                          Last Hero

#                          TvT

#                          CtF

#                          The Flow Of The Horror

#                          The Fall Harvest

#                          L2 Day

#                          L2 Collect Medal

#                          Transport

#                          Christmas

#                          Saving Snowman

#                          Change of Heart

#                          Fantasy Isle

#                          March 8

#                          Trick Of Trans

#                          Quiz Event

#                          (soon i will add more)


#                          Custom's:

#                          Item Broker (will help players to search items other players are selling)

#                          Premium Rates Service

#                          Pc Bang Points

#                          Fishing Championship

#                          Vote Reward System

#                          Offline Shops

#                          Offline Craft

#                          Spawn Protection

#                          Custom Community ( Scheme buff )

#                          PvP Nick Color

#                          (Soon more customs)


#                          NPC's:

#                          GmShop (UNIQUE)

#                          Global GK (UNIQUE)

#                          PvP/PK Ranking (UNIQUE)

#                          Donate Info (UNIQUE)

#                          Server Informer (UNIQUE)


#                          Price Info:

#                          Compiled pack: 60 €

#                          Pack + Source + Geodata + Daily Update's(SVN): 115 €

#                          Payment: PAYPAL

#                          Paypal address: najan141@gmail.com

#                          My msn: Nanaj124@hotmail.com


Please provide us a pic of your changesets : http://xp-dev.com/trac/L2jNajan


You can make black some spots if you dont like them to be visible.

With the svn link that you provided it means nothing, i can make http://xp-dev.com/svn/L2jDarule too.


Provide more infos and proofs, also if you want to make some serious business organise your post better with categories and more rich content.


I am a potential buyer if you fulfill these requests.



Big Update:


