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The best Pack L2Java for IT ?

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L2jFrozen have some good custom mods but as pack,doesn't worth really compared to aCis. that's all about it.


aCis system? It's actually awesome and you should be happy that tryskell didn't make his work private with money.

It's like " you wanna create a server, 1 more interlude server? show us that you have some skills and you are free to do anything you want on it". Result? muchhh less crappy interlude servers! and more experienced developers even if they weren't in the past.



You say if you don't have knowledge choose frozen and i'm asking you this.

If you don't have knowledge,WHY THE HELL TO OPEN A SERVER?

i got tired of 20 servers every week with same features,no concepts,1 week servers.






Yea but that dosn't mean Frozen is such a bad project ...the problem is that all kidds make servers, and they don`t even know how to manage 1 .I Agree with you all when you say its not a clean pack ...ok but they made 900 + rev to fix the mistakes made by scoria in 3U3 source and now they try to make it more light/ buggless  now maybe they start to clean up 

Any way i wish good lock to All IL projects

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You say if you don't have knowledge choose frozen and i'm asking you this.

If you don't have knowledge,WHY THE HELL TO OPEN A SERVER?

i got tired of 20 servers every week with same features,no concepts,1 week servers.



To give false hope to the new IL users, that are seeking for a stable server. Look at the new servers... you say they have the same features... true ;) because are using same pack, same custom items (x custom items, x custom armors, x custom wings, x custom systems based on java, etc).


Why the hell to open a server without knowledge? To get money, dunno why the ppl are using the same thought as others.. but the better answer to this question is to make $$$$$$$$$$ :(


Servers can be many, but the quality of each one of them is what counts. This has been almost completely lost on the new servers IL which haven't an OWN IDEA, that is why they always fail :P.

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Dementu, you're an idiot, aren't you? nowadays it is difficult to make a sentence?. You talked about "kids", you're not one of them? you give reply to each member. You throw yourself in the midst of all but sometimes you should think before you post. You try to "explain" (kind of) I think even you don't understand what you say, always repeat the same words. Have you ever read a timeline, to understand it completely?


ok  if i did that what's your problem i got money from it? no  i share it ... so mofo go and -beep-  your self ..

ok ? bb and go make a blow job to l2j frozen + sigmo staf ...


Here you act like a child. "bb, qq & other" are not welcome here. Get a life & try to discover as it is.


Another fan .. of mine ... man i did not say acis is bad or what ever i just don`t understand way ppl hate some project that is quite good (i mean frozen) and start flame it .. becouse as you can see 90% of servers use l2j frozen ...way they don`t use acis ? ok acis  has no custom in it ...ok ... but way they don`t use acis for a low mid rate server if Acis is so grate project ?  way all of you flame frozen becouse they try to give somthing to ppl for free? Fighter i know you help Tryk with the project ... i just say the true and the true hurts a lot of acis fans? whay if all of you Greate developers don`t do a Open source Clean coding to give ppl the prefect pack and they stop using  L2j frozen ? I repeat my self i`m not So Good developer like the rest wanna be devs on this forum but i cannot stand the atitude of some acis fans saing that frozen sux ...ok it sux but way  the  Grate dev  on this forum don`t help the team ?


As I can see you're too proud about yourself, those words can see that you don't worth a spit.


Agin 2000 words writen to excuse your self ... nvm .. you should know what will happen when you start a Open source project .....and now agin your write 2000 words to tell me that you never thing'd about that ...


Yeah you're not welcome in this world, real people are not trolling with 2-3 words. Everything is very strange for you but really you're the odd one of us.


PS: Learn english, don't make your own language.

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