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Noble® trip to Ranked


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Noble® starts a titan feat to reach silver status(for now) starting out of 1100 elo which is an average to low elo.


in fact what is the reason of this topic you might wonder.the answer is simple


1)im gonna reach silver status and via this way i ll prove how difficult is to carry and NOT get carried


2)the difficulty of playing with almost clueless ppl who now start ranked and still possess bonus gain or loss.something which is not happening above 1350+in that grade


3)how some champions are played by all and their success or failure.(i mean if ppl copy stuff from streamers or if they try new combos or even if they stack infinities,phantoms,warmogs etc etc)


4)quality Noble rage after humiliating losses


5)prove regarding the nationality which players are more skilled.are really Russians bad?what is the level of the Greek players?are Polish ppl challenging or just Shushei is the only Polish who popped out to be good?


6)how the roles are distributed and if the average player can role successfully




-there are guys above 1400(AnimaAequitatis,Dask,Finito,Gregor,Tsili etc).but not that many.since this topic is going to be like a "discussion" topic only for ranked many lower elo guys can use their knowledge - skills or comments they might possibly make by viewing the scenes,videos,pictures  in order to raise their gaming skills too


-i m not gonna be carried by any higher elo :D ;D so you wont find any game with higher elo forum mate than me


-feel free to suggest me which champions to play with,so the challenge can be more challenging ;D


-feel free to participate if you re around that elo(1100-1200).


it is NOT actual streaming just a challenge.



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What I did at this ELO... (I knew I didn't deserve to be there, since I came back there after Elo reset back from 1520+)


1. Never picked what team needed. I would always pick what I could carry with. (8/8 and 11/11 wins with Nocturne and Amumu respectively when I reached my previous rating.)


Team composition doesn't really matter at this rating since noone knows how to play their role...




2. Keep communicating with your teammates, since you never know what you're matched with. Didn't realise how effective this is until I played drunk one day and kept speaking and speaking more easily :d


I usually don't like to talk to anyone when playing with randoms (Yes, I'm usually like Guardsman Bob if you know what I mean)


That's my advice for now ;p

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GuardsMan Bob never types :P ^^ never seen him do that at last.

about the rest :D im about to prove them if they exist or not :D

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GuardsMan Bob never types :P ^^ never seen him do that at last.

about the rest :D im about to prove them if they exist or not :D

Guardsman is 2k+, no need to type ;p.


Anyway, when we were going duo with Anima he were always playing jungle. That was 90% success.

It's good if you have a guy to go duo.


About picks there is a difficulty, cause you know. 1100, they can't discuss, they will just tell you "you're last pick" bla bla.

I used to play Akali when I was at 1350-1450 but she was my main. I suggest you anyway to play a champion that you know how to play him (τον έχεις τερματήσει) and you think that you gonna succes with him. Stop raging ;d, mute everyone, don't speak. If you think that you gonna lose, surrender at 20 and next game.

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well i started to play ranked like 1 week ago played some games won some elo and then sundenly all time playing with stupid teams where people troll and feed....... and started to loose now i'm -1k.... trying to get my elo at least to 1.1k but hard w/o good friends that now how to play i now my role prety well jungle is my thing.... but when team sucks even if I'm overfed jungler i can't do shit alone against the other team that is mega fed.... so if someone wants to play well pm me here or add me on LoL PureGod

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2)the difficulty of playing with almost clueless ppl who now start ranked and still possess bonus gain or loss.something which is not happening above 1350+in that grade

There is an example from a ranked game that I played yesterday




26 games and 1600+


ehmmm :/

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There is an example from a ranked game that I played yesterday




26 games and 1600+


ehmmm :/



That's called luck (My neighbour has 10-2 on ranked and ofc his ELO is bigger then mine or many guys that played way more)

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i know one guy that he dont know to play . Tower dives 3 levels,Wrong build and picks always and he got better elo than mine...solo queue it's just luck

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Just play champions you own with.I finally managed to raise my elo, by playing Akali/Gankplank/Graves, which are kinda difficult to be countered, when you play well


Also, playing as Jungler , REALLY help in that elo.You are the one that decides who wins the game, with good or bad gangs.


I would never go AD tho, cause you are depended on your support...and that supports may be RLY bad

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just play ad carry and get tryhard mode on.

if u deserve it u gonna win 4/5 games.


and cut of the shits with randoms, randoms are randoms and u are supposed to carry them.

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