* Final fix the TV: the results of the test - it is impossible or addresses of the addresses of the siege without a flag to / if not under siege uchastvuesh / if you try dresses of someone who is not at the siege / he who does not belong to the addresses of the siege. 
* Fixed skill: not hilim monsters / doors / other stationary objects even if they were hovering over target, if that happens ignore the goal and adding only those who in the county wrong target. 
* Fix a flag on TV: A flag can be beaten only by the distance 150, the massive skills have no effect on flags (flag Zapara) if they are not over target. 
+ capturing the client, if necessary, the easy way. 
* The territorial wars only players from the same clan can dresses of their own clan members (if there is a tent.) 
* Fix NPE in duels if the spell went in off - do not do it with no action. 
* Fix NPE if mob hit on an empty square in front of him no purpose (nothing to send to the client) 
* Visual fix expansion warehouse. 
* Edit the auctions - now the date is not shifted to the incomprehensible, if the date on some reason is in the past, we conclude the auction within 60 seconds after starting the server. If no one bought the clan Hall - moves the end date on the trail. week on Monday at 15:00 local time. When we bought the auction - the a-beep-t passing to the clan who sold it. 
Servitor * to Share 
* Fix forgoten teaching skills, and skill gathering stones do not mix, learning only what is written on to scroll. 
* Fix If you are logged on Olympus, cursed weapons to us, certainly not fall =) 
* If you have arrived on Olympus, the other instance - initially set to zero and then set the old new. 
+ Admin command / / giveall [item ID] [count]: the world will give all players requested aytem with the specified number 
* Fix skill Servitor Share: target for off server to anyone, not necessarily on a pet. 
* Try fixes the problem with the target on Olympus. 
* Debug NPE if no creature can find the coordinates for the return home. 
* Fixed NPE problem with playing chat friends. 
* If for some reason did not put the base language of the character - are putting the first call to. CCF (if enabled voice commands) 
* Edit the disappearance of Fast Shot skill. 
* Encryption of passwords by default SHA1 
+ SQL to work with the service nekstpey, private office and the script Mmotop the standard pack. (Do not buy more scripts separately) 
* System lakfi: Change the coordinates of the pig, which came under the texture. 
* Buffs in Dragon Valley: handle new object that is dropped into a zone after all processed objects that are already in the zone (NPE) 
* Fix Quests : 
* HelpTheSister: correct update stage of the quest, depending on the number of ejected aytemov. 
ProofOfClanAlliance *: Edit the NPE error when spell is not paralyzed. 
InfluxOfMachines *: fix bugs with 492 aytemami properly check the appropriate count aytemov. 
+ Beta version of the STF (test required) 
* Fix: TvT; LastHero - Terms kick, if the spell is on the Olympics. 
* Ziggo's Jewel - the store is 100kk. 
* Sync text multiselkoy by changing hairstyles. 
* Skill Summon Treasure Key - requires 2 spikes on the 2nd lvl. 
* Fix tanor fort, now trapped like the rest. 
* Fix names + Teleport order (komyuniti board) 
+ begin implementation of an underground coliseum. 
+ Added stats and other options for Luckpy Luckpy (Lakfi- Lakfi) 
* Reworked stats for all monsters in the LOA. 
sotsialnosi * Adjust the radius of aggression and the monsters in the LOA. 
+ Added weapon for Dragon Mage, Sniper Maluk. 
* Fixed type for Dragon Mage now Mystic. 
* Increased the range of attack for monsters and Maluk Sniper Drake Scout. 
* Fully perezaseleny monsters in the Lair Of Antharas (more correct way of settlement) 
+ Added Monsters and Dragon Mage Dragon Guard 
* Fixed Term TV - Launch of the siege is in a synchronized manner. 
* Fix sieges: 
** If the flag - we will have addresses of the flag (button) or by skill (and can not ktrl) 
** If there is no flag - res prohibited. 
* Fix config in the base language. 
* Fix skill: Servitor Share: cast to any target if the summon is intended (if not, inkorekt target) 
* Fix skill: Chain heal: Objects and mobs do not add to the list zahilinyh - if the target was not chosen correctly, the skill is not used. 
Extra-gag a problem with the target on Olympus. 
RVR + The best practices 
* Small fix the referral system (there was no synchronization when updating tables) 
* The initial value of the bonus in = 0 
* Fix service expansion clan warehouse 
* Visually consider a bonus from the service expansion clan warehouse. 
* Fix Quest Reward Good Works - Do not take account of the quest rate, if the brand is already taken (not paid out 3kk get back 1kk * Quest Rates) 
* Dynasty Shield - Gives 3% to Mdef. 
* Ziggo's Jewel - Price 50kk in shop 
* Fix Drop Ziggo's Jewel (2%) of the wondrous cube. 
+ beta-version (untested): Event CTF 
+ CTF: Added htmlki (rus + ING) 
* Reworked and rearranged all the sets of armor. 
Posted 13 + sets of armor. 
+ Implemented Skills ID 8461, ID 8462, ID 8463. 
* Completely redesigned and Drop Spoil in Lair Of Antharas: Maluk Leader, Maluk Warlord, Maluk Hunter, Maluk Princess, Maluk Banshee, Maluk Sniper, Dragon Knight, Dragon Knight (subspecies), Elite Dragon Knight, Dragon Knight Warrior, Drake Leader, Drake Warrior, Drake Scout, Drake Mage, Dragon Guard, Dragon Mage, Bloody Karik, Bloody Berserker, Bloody Karinness, Knoriks. 
* Dispell Removes buff randomly 02.01 (3 and not randomly) 
* Fix: the Kamael will get a free sub if you get through the nobles TV 
+ More earplugs next-target for Olympus 
+ Add to options quest rtg PA drops and quest rewards 
+ more convenient service agents, the ability to disable certain aspects and leave only the bonuses that you need. 
+ K PA - able to regulate in a hand different from the PA Rates (for example drop x2 and x3 Adena, etc.) 
+ Configs to this addon. 
+ Sql for a referral system (install + update)
* Fix Dispel Effect Skill ID 3592 - Deleted random 3.1 buff rather than static 3 
+ html * Localization of the referral system. 
Zapuskator + for the referral system. 
HellAyax + Thanks for the idea (referral system) 
* Fix (!) Fixed drop the flag at Player killing (Territory War) 
* Fix (!) If a person is out of the combat zone, then the flag is removed (back in place) after a specified number of minutes on the configuration. 
* 168 commit 
+ Gag NEXT target for Olympus (to identify the reasons for churning target has by Olympus) 
* Fix Timing for Olympus comes with a 60-50 ... 5 .. 4 .. 3 
+ Wondrous Cube / Wondrous Cube one time use / Refined Cube one time use: Full implementation! 
* Wondrous Cube one time use / Refined Cube one time use: Do not start dropping and is not passed. 
* Ziggo's Jewel: For sale in the store for 100k adena 
* Localization of the referral system (Russian) 
+ Configs referral system 
+ config timeout disappearance of the flag on TV, if you came out of the zone 
+ Refferal System : Added a referral system, the configuration in events.properties (included in the assembly). Read the description: Referral system
* Fixed stats, attributes of elements are added, rewritten and added to the drop and Spoil Calculator mobs Necromancer of the Valley, Howl, Hungry Parasitic Leech, Scorpion Hard Bones, Drakos Hunter. 
+ Added attributes of attack and defense for all elements of monsters: Drakos, Maluk Maiden of the Valley, Maluk Summoner of the Valley, Exploding Orc Ghost, Wrathful Orc Ghost, Mesmer Drake, Immortal Necromancer, Drakos Warrior, Drakos Assassin, Drakos Guardian, Giant Scorpion Bones, Scorpion Bones, Batwing Drake, Parasitic Leech, Emerald Drake, Gem Dragon, Dragon Tracker of the Valley, Dragon Scout of the Valley, Sand Drake Tracker, Dust Dragon Tracker. 
* Redesigned drop and Spoil all the monsters in Dragon Valley: Drakos, Exploding Orc Ghost, Wrathful Orc Ghost, Mesmer Drake, Immortal Necromancer, Drakos Warrior, Drakos Assassin, Guardian Drakos, Giant Scorpion Bones, Bones Scorpion, Batwing Drake, Parasitic Leech, Emerald Drake, Dragon Gem, Dragon Tracker of the Valley, Dragon Scout of the Valley, Sand Drake Tracker, Tracker Dust Dragon. 
+ Added drop mobs Maluk maiden of the Valley, Maluk Summoner of the Valley. 
* Fixed stats of all monsters in Dragon Valley, namely Drakos, Maluk Maiden of the Valley, Maluk Summoner of the Valley, Exploding Orc Ghost, Wrathful Orc Ghost, Mesmer Drake, Immortal Necromancer, Drakos Warrior, Assassin Drakos, Drakos Guardian, Giant Scorpion Bones, Bones Scorpion, Batwing Drake, Parasitic Leech, Emerald Drake, Dragon Gem, Dragon Tracker of the Valley, Dragon Scout of the Valley, Sand Drake Tracker, Tracker Dust Dragon. 
+ Added weapons for the Wrathful Orc Ghost. 
* Fix sieges - the data stored in a table in the place it accordingly. 
* Fix start the server in case of failure in the records of the characters. 
Fixed parameters (P. Attack, M. Attack, P. Def, M. Def ) to all the monsters in Stakato Nest, now as in ofe. 
AggroRange Fixed monsters and sociality in Stakato Nest. 
+ Added weapon monsters in Stakato Nest (off Laika) 
+ Hint for beginners how to make "EVERYBODY_HAS_ADMIN_RIGHTS". 
* Fix issue the player a gift for the Day of birth. 
* Fix for the future - we derive the logs incorrect information, not the server can not get up after the restart. 
Removed incorrect-spawn Dragon Valley 
+ regular resettlement Dragon Valley, the monsters are now all in their places 
* Fix zone Goddard (thanks PTG) 
* Fix GvG.java

