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Project C4 L2j Chronus

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I really dont see the point in developing an old chronicle ... :(

Some people got nostalgia of those chronicles, or even the gameplay can fit better for a particular gameplay (as map is far more little, for example).


Going in your way, you could simply say "why to develop on L2J", as L2 is now F2P.

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Spanish language, I hate it T_T.

And what makes you think that Romanian lang, is better than spanish and portoguese?

Spanish & Porto. are very nice langs. Are not compared with yours.

And you are offtopic.




I hope you will continue develloping guys! And better translate your project to english.

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/Off Topic

I don't know why some people start to argue about the language they or others speak or any other languages.

For me as romanian language speaker is very easy to learn spanish, italian or any language latin based since many words are almost similar.

Have Fun.

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On this topic i see 4 pages of arguing about the language of the project devs. Did anyone test it? So for the record, i compiled the last version of the project and tried to connect on the server. I set the setting correctly, and still can't connect. I get a error in the Login Server console. Something about Bad arguments, when i try to log in.

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@MaDu7zU I can log without any problem.

Tested for 2 days and result is: lots of features missing, many exploit's are working, admin panel it's a disaster, stability 25% since during 12h test server crashed for at least 3 times, of course it was expected this result since C4 is an outdated chronicle.

Have Fun.

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