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[Help] Olaf

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Hi, I just bought olaf, i played a game as jungler and one as lane.

I sucked at both ;p

So i ask u to give me a guide of skills sequence (how i use them in what row) and what build should i use, both cases jungle and lane.


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jungle max W and Q

lane max E and W with 1lvl Q



berz boots(not tabis anymore)



randuins or mallet

guardians or FoN


pure monster!!! 

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jungle max W and Q

lane max E and W with 1lvl Q



berz boots(not tabis anymore)



randuins or mallet

guardians or FoN


pure monster!!! 


did almost the same, even tho i max E and then W even at jungle since W at lv1 is enough... jungle is easy now..;p

about items i get almoast the same

i start with






starks fevor

then selling lanter and getting bloodthirster.


is it bad? xD

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i dont get mercurys cuz olafs ulti has relatively small cooldown so tenacity<immune


about starks fevor i never get this item .it offers no dmg.imo for 5th-6th items get defence items(armor/resist) so you can stay in battle


about the jungle if you spam reckless swing you ll be out of hp for gangs.and sinceyou dont have a 100%disable but only a skillshot slow.the possibility of flash or enemy stun is extra high so you fail jungle

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He can jungle easy but he's not so effective jungler imo.


Since he's melee and he has a skillshot slow he can easy interrupted.


Im not playing very often with olaf but i think he's better if you take him in solo lane, start with boots + health pots or cloath armor + 5 pots.


Then go classic, lantern boots(situational), mallet, atmogs, etc.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In my opinion, olaf is tank-dmg.

I play him with infinity edge,warmog,frozen mallet,attack speed boots and there is not problem with these items.

He is basically played as off-tank dps.Begin like this Doran's Shield>Berseker's Greavers>Frozen Mallet>Youmuu's Ghostblade>Atma's impaler>Warmog's or Infinite Edge.


If you want to play him as jungler just buy Wriggle's Lantern as first item and then continue like I said.

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He is basically played as off-tank dps.Begin like this Doran's Shield>Berseker's Greavers>Frozen Mallet>Youmuu's Ghostblade>Atma's impaler>Warmog's or Infinite Blade.


If you want to play him as jungler just buy Wriggle's Lantern as first item and then continue like I said.


Ye I agree that is another solution..

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jungle max W and Q

lane max E and W with 1lvl Q



berz boots(not tabis anymore)



randuins or mallet

guardians or FoN


pure monster!!! 


soz bro but i'll ask u ...have u played olaf on 1900+elo?

cuuuuuuz if u had u wont play him like that...atm tabys are op for solo top vs another bruiser..

atm top plaf is like that :


RED : Flat ad


blues: Flat armor

yellow: Flat armor

So with that u're already with advantage next thing u do is boots+4hp pots(w8 in base for 4th pot u'll be there on time)

then u start with E and harras from level 1 u win most of the level 1 fights as olaf just go with ur E and np

level 2 still dont have a kill?get Q and rape him summoner spells ignite+ghost or cleanse+ghost depends.

then u should get the fb if u still havent that means ur oponent has gone back so u push the lane go back aswell and buy ward+1-2 pots if u havent used pots dont buy then keep the agressive play and max E after that Q and last W ....

Any cool builds for olaf?I got one...I call it the TROLL ONE !

mercs/taby>mallet>atma>warmog>FON>triforce(Snowball meta)

Have fun ;]

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mercs/taby>mallet>atma>warmog>FON>triforce(Snowball meta)


I was making the same build even tho i was getting warmogs 1st instead of mallet and instead of trin force i was getting some life steal...am i wrong ?

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  • 2 months later...

In my opinion, olaf is tank-dmg.

I play him with infinity edge,warmog,frozen mallet,attack speed boots and there is not problem with these items.

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