Next Update's soon.



My msn: Nanaj124@hotmail.com

I can show files on virtual pulpit.



sounds like clean shared overlord pack


Nope it's not. ;)

This is better pack with daily updates and fixes.


Soon i will make new website+changelist for this project.

Price for now is only 140 Euro. Later project will be more expensive !!! Hurry up!




are you work with this project alone ?

or you have team can support ...


couz i scammed many time

last one by MadMax i use her project

and give me pack and close her project after month


But it is based on Overlord or L2J?


If it is Overlord there is 100 ''teams'' now trying to sell this pack by simply adding few things to it!


Yes. Pack is based on overlord source. You have all info in first post.

But shared source have bug's that i have fixed in my private pack. And shared version dont have any support. I fixing bug's all the time also i have access to l2-scripts.ru h5 vip pack from them i take all updates and i add them to my pack. (that other "teams" dont have it, they just adding thing's from mxc forum)




are you work with this project alone ?

or you have team can support ...


couz i scammed many time

last one by MadMax i use her project

and give me pack and close her project after month


yes i work alone, but i have access to many l2j private project, and from them i take many update's + ofc my own changes.


My customers have full support by reporting me bug's. I fixing them all the time. I wont leave my customer alone.

What can i say now ? This is perfect pack with great support.

If a lot of people will be interested maybe i will create "public test server".




Ok one last question where are you from yourself?

It is so important question ? I dont think so.

Please stop spam in my topic. I want here only feedback.

If you have any question just write pm to me or add me on msn.

Thank you.


i think this is not l2-scripts pack because pack\source not sell on russians forums

its overworld source 99% :)

автор чем докажешь, что это именно скриптовые исходники?)


i think this is not l2-scripts pack because pack\source not sell on russians forums

Agree, source is not for sell for normal users but not for me. I wont tell anything more about it.


its overworld source 99% :)

Check first post. l2-scripts.ru have source same like overworld but with many updates.


автор чем докажешь, что это именно скриптовые исходники?)

Просто напишите мне, если вам нужно доказательство.


First client is very happy.

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    • Dear players, Account registration for Airin x2 will be open 13.03 at 19:00 (GMT+1)! You can create an account by selecting Airin in the upper right corner of your profile or via the link. Accounts will not be deleted after the Open Beta Test, so don't miss the registration!   The Open Beta Test (OBT) will start on March 14 at 18:00 (GMT+1) and will last until March 17 at 20:00 (GMT+1) (approximately). Players who find bugs during OBT will receive CoL as a reward: - 1 CoL for each visual staticmeshes bug - For example, passing through textures, stairs, etc. - 2 CoL or more for server-side bugs (depending on severity) You can report bugs via ⁠support in Discord or forum.   🔽 Download links: Google Drive: Download  China Client: Download  Updater: Download  Nickname reservation will be available from March 20 at 17:00 (GMT+1). Service cost: 5 CoL.
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    • thats funny, you are beign funny, hopzone.net is the most legit website is. (was) the reason? Selling votes to server owners (fake servers can be first due to money) Advertising new scryde owner's server and cycling the players to cryde server while other admins paying Kadar made a mistake selling to a server owner she destroyed the reputation of the website alongside with its legitimacy so as all people saying RIP
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