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The best Pack L2Java for IT ?

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I don't think there are a "best pack" for IL, it just depend of your Knowledges, and if you want to work more or less:


If you have some java knowleges (patching, fix easy code, rework quests), you can try to use aCis project, if you work in his forum, and if you earn their trust, i'm sure you can become a "Pack user member", and your server will work with a really good IL pack.


If you don't have the knowledges written or you don't want to work hard (is not bad, maybe you only want a simple server to play with your friends), anyway, you can download L2J.frozen or L2J.brasil packs (you con find some preconfigured versions, with custom npcs, mods, and more).


But if you really want to have a good server with a big quantity of players, you should think about use aCis or setup your own pack (based in l2jserver).


I hope this info will be useful to you.

L2jServer should be deleted :x .

In old days we were using l2jserver because it was the clean pack,now since we have a pack with 222 revisions heavy more clean/reworked etc, what to do the l2jserver? :)


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Hey dude!

I put this cause l2jserver cause you can get source code and full acces without any previous requirements.


Obiously, aCis is cleaner than l2jserver, and more retail features are working (in resume, is a better pack if you want to create a server from 0), but if you want instant acces to source, you cannot get it, "good is not free" ;)

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L2jServer should be deleted :x .

In old days we were using l2jserver because it was the clean pack,now since we have a pack with 222 revisions heavy more clean/reworked etc, what to do the l2jserver? :)


L2J Was the base of everypack , also if you have the time/knowledge/patience you can create something stable based on a clean l2j pack.
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i don`t understat somethig whay ppl hate l2jfrozen or acis becouse they are the best free pack atm  only acis is more cleaner and can be used on low/mid servers if you don`t know how to add your own cods in it ...also l2jfrozen is not bad to ...you can create mid+pvp servers with some nice futures ,i agree with you guys becouse is not a clean pack but remember l2j frozen has more fixes/exploits fixed then acis ..with acis must take a long time to refactor all those quests/oly etc etc  and after they need to corect the buggs exploits that will take 1 year more ... so donno whay so much hate on those projects in special full hate on frozen ...those 2 projects ofer difrent things ...so  ...HATERS SUC IT

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i don`t understat somethig whay ppl hate l2jfrozen or acis becouse they are the best free pack atm  only acis is more cleaner and can be used on low/mid servers if you don`t know how to add your own cods in it ...also l2jfrozen is not bad to ...you can create mid+pvp servers with some nice futures ,i agree with you guys becouse is not a clean pack but remember l2j frozen has more fixes/exploits fixed then acis ..with acis must take a long time to refactor all those quests/oly etc etc  and after they need to corect the buggs exploits that will take 1 year more ... so donno whay so much hate on those projects in special full hate on frozen ...those 2 projects ofer difrent things ...so  ...HATERS SUC IT

Nice english.
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i don`t understat somethig whay ppl hate l2jfrozen or acis becouse they are the best free pack atm  only acis is more cleaner and can be used on low/mid servers if you don`t know how to add your own cods in it ...also l2jfrozen is not bad to ...you can create mid+pvp servers with some nice futures ,i agree with you guys becouse is not a clean pack but remember l2j frozen has more fixes/exploits fixed then acis ..with acis must take a long time to refactor all those quests/oly etc etc  and after they need to corect the buggs exploits that will take 1 year more ... so donno whay so much hate on those projects in special full hate on frozen ...those 2 projects ofer difrent things ...so  ...HATERS SUC IT


However l2jfrozen can be removed from this "formula", how? Everyone know about aCis (their refactor, rework, etc.) OK. You can take aCis as base and you can customize it, you don't need many hours to add all customs from frozen to aCis. So you will use something stable for for both types of servers (high & low rate). But if you want to reverse -to refactor, rework l2jfrozen.. hehe you need a lot of time. Would be good to end this discussion. So who won? aCis I guess.

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However l2jfrozen can be removed from this "formula", how? Everyone know about aCis (their refactor, rework, etc.) OK. You can take aCis as base and you can customize it, you don't need many hours to add all customs from frozen to aCis. So you will use something stable for for both types of servers (high & low rate). But if you want to reverse -to refactor, rework l2jfrozen.. hehe you need a lot of time. Would be good to end this discussion. So who won? aCis I guess.




and about, Exploits and bugs in aCis, please be more especific, don't say "bugs" and "exploits", cause i think the 90% of bugs and exploits in datapacks are from custom patches added adn the other 10% are from oympiads and quests.


In aCis you can't find custom codes added (or at least, with bugs), and olympiad and quests are reworked without bugs, and tested by a professional team, we cannot say this about fozen, some of their quests have problems, their custom patches half work, half not work, and about olympiad... i prefeer not to say anything.

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L2J Was the base of everypack , also if you have the time/knowledge/patience you can create something stable based on a clean l2j pack.

You don't need this if you have aCis pack&source

That's what i mean. :)

L2JServer deleted? Huh...

Interlude version? yes.

Not exactly deleted,but with the meaning since a cleaner pack is out with +222 revisions,what to do with it? Whatever you can do with it,with aCis you can do it +222 times better.


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I did two major update to Interlude L2J:




And those are just code refactoring, updates to latest MMO Core and hundred of bug fixes.


If you say that L2J Interlude should be deleted is because you are selfish and don't want others to have access to the sources (that everyone used to start their packs), so next time first check before posting and second don't forget where you took all the code.

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I Prefer L2jfrozen.. I Don't Have Problems or Bugs With L2jfrozen You Can Create A High Rate PvP Server Or Mid Rate... L2jfrozen team Have Fixed A Lot Of Bugs Based On Java :D


You are absolutely right!  L2jFrozen is a very good pack and has a lot of fixes.So i prefer l2jfrozen too!

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I Prefer L2jfrozen.. I Don't Have Problems or Bugs With L2jfrozen You Can Create A High Rate PvP Server Or Mid Rate... L2jfrozen team Have Fixed A Lot Of Bugs Based On Java :D


sure? http://www.l2jfrozen.com/index.php?topic=855.0


Bug report section (JAVA ERRORS) 20 pages, 284 replys, 3000+ views.


Now you know where you will go when your server crash the 1st week.

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sure? http://www.l2jfrozen.com/index.php?topic=855.0


Bug report section (JAVA ERRORS) 20 pages, 284 replys, 3000+ views.


Now you know where you will go when your server crash the 1st week.


but i see that they have fixes everyweek .

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