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interlude [L2J] L2 Narsell


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Let's get over with this people. There's not gonna be any decent interlude server opening. Neither now, nor never. Interlude was good, but it's past now. The world keeps moving and you gotta follow.

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Don't join this server , admin is a retard ...he said 2 days ago that server have delay ...this 2 days passed ...and admin made only 1 post in forum in this days and that post it " we will post the announcements " and allrdy past 5 hours and nothing from hem , verry inactive gm ..if he is like this with his own server/forum ...u can imagine how active he is in game :> , is just a waste of time with this ...no worth ..and if he ever will openit trust me will survive max 1 week , gm is koza and AboveTheSystem from l2deus :) ...fail sh1ts ...allrdy many players left it ...do not join it :)

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After describing the first post I could swear that is a nice server (except custom mods/commands) and perhaps it is but how can anyone play on this server when admins dont care about players? Server can run on a platform well developed and a lot of bugs fixed but for what?For a man who just wants money without work? SURE!

Admin Next time when you want to make server think first of all to players cuz  players (we) bring you money.


History repeats (this server its like l2gaming,best files but idiot admin.)


Cheers :)

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+1 Staffs bad, sell me  files i will open that server 1 month after:)

Why do you want to buy l2jfrozen files? Its not very hard to make a pack like that. You just need to browse forum :) and voila, btw hou much you can paid for a server like that?  ::)